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Final Fantasy X International イベント字幕  Part8

キノコ岩街道 〜ミヘンセッション


[兵士] All hail to Maester Seymour!    (シーモア老師 御来臨!)

[シーモア] Brave Crusaders of Spira,      (勇敢にしてスピラの守護者たる
    protectors of all Spira.             討伐隊諸君
    Believe in the path you have chosen,     おのれの選んだ道を信じ
    let faith be your strength !           その信仰をおのれの強さとせよ
    I Seymour Guado, maester of Yevon,     このシーモア=グアド−エボンの老師が
    will bear witness to your deeds today.     今日の諸君の行いを見届けよう)

[兵士たち]  Sir!

[ワッカ]  What's going on?                   (なんだあれ
    What's Maester Seymour backing the Crusaders, eh?  どうしてシーモア老師は討伐隊を応援するんだァ?)
    They using the Al Bhed's machina !      (あいつらアルベドのマキナ使うんだべ!
    They're violating the teachings !        教えを破ってるっしょーや!)

[ユウナ] Even going against the teachings,      (教えに反してでも
    they're willing to risk it for the greater good.   やらなくちゃいけない)
    Wakka, I think Maester Seymour sees that, too.  (シーモア老師もわかったんだと思うな)

[ワッカ]  Lulu?   

[ルールー] Hmm... I can only speculate.  (想像するしかないけど−−)

[アーロン] Ask him yourself.     (本人に聞いてみろ)


[シーモア] Ah, Sir Auron. It is an honor.   (アーロン様 お会いできて光栄です)
    I would be most interested in hearing what you're been doing these past ten years.

[アーロン] I've got nothing to say about it.  (語ることなど何もない)

[シーモア] I...see.     (−−なるほど)
    Sir Auron must be a great asset as a guardian. (アーロン様がガードとは頼もしい)

[ユウナ] Your Grace!  (は はい!)

[シーモア] Please, there no need for formalities.  (そんなにかしこまらないで)

[ワッカ]  Excuse me... Maester Seymour,       (すみません−−シーモア老師
    Why is your lordship... presently...present here...sir...  なぜ老師様は−−現在存在−−ここ−−あり?)

[シーモア] Please speak as you normally would.  (ふだんの言葉でどうぞ)

[ワッカ]  Isn't this operation against the teachings of Yevon? (この作戦はエボンの教えに反してますよね
    Aren't you gonna stop them?              やつらをとめないんですか?)

[シーモア] It's true ...I should.  (そのとおり−−そうすべきでしょう
    However...           しかし−−
    Both the Crusaders and the Al Bhed    (討伐隊もアルベド族もスピラの平和を切望しています
    truely wish peace for Spira.         この作戦は皆の等しい思いから生まれたのです
    This operation Mi'ihen was born from that wish they share.
    Although, it may be sacrilege to Yevon,  
    their intention are pure.           エボンの教えには反しますが 志は純粋です
    And I Seymour Guado--           
    the person, not the maester of Yevon.  私は老師でなくシーモア=グアド個人として
    As a denizen of Spira,            スピラに生きるものとして
    I wish them well in their endeavor.     応援したいのです)

[ワッカ]  But, using machina...     (でもマキナを使うのはだめですよね)
   That's bad, isn't it?

[シーモア] Pretend you didn't see them?  (見なかったことにしましょうか)

[ワッカ]  Beg your pardon, but that's not something a maester should say !

[シーモア] Thy, pretend I didn't say it.  (では私は言わなかったということで)

[ワッカ]  You're kidding !   (本気で言ってるんですか?)


From the first time I laid eyes on him,
I never did like Seymour...
But you know, some of the things he said that day...
They made a lot of sense to me.


ミヘン作戦 司令部へ向かう


[クラスコ] Excuse me, Lady Summoner Yuna?    (召喚士ユナ様?)

[ユウナ] Yes.   (はい)

[クラスコ] Maester Seymour requests your presence there, ma'am.

[ユウナ] Thank you.  (はい)

[クラスコ] Take that road to the command center.  (司令部へはあの道をどうぞ
    It's not far.                        そんなに遠くないです
    We're still in the midst of preparations this way, sorry.  こっちは作戦準備中です すみません)



[シェリンダ] In the end, I wasn't able to them, as you can see. (結局みんなをとめられませんでした
    But seeing their fierce determination,              でも皆さんの決意を見ていると
    I couldn't just sit there.                   何かせずにはいられません
    So I decided that I would do                ですから私のできる限りのことで
    everything in my power to help them.           力になるつもりです)



[ガッタ] Why only you, Sir !   (どうして先輩だけ?
   I want fight, too.        俺も戦いたいです!)

[ルッツ] Orders are orders.   (命令は命令だ)

[ガッタ] I'm not a cadet anymore, sir !    (俺はもう新米じゃないんですよ
    Let me go with you, and I'll prove it to them. 連れていってください!証明して見せます!)

[ルッツ] Guarding the command center is important too, you know.

[ガッタ] But I came all the way from Besaid to fight Sin, sir !

[ルッツ] I know, but order's an order.  (わかっているけど命令だ
    To your post, Crusader !        持ち場に行けよ)

[ガッタ] But, sir !  (でも先輩!)

ガッタ走り去る ルッツ、一同に気づく

[ルッツ] They let you through, huh?   (通してもらえたんだな)

[ティーダ] Gatta deserves better...     (ガッタにもやらせればいいのに)

[ワッカ]  At least there's no chance he'll get hurt.  (少なくともケガしなくていいべさ
    Why are you guys fighting, anyway?           だいたいどうして戦うんだ
    Aren't you the almighty Al Bhed machina enough?  スンバらしいアルベドの武器だけじゃ足りないのかい)

[ルッツ] They still need some time to get them ready.  (準備には時間がかかる
    Our job is keep Sin at bay till they're done.     俺たちは準備完了まで「シン」を足止めするのが任務だ)


[ルッツ] Wakka...
    I might not get another chance to say this.  (機会がないだろうから今のうちに話しておきたい
    It's about your brother.               お前の弟のことだ)

[ルールー] Luzzu, no!     (ルッツ だめ!)

[ワッカ]  What?     (なんだ?)

[ルッツ] I'm the one who convinced him enlist.  (俺がアイツを討伐隊に誘った
    I'm sorry.                         悪かった)


[ティーダ] Wakka !   
    That's enough, Wakka !  (落ち着け、ワッカ)

[ワッカ]  When we used to play blitz together,   (いっしょにブリッツやってたころ 
    Chappu used say ...                チャップは言ってたんだわ
    He'd say that--when we won the cup, ya?   優勝したら ルーにプロポーズするつもりだってな
    --he'd proposed to Lulu.
    And then one day...                  そしたらある日行っちまって
    he goes off and become a Crusader, just like that.  討伐隊入り−−そんな感じだァ)

[ルッツ] Chappu also said to me...           (チャップはこうもいってた
   That being with your girl is good...          女と一緒にいるのもいいけど
   But keeping Sin far away from her is better.   「シン」を女から遠ざけておくもはもっといいってな)

[ワッカ]  Lu, you knew?     (ルールー 知ってたかい)

[ルールー] Luzzu told me ...before we left.   (ルッツから聞いたよ−−出発の前にね)

[ルッツ] She hit me, too.   (ルールーも俺を殴った)

[ルチル] All Crusaders in the vanguard are to assemble on the beach !

[ルッツ] That's my cue.   (出番だ)

[ワッカ]  Luzzu ! Don't die out there !!  (ルッツ、死ぬなァ!)

[ルッツ] So you can hit me more?   (もっとなぐれるな)

[ワッカ]  Lots ! Lots more !      (もっと もっと もっとだァ)

[ユウナ] Sir Luzzu, please!      (ルッツさん、お願い行かないで)
    Please don't go !

[ルッツ] I have to, yuna.        (行かなきゃ ユウナちゃん)

[アーロン] Let him go.                  (通してやれ
    The man has already chosen his path...     そいつは自分の道を選んだ
    As you did when you become a summoner.   お前が召喚士になった時のように)


It would be a long time...
Before I ever really understand the reason why Yuna let Luzzu pass that day.


司令部へのルート 高台にて


[ワッカ]  Curse these...!      (呪われちまえ!)

[ティーダ] He really hate them, huh?  (ほんっとに憎たらしいんだな)

[ルールー] Chappu...                    (チャップは−−
    He left the sword Wakka gave him in Besaid.   ワッカがあげた剣を島においていったの
    And he fought with an Al Bhed machina weapon instead. そしてアルベドのマキナで闘った)

[ワッカ]  That's got nothing to do with it !    (関係ないっしょ!
    I just hate these sacrilegious  contraptions !   俺はこんな教えに反する機械が大嫌いなんだわ!)

[ワッカ]  It don't work anyway.   (うまくいかないってばよ)

[ユウナ] Don't say that.           (そんなこと言わないで)
    It might be hopeless campaign,       (望みがない上に
    and it might mean defying Yevon.      エボンに反してるかもしれない
    But the Crusaders and the Al Bhed --   でも討伐隊もアルベド族も
    They're doing their best to defeat Sin.    最善をつくして「シン」を倒すつもりだよ
    They want to rid Spira of Sin forever.    スピラから「シン」を永久に消してしまいたい
    And that's just what we want, too, isn't it?  それは私たちと同じ思いでしょ
    Isn't it?                       だよね)

[ワッカ]  Hmph ! All right, all right !        (はいはいもう言わない
    But I still think machina are bad news.  でも俺はマキナはやっぱり悪いものだと思う
    They're forbidden for a reason.       理由があって禁じられてるんだァ)

[ルチル] Lady Summoner ! There you are !   (召喚士様 こちらでしたか)
    The command center is that way Maester Kinoc is also there.
      (司令部はあちらです キノック老師もいらっしゃいました)

[ユウナ] Maester Kinoc, too?   (キノック様も?)

[ルチル] Yes, please hurry, my lady.  (はい お急ぎください)



[ガッタ] The operation will begin shortly.  (そろそろ戦いが始まります
    Please check all your equipment.    あれこれ装備の点検をしてください)

[ワッカ]  Um, you all right?     (お前だいじょうぶかい?)

[ガッタ] Of course not !       (だいじょうぶなわけないだろ!
    I came here to fight Sin !    俺はシンと戦うためにここまで来たんだ!
    But they stick me here !    だけどここに足止めだぞ!)

[アーロン] If you want to prove yourself...  (自分を証明したいのなら−−

[ガッタ] Huh?  (え?)

[アーロン] first you must complete the tasks you are given. まず与えられた任務をやり遂げろ)



[キノック] I'd heard from Seymour, but I didn't know if we'd actually meet.

[キノック] Good to see you, Auron !   (会えてよかったな アーロン
    Ten years, is it?            10年ぶりか?)

[ルールー] That's Wen Kinoc, one of the Four Maesters of Yevon.
    He leads the warrior monks and also commands the Crusaders.
      (ウェン・キノック老師 エボン四老師の一人よ 僧兵と討伐隊の責任者ね)

[ガッタ] All troops ready to move at your command, sir !
      (総員準備完了 作戦開始指令をお待ちします)

[キノック] Good. Dismissed.  (わかった 下がれ)

[キノック] Tell me, Auron. Where have you been the last ten years?
             (アーロン この10年の間どこにいたんだ?)

[アーロン] We don't have time for this now, do we? (そんな話をしている場合ではない)

[キノック] This plan won't work, you know that.  (この作戦は失敗だ わかるだろう
    We'll just let them dream a little longer.   もう少し夢を見せてやるさ)

[ティーダ] What?  (え?)

[シーモア] Lord Kinoc.  (キノック老師)

[キノック] Oh, yes. Please.  (ああ始めてくれ)

[アーロン] That Kinoc, a maester?  (キノックが老師とはな−−)

[キノック] I heard that, Auron.  (なんだってアーロン
    A lot has happened the last ten years.  この10年いろいろあったのさ
    What were you doing, and where?     お前はどこで何をしていた)

[アーロン] Fulfilling a promise I made to a friend, I still am.
       (友との約束を果たしていた まだ途中だ)

[キノック] Just tell me one thing.  (一つだけ教えてくれ
    Have you seen Zanrkand?   ザナルカンドを見たのか?)



[ユウナ] I kinda...think we don't belong here. (私たち場違いみたいだね)

[兵士]   It is time at last.            (時間です
    We must tell the Al Bhed waiting outside 待機中のアルベド族に
    to begin the operation at once.       作戦開始を告げなくてはなりません
    The fiends may break through.       魔物がここまで来るかもしれません
    This place is not safe.            ここも安全とはいえません
    Make sure you're prepared to defend yourselves. 自分たちを守る準備が必要です  
    Tell me when you're ready.            もしよければ私に言ってください)

    Maester Kinoc, please.            (キノック老師お願いします)

[ユウナ] Will Sin come?       (「シン」は来るかな)

 Sin always returns for its spawn. (「シンのコケラ」を取り戻しに来る筈です 
    To make sure, we're going to encourage them to call out to it.

[アーロン] You won't have to. It'll come.  (そんなことをしなくても「シン」は来る)


I remembered Auron telling me.
Sin is my old man.
Sin is Jeckt.
  「シン」は俺のオヤジ 「シン」はジェクト


シンのコケラ ギイと戦闘 終了後、海からシンが現われる

[アーロン] Look out !  (見ろ!)

討伐隊、シンを攻撃 シンの反撃で大多数が吹き飛ばされる


シーモア] Stand back, Lady Yuna.  (下がって、ユウナ様)

[ユウナ] Y...yes.  (はい)


[ユウナ] The others?   (みんなは?)





[ガッタ] What's going on?    (どうなってるんだよ?
    Why? What?         な−−なんだよ
    What's going on?      わけわかんねえ!)


[ティーダ] Don't you run away from me ! (逃げるんじゃねえよ!)




[ユウナ] Everyone, stand back !  (下がってください!
   I'll summon !             召喚します)

[シーモア] You won't hurt it.   (ムダです)

[シーモア] Your powers are still ...too weak.   (あなたはまだ弱すぎます)

[ユウナ] But I must do something.     (でも何かしないと)

[シーモア] You can't !      (あなたにはできない!)


I have no idea what I was thinking
When I ran after Sin that day.
But before I know what I was doing,
there I was chasing him down like a thief at market.
Maybe I was angry,
maybe I wanted go home.
I kept thinking of Zanarkand, 
and my old man.
 「シン」を追いかけている時 何を考えていたかはわからない
 体が勝手に動いていた まるで市場で泥棒を追いかけるみたいに
 たぶん俺は怒っていた 家に帰りたかった
 ザナルカンドのことを思い続けた 親父のことも−− 



[ジェクト] What?  (なんだ?)

[ティーダ] They say you don't practice anymore, that you're gonna retire.

[ジェクト] Let them talk.  (言わせとけよ
   I'm still the best.     俺はまだイチバンだ)

[ティーダ] They say you're no good  (ジェクトは飲んだくれだから
    'cause you drink all the time.   もうダメだってさ)

[ジェクト] I can quit drinkin' whenever I want.  (酒なんて いつだってやめられる)

[ティーダ] Then, do it now.   (それなら今やめて)

[ジェクト] What did you say?  (なんだって?)

[ティーダ] You just said you can ! (やめられるんでしょ)

[ジェクト] Tomorrow, maybe.  (明日にでも)

[ティーダ] Why not today?  (どうして今日じゃないの?)

[ジェクト] Why do today what you can leave for tomorrow? (明日やればいいことをどうして今日やるんだよ
    There he goes again....crying?      またかよ−−ピースカしやがって)




I thought I sensed my old man there, somewhere...
Or maybe it was just Sin's toxin playing tricks on my mind.

How many died today?

People die, and Yuna dances.
When will she stop dancing?
When will it stop?
Yuna won't stop dancing--
not until Sin is gone.
There were my thought then...I think.
  人々は死に ユウナは踊る
  ああ シンがいなくなるまで


[アーロン] I see you're still here.  (帰れなかったな)

[ティーダ] Huh?    (あ?)

[アーロン] Many stories ended here today...  (今日幾つもの物語がここで終わった
    But...                       しかし
    Yours goes on, I see.             お前のは続くようだな)

[ティーダ] What?    (あ−−)


Sin had come and gone,
but I remained here.
  シンが来て 去った


[アーロン] A swift retreat.  (すばやい撤退だな
    Satisfied?         満足したか)

[キノック] What do you mean?  (何のことだ)

[アーロン] Those who turned from Yevon died,  (エボンに反抗したものたちは死に
    While the faithful live on.              従順なものたちは残った)

[キノック] The past ten years have changed you, I see.


[シーモア] You do not look  so well.  (顔色が良くないようですね
    But now more than ever,      しかし、こんな時こそ
    you must be the people's strength, their confidence. 人々の強さや自身の源にならなくては)

[シーモア] Anyone else would be expected to show there sorrow. 
    But you... are a summoner,  しかし あなたは召喚士
    you are Spira's hope.      あなたはスピラの希望です
    Until Sin is defeated, you must not relent.  シンが倒されるまで気を緩めてはいけません
    Do you understand?              わかりますか?)

[ユウナ] Yes, I understand.  (はい)

[シーモア] Are you afraid?          (不安ですか?
    Yuna, take me sa your pillar of strength.  ならば私を支えにしてください
    As Yunalesca had her Lord zeon.     ユウナレスカとゼイオンのように)


[シーモア] Lady Yuna, Until next we meet, farewell.  (それでは また次の機会に)


[アーロン] Sin is Jeckt.    (シンはジェクトだ)  

[ティーダ] Yeah, for a while there,  (うん アイツを感じたような気がした
    I thought I could feel him.     
    But that doesn't mean I believe you.  信じたわけじゃないけどさ)

[アーロン] Sin is Jeckt.    (シンはジェクトだ
    He came here for you.  アイツはお前に会いに来た)

[ティーダ] So he killed all these people just for chance to see me?

[アーロン] That's what Sin does.  (それがシンというものだ
    He wanted to show about that to you.  お前に見せたかったのだ
    Do you know why?              なぜだと思う?)

[ティーダ] How am I supposed to know?  (わかるはずないだろ)

[アーロン] So you would kill him.  (お前に殺されるためだ
    As long as he is Sin,       シンでいる限り、
    Jeckt will keep killing       ジェクトは殺し続ける
    He wants you to stop him.    それをお前にとめてもらいたいと思っている)

[ティーダ] You gotta be kidding !  (ふざけるなよ!
    How do you know all of this, anyway?  どうしてあんたにわかるんだよ!)


[ティーダ] I'm not done talking to you !  (まだ話してるだろ!  
    Don't you run away !           逃げるなよ!)

[アーロン] You're the one running.   (逃げているのはお前だ)





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