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Final Fantasy X International イベント字幕  Part7



This is the statue of Lord Mi'ihen.
Eight centuries ago, he founded a legion known as the Crusaders.
In just a few short years after their founding, their ranks grew throughout Spira.
The maesters of Yevon feared and accused them of rebellion.
So, Lord Mi'ihen walked go face their charges and refute them.
He succeeded in winning the maesters' trust, and his legion became an arm of the Yevon clergy.
It was then that Yevon gave them the name "Crusaders" which they have kept ever since.
And the next is history.
  800年前 ミヘン様は現在討伐隊として知られている軍団をつくったんだね
  老師たちの信頼を得て 組織はエボン寺院の所属ということになったんだよ
Although this is a highroad, Fiends do appear.
Be on your guard.  



[ティーダ] Hah ! That one looks slow ! (鈍そうなやつ) 

[アーロン] It's also tough. Let me handle this.  (その代わりしぶとい 俺に任せろ)

[ティーダ] No way ! I can take it !  (よせよ、俺がやる)


[ティーダ] What the...?  (あれ?)


[ワッカ] Told ya, Sir Auron's the best.   (言ったろ? アーロンさんは最高だァ)

[ティーダ] Hmph, I could've done that.    (俺にだってできたはず−−)



[メイチェン] Do you know what those ruins are from? (あれは何の遺跡か知っていますか?)

[ティーダ] Some old city?  (昔の都市?)

[メイチェン] A city most ancient !       (うんと古い都市だね
    A terrible testament to Sin's power, I tremble every time I see them.
    Compare to Sin, humans are mere mudpuppies !
     「シン」の力を示す恐ろしい証拠だ 私は見る度に震えてしまうんだね

[ユウナ] But I believe humans are the only ones capable of defeat Sin.

[メイチェン] A good reply, I am relieved to hear you say that, m'lady summoner.

[メイチェン] Where are my manners? I am Maechen, a scholar. (失礼しました 私はメイチェンという学者でね)
    At your service, m'lady.                     (よろしくお願いします お嬢さま)
    I'm on a journey, studying the history of our world, Spira. seeking its stories and secrets...
    My travells have taken me to many places,  and I am troubled by what I have seen
    fragile smiles on people's faces crumbling at  the mere mention of Sin.
    They are counting on you, m'lady.
    Give them a reason to rejoin once more.

[ユウナ] I will.  (はい)



[ルチル] Lady Summoner, I presume. (召喚士様ですね)

[ユウナ] Yes, I am Yuna.  (はい ユウナです)

[ルチル] I am Lucil, captain of the Djoze Chocobo Knights.
      (ルチルです ジョゼ討伐隊チョコボ騎兵対の隊長です)

[エルマ] And I'm Elma. We've been charged to guard the highroad.
      (エルマです 我々は街道の警備を任されております)

[ルチル] There have been reported of large fiend appearing in this area, with a taste for chocobos.
    Do take cares, Summoner Yuna, if you are to rent any chocobos.

[ユウナ] Thank you . We will be careful.  (どうもありがとう 気をつけます)

[ルチル] Good. We should get back to our round.  (では任務に戻ります)

[エルマ] Farewell.  (旅のご無事をお祈りします)

チョコボ騎兵たち 去る


[ティーダ] A large fiend...   (巨大な魔物−−
    Let's go get him !    退治しに行こう!)

[アーロン] Why?  (なぜ?)

[ティーダ] It's the right thing to do. (それが正しいことだからだ)

[アーロン] It's the right thing to do?    (それが正しいことだからだ?)

[ティーダ] What'd I say now?  (なんだよ)

[アーロン] Jeckt said that a lot, too.   (ジェクトもよく同じことを言っていた)
    And every time he said so, it meant trouble for Braska and me. 




[ベルゲミーネ] Ah, a summoner party.  (召喚士だな)

[ユウナ] You, too, are a summoner?  (あなたも召喚士ですね)

[ベルゲミーネ] My name is Belgemine.  (ベルゲミーネだ
    You are...?                きみは?)

[ユウナ] My name is Yuna.   (ユウナです)

[ベルゲミーネ] Ah, the high summoner's daughter.   (高召喚士の娘だな 
    I've heard much of you.                噂には聞いている
    But you're still fresh on the road, are you not?   しかしまだ駆け出しのようだな)

[ユウナ] Yes, I am.  (はい)

[ベルゲミーネ] I might have a few things to teach you.   (教えてやれることがありそうだな)

[ベルゲミーネ] Let us see which are stronger my aeons or yours. (どちらが強いか見てみようか
    A one -on-one match.          我々の召喚獣で一対一の勝負さ
    Not to the death, of course.       もちろん死ぬまではやらない
    What do you say?             どうかな?)


[ユウナ] I'll do my best.   (負けません)

[ベルゲミーネ] Good. Before we begin...     (よろしい でははじめる前に−− 
    Your aeons have been healed.        きみの召喚獣は癒された
    You can fight with your full strength. Come.  全力でかかってきなさい)  

[ベルゲミーネ] Show me how strong of a link you've forged with your aeons.
     (召喚獣とどれだけ心を通じ合わせたか 見せてもらおう)


[ベルゲミーネ] Stop. That is enough.    (そこまで もう十分だ)

[ベルゲミーネ] Not bad for one so young.  (若いのにたいしたものだ
    I underestimated you.            ここまでとはな
    Take this you've earned it.         取ってておきなさい)

[ベルゲミーネ] You show promise.         (きみは将来有望のようだ
    With more training, you could defeat Sin.  修行しだいでは「シン」を倒せるぞ)

[ユウナ] Thank you.     (ありがとうございます)
    But I think you might defeat Sin before I am able to.
      (でも私より先に あなたがシンを倒せそうです)

[ベルゲミーネ] I cannot.  (私には無理だ)

[ベルゲミーネ] Or should I say... I was not able to...  (いや−− 無理だったというべきか)

[ユウナ] You mean...  (それじゃあ−−)

[ベルゲミーネ] Farewell, Yuna.  We'll meet again.  (さらばユウナ また会おう)




[カリの母親] My Lady Summoner !  (召喚士様) 

[カリ] You're, a summoner?     (召喚士様なの?)

[ユウナ] Yes, my name is Yuna.   (うん ユウナって言うのよ)

[カリ] I'm Calli.     (私はカリ)

[ユウナ] Nice to meet you, Calli.  (はじめまして カリ)

[カリ] Lady Yuna, are you going to bring us the Calm?  (ユウナ様 ナギ節にしてくれる?)

[ユウナ] Yes, very soon.  (うん すぐにね)

[カリ] Yay !  (わーい)

[カリの母親] We're looking forward to another Calm, My Lady Summoner. 
       (次のナギ節を楽しみにしていますね ユウナさま)

[ユウナ] I'll do my best.  (はい がんばります)

[カリの母親] And good luck your guardians as well.  (あなたのガードさんたちにも幸運を)


[ティーダ] What's the Calm?  (ナギ節とは?)

[ルールー] The Calm is time of peace.  (ナギ節は平穏な時)
    It comes after summoner defeats Sin, and lasts until Sin reappears

[ユウナ] Sin dies and is reborn. (「シン」は死んで生まれ変わるの)

[ティーダ]  get it !  (なるほど)
    I thought it was weird,   (変だと思ってたんだよな)
    Yuna's dad defeated Sin ten years ago, right? (ユウナのオヤジさんが10年前に「シン」を倒したんだろ)
    But Sin still here.  (だけどさ「シン」はまだいる−−)
    Didn't make much sense till now. (今までわからなかったんだよな)
    Wait...If it just comes back...    でもさ−− 「シン」が生まれ変わるのなら−−)

[ユウナ] Don't say it isn't  worth it... (無駄だなんていわないでね)
    Because it is...


Even for a little while...   
people can sleep in their beds without being afraid.
That kind of time is worth anything.

Don't say it isn't worth it.

Your word that day, Yuna--
I remember them well. 


   あの時の言葉 ユウナ



[ガッタ] Hey, we saw the game !   (試合見たぞ! 
    You guys were great !        すごかったぞ!)

[ルッツ] Congratulations, Wakka !  (おめでとう ワッカ)


[ルチル] Hey, stop looking around !  (おい、サボってるんじゃない)

[ガッタ] Uh... The lady summoner and her guardians...  (あーええと 召喚士様とガードたちが−−)

[ルチル] This mission requires our full attention.  (この任務は最大級の集中が必要だ
    We're no time to waste. Understood?      時間を無駄にするな)

[ルッツ] Yes, ma'am. Apologies, ma'am.   (はい 申し訳ありません)

[ルチル] Carry on !  (頼んだぞ)

[ルッツ] See? Keep you head down, say "Sir " a lot, and you'll do fine.
        (な ペコペコしていればうまくいくんだよ)

[ガッタ] Right....   Sir..  (そうだけど−−)

[ルッツ] Hey, Yuna.             (なあ ユウナ
    Even though Yevon rejected us... 俺たちは破門されたけど
    We still believe you.     
    That won't ever change.      お前を応援する気持ちは変わらない)

[ユウナ] Thank you Sir Luzzu, Sir Gatta.   (ありがとう ルッツさん、ガッタさん)
    But you know...  It's not too late for you to go back to Besaid. 
      (でもね 今からビサイド塔に帰っても遅くない−−)

[ガッタ] We should be going, Sir !  (行きましょう 先輩)

二人 礼をして去る



[討伐隊員] We'll defeat Sin any way we can !  (何が何でもシンをやっつける)

[シェリンダ] But Yevon's teaching us...   (しかしエボンの教えでは−−)

[討伐隊員] Enough !  (もういいって!)

[シェリンダ] I- I only meant to....  (私は−ただ−−)

[ユウナ] Are you all right?  (だいじょうぶ?)

[シェリンダ] Lady Summoner...?  (召喚士様?)

[ユウナ] Yes, I am Yuna.  (うん ユウナっていうの)

[シェリンダ] It is an honor my lady.   (お会いできて光栄です
    My name is Shoerinda.        私はシェリンダです)
    I am a disciple of Yevon.       (エボンの修行僧です)

[ワッカ] What was all that about?   (もめてたのは討伐隊の作戦のことか?)
    The Crusader's Operation?

[ティーダ] You mean the one Gatta and Luzzu were talking about?  (ルッツとガッタの言ってたあれのこと?)

[シェリンダ] I heard they were to use forbidden Machina ! (禁じられたマキナを使うと聞いて
    I had to stop them.                             止めようとしました)

[ティーダ] Huh? Why?   (どうして?)

[ルールー] The use of machina is strictly forbidden by Yevon priesthood.

[ワッカ] That's bad, ya?  (まずいですよね)

[アーロン] Let them use whatever they want.  (好きなものを使えばいいさ
    They still won't defeat Sin.            シンは倒せないだろうがな)

[シェリンダ] But, it's not about defeating Sin.   (倒せるかどうかの問題ではないのです
    The teaching of Yevon must be upheld !   エボンの教えは守られなければならないんです)

[ワッカ] Yeah !  Right !  (その通りだ)

[シェリンダ] But you don't understand !   (ですが−−
    The Crusaders won't even listen to me.   討伐隊は話を聞こうとしません
    And it's all because I'm just a lowly acolyte.  私が唯の修行僧だからでしょうか)

[ユウナ] Don't say that.   (そんなこと言わないで)
    Well, I haven't been a summoner for very long myself, you see. (私も召喚士になって間もないのね)
    Still, I can't put myself down every time I fall.   (でも失敗する度に自分をさげすむわけには行かないの)
    People are depending on me.     (みんなは私を頼りにしてるわ)
    They're depending on both of us.   (私とあなたをね)

[シェリンダ] Yes, yes, you're right,. my lady.  (そう−−そうに違いないですよね)
    Absolutely right !  
    Thank you so much, Lady Yuna !           (ありがとうございます ユウナさん
    Now I feel I have the courage to finish my training.  修行をやり遂げる勇気がわいてきました)


ミヘン街道旅行公司 チョコボイーターとバトル


[アーロン] We rest here.  (ここで休む)

[ワッカ] But this is Al Bhed shop !  (でも アルベド人の店)

[アーロン] Is that a problem?  (問題があるのか)

[ワッカ] They don't believe in Yevon, and in Luca they..  (やつらはエボンを信じてないし ルカでは−−
    They kidnapped Yuna !                  ユウナをさらったんだ)

[アーロン] Where were her guardians?   (ガードはどこにいたんだ)

[ユウナ] Sir Auron's just concerned about your health. (アーロンさんはワッカさんの体調を心配して−−)

[ワッカ] I'm not tired one bit !  (俺は疲れてないし!)

[アーロン] Well, I am.  (俺が疲れたんだ)



[ティーダ] As if I should asleep !   (眠れないって!)

ティーダ外に出ると 眼前に夕日

[ティーダ] Check it out !  (すっげえ−−)


That sunset was different from the one I saw in Kilika.
It was quiet-- almost gentle.
  その夕日は キーリカで見たのとは違っていた


[ティーダ] Whatcha up to? (何してるのかな?)

[ユウナ] Pretty..    (きれいだね)

[ティーダ] Sure is.    (うん)

[ユウナ] I wish I could live in a place like this.    (こんな場所で暮らしたいな 
    Peaceful... living with a smile on my face every day.  おだやかで毎日にこにこしてね)

[ティーダ] You can, once you beat Sin, right?   (「シン」を倒せばできるんだろ)

[ユウナ] But then a new Sin will be born anyway.   (新しい「シン」が生まれちゃうけどね)

[ティーダ] Well then, you can jut beat it again.  (そうなったら また倒せばいいよ)

[ユウナ] I wish I could.  (そうできたらいいのにな)

[ティーダ] Hey, you can !Trust me !  (できるって! 信じろよ!
    You are the best summoner out there !  ユウナは一番の召喚士なんだから)
    Yuna, why does Sin always come back?  (でも ユウナ、 「シン」はどうして復活するんだ?)

[ユウナ] Sin is our punishment for our vanity. (「シン」は私たちのうぬぼれへの罰なの
    And it will not go away until we've attoned.  だから罪を贖うまでいなくならない)

[ティーダ] How do we do that?  (どうすればいいんだ?)

[ティーダ] What did we do that so bad in the first place? (そもそも何がそんなに悪かったんだ?
    Was it using machinas or something?          機械−−マキナのこと?
    Oh.. .Wait, was that such a bad thing really?     そんなに悪いことか?)

[ユウナ] It's funny...    (変だなあ)

[ユウナ] Even since I was young, I never questioned it.  
    But now that you ask me if it is that bad or not...I don't know.  
    There are so many things I don't know.   
     (子どものころから疑問に思ったことなかったの でも改めて聞かれると−−答えられない)

[ティーダ] well then, we're the same !   (俺たち一緒だな)

[ティーダ] Such thinking is very unbecoming of a summoner ! (召喚士がそんな考えではいけませんぞ).
    Sound like Mika?               (マイカ老師に似てる?)

[ユウナ] That's not very nice, you know?  (だめだよ そんなことしたら)

[ティーダ] You know...  
  During a game, you have to think of blitz and nothing else, you know?
    (あのさ−− 試合中はブリッツに集中しなくちゃだめなんだ それ以外は何もなしだ)

[ユウナ] Okay

[ティーダ] You can't think "That 's a cute girl in the fifth seat from the right."
    And you can't be thinking about where you're going to go that date,
    because the minutes you do, that's when you lose ! 
    You see... , uh, Yuna, what I meat is,
    you really shouldn't worry, you know?
    After we beat Sin, that's when you can worry about the future.
      考えた時は負けちゃう時なんだ な? 要するに心配するなってこと

[ユウナ] I guess.   (−−そうだね)

[ティーダ] But Yuna, how are you suppose to beat something big like that?

[ユウナ] The final Summoning.  (究極召喚)
    It's the way to defeat Sin. The only way.  (シンを倒すたった一つの方法)

[ユウナ] With it we can call the Final Aeon.  (その力で究極の召喚獣を呼ぶんだ
    That's the goal of the pilgrimage.      それが旅の終わり)
    The fayth of the Final Summoning lies waiting in the far north,  (究極召喚のフェイスは
    to great summoners that complete their pilgrimage.    旅を終えた召喚士を待っているの)
    at the world's end  Zanarkand.     (最果ての地、ザナルカンドでね)

[ティーダ] In Zanarkand?   (ザナルカンドで?)

[アーロン] She means the ruins of a city destroyed a thousand years ago.

[ティーダ] You sure it's ruins?  (本当に遺跡なのか?)

[ユウナ] That's what I heard.  (そう聞いてるよ)

[アーロン] You'll see it for yourself soon enough.  (もうじき自分の目で見ることになる
    Yuna, come back inside.               ユウナ、中に入れ)

[ユウナ] You will go with Zanarkand?  (一緒にザナルカンド行けるよね)

[ティーダ] Yeah, I'lldo.  (うん いく)
     I'll go to Zanarkand to see it with my own eyes. (ザナルカンドにいって自分の目で確かめる)


I know it couldn't be my Zanarkand.
But I had to make sure.


[リン] Pardon me.  

[ティーダ] Sorry?  (なんですか?)

[リン] Forgive me, sir.                    (お許しください) 
    I meant to say "pardon me." but I came out in Al Bhed. 
      (「失礼しました」というつもりが ついアルベド語が出てしまいまして)

[ティーダ] Oh, you're an Al Bhed?  (ああ、アルベド人なんだ)

[リン] I am Rin, owner of this establishment.  (私はリン この店のオーナーです
    Nice to meet you.                はじめまして
    It means "Nice to meet you"        「はじめまして」という意味ですな)

[ティーダ] well, " helly doo sad wee" to you, too.  (じゃ、俺も「はじめまして」)

[リン] If you are interested,..     
    Al Bhed primers can be found all over Spira.
    Finding them and learning our  language might be fun.
    Here let me give you one in commemorations of our meeting.
    Although you might want to be careful where you speak our language.
     (もし興味があれば アルベド語入門がスピラ中においてあります
      それを見つけてアルベド語を学ぶのも 楽しいですよ
      記念に一冊進呈しましょう でもあまりあちこちで話さない方がいいですよ)

[ティーダ] Yeah, I hear Al Bhed aren't likes much. Oh, sorry.

[リン] It is a chase.  (残念なことです)



Someone, help !    (誰か助けて!
The chocobos ! Help !   チョコボが!)

[アーロン] That's our cue, let's go !  (出番だ 行くぞ)

[リン] Thank you for your help. Please use this.  (おおありがたい これを使ってください!)


[ルールー] To the chokobo corral !  (チョコボの囲いへ!)



[ルールー] Now ! Hit it hard and we can push it back ! 

勝利  (チョコボイータ−が後ろのがけから落ちる時、?!の吹き出しが出ます)


[リン] Have you an interest in renting some chocobos?  (チョコボレンタルに興味はありませんか)
    As a when of our gratitude,           (魔物退治のお礼に
    the first time is free of charge.         初回は無料にしますよ)
    Please ask the attendant, if you wish to rent. チョコボレンタルの時は係りの者に聞いてください)

[チョコボ係] Thank you so much for saving the chocobos !    (チョコボを助けてくれてありがとうございます)




[ドナ] How many times do I have to tell you?  (何度言わせるつもり) 
    I'm a summoner !                (私は召喚士なのよ)

[討伐隊員] Sorry Ma'am ! No exceptions !   (すみません 例外はありません)

[ドナ] You dare impede a summoner's pilgrimage?  (召喚士の旅を妨害する気?)

[討伐隊員] Sorry Ma'am ! No exceptions !   (すみません 例外はありません)

[ドナ] Useless !    (役立たず!)

[ドナ] Oh, it's you.   (あら、あなたたち)
    As you can see, not even summoners can pass.  (見ての通り、召喚士でさえ通さないって)
    But they'll call us in the end, just wait and see.  (最後は私たちを頼ることになるのにね、見てなさい)
    In the meantime, I think I'll have a nap.      (私はちょっと一休みしていくわ)
    Oh, Barthello.                      (ね、バルテロ)


[ガッタ] Gatta and Luzzu reporting, sir !    (ガッタとルッツ報告します)

[ルッツ] This is the last of them.       (これが最後のアレです)

[討伐隊員] Good to have you with us.   (遠方からご苦労だったな 
    Go on through !              さあ通ってくれ)

[ガッタ] Show me how to play blitz sometime !  (今度ブリッツ教えてくれよな)

[ルッツ] Wait around. We'll have Sin beaten in no time !  (ブラブラしてろ、すぐにシンを片付けちゃうから)


[討伐隊員] I'm sorry. I can't you pass.  


[シーモア] So, we meet again, Lady Yuna.  (また会いましたね ユウナ様)

[ユウナ] Y-yes?   (は はい)

[シーモア] You look troubled.  (困っているようですね
    Is there anything I can do?   私にできることはありますか?)

[ユウナ] Well...  (実は−−)

[シーモア] I see.  (なるほど)

[討伐隊員] Maester Seymour. Let me show you to the command center.
     (シーモア老師 司令部へご案内いたします)

[シーモア] Hold. I have a request.  (待ちたまえ 頼みがある)

[討伐隊員] Your Grace?  (はい!)

[シーモア] I need to have Summoner Yuna and her guardians let through to the command center.

[討伐隊員] But, Maester Seymour, sir.   (しかし シーモア老師)

[シーモア] Do not worry. I will take full responsibility. (心配するな 私が責任を取る)

[討伐隊員] Very well. They may pass.  (わかりました通行を許可します)

[シーモア] It is done.  (どうぞ)

[ユウナ] Thank you, Your Grace.  (あ−−ありがとうございます)


[ルールー] Yuna, it's time to go.  (ユウナ早く)

[ユウナ] Oh, right.  (うん)

[ティーダ] Who does he think he is?   (ナニサマのつもりだ?)

[ワッカ] He's a maester. Better get used to it, ya?  (ロウシサマだ 慣れとけ)


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