南端 ミヘン像の前で出会った老人(メイチェン先生)が語る
ラルドとバトル [ティーダ] Hah ! That one looks slow ! (鈍そうなやつ) [アーロン] It's also tough. Let me handle this. (その代わりしぶとい 俺に任せろ) [ティーダ] No way ! I can take it ! (よせよ、俺がやる) ティーダ攻撃 [ティーダ] What the...? (あれ?) アーロン攻撃 [ワッカ] Told ya, Sir Auron's the best. (言ったろ? アーロンさんは最高だァ) [ティーダ] Hmph, I could've done that. (俺にだってできたはず−−)
破壊された遺跡の前で先ほどの老人が声をかける [メイチェン] Do you know what those ruins are from? (あれは何の遺跡か知っていますか?) [ティーダ] Some old city? (昔の都市?) [メイチェン] A city most ancient ! (うんと古い都市だね [ユウナ] But I believe humans are the only ones capable of defeat Sin. [メイチェン] A good
reply, I am relieved to hear you say that, m'lady summoner. [メイチェン] Where are my
manners? I am Maechen, a scholar. (失礼しました 私はメイチェンという学者でね) [ユウナ] I will. (はい)
チョコボの3騎がやってくる [ルチル] Lady Summoner, I presume. (召喚士様ですね) [ユウナ] Yes, I am Yuna. (はい ユウナです) [ルチル] I am Lucil, captain of the Djoze Chocobo
Knights. [エルマ] And I'm Elma. We've been charged to guard the highroad. [ルチル] There
have been reported of large fiend appearing in this area, with a taste for chocobos. [ユウナ] Thank you . We will be careful. (どうもありがとう 気をつけます) [ルチル] Good. We should get back to our round. (では任務に戻ります) [エルマ] Farewell. (旅のご無事をお祈りします) チョコボ騎兵たち 去る
[ティーダ] A
large fiend... (巨大な魔物−− [アーロン] Why? (なぜ?) [ティーダ] It's the right thing to do. (それが正しいことだからだ) [アーロン] It's the right thing to do? (それが正しいことだからだ?) [ティーダ] What'd I say now? (なんだよ) [アーロン] Jeckt said that a lot, too. (ジェクトもよく同じことを言っていた)
[ベルゲミーネ] Ah, a summoner party. (召喚士だな) [ユウナ] You, too, are a summoner? (あなたも召喚士ですね) [ベルゲミーネ] My name is Belgemine. (ベルゲミーネだ [ユウナ] My name is Yuna. (ユウナです) [ベルゲミーネ] Ah, the high summoner's daughter. (高召喚士の娘だな [ユウナ] Yes, I am. (はい) [ベルゲミーネ] I might have a few things to teach you. (教えてやれることがありそうだな) [ベルゲミーネ] Let us see which are stronger my aeons or yours. (どちらが強いか見てみようか Fight. [ユウナ] I'll do my best. (負けません) [ベルゲミーネ] Good. Before we begin... (よろしい でははじめる前に−− [ベルゲミーネ] Show me how strong of a link you've forged with your
aeons. ユウナのヴァルファーレの勝利 [ベルゲミーネ] Stop. That is enough. (そこまで もう十分だ) [ベルゲミーネ] Not bad for one so young. (若いのにたいしたものだ [ベルゲミーネ] You show promise. (きみは将来有望のようだ [ユウナ] Thank you. (ありがとうございます) [ベルゲミーネ] I cannot. (私には無理だ) [ベルゲミーネ] Or should I say... I was not able to... (いや−− 無理だったというべきか) [ユウナ] You mean... (それじゃあ−−) [ベルゲミーネ] Farewell, Yuna. We'll meet again. (さらばユウナ また会おう)
[カリの母親] My Lady Summoner ! (召喚士様) [カリ] You're, a summoner? (召喚士様なの?) [ユウナ] Yes, my name is Yuna. (うん ユウナって言うのよ) [カリ] I'm Calli. (私はカリ) [ユウナ] Nice to meet you, Calli. (はじめまして カリ) [カリ] Lady Yuna, are you going to bring us the Calm? (ユウナ様 ナギ節にしてくれる?) [ユウナ] Yes, very soon. (うん すぐにね) [カリ] Yay ! (わーい) [カリの母親] We're looking forward to another Calm, My Lady
Summoner. [ユウナ] I'll do my best. (はい がんばります) [カリの母親] And good luck your guardians as well. (あなたのガードさんたちにも幸運を)
[ティーダ] What's the Calm? (ナギ節とは?) [ルールー] The Calm is time of peace. (ナギ節は平穏な時) [ユウナ] Sin dies and is reborn. (「シン」は死んで生まれ変わるの) [ティーダ] get it ! (なるほど) [ユウナ] Don't say it isn't worth it... (無駄だなんていわないでね)
[ティーダのモノローグ] Don't say it isn't worth it. Your word that day, Yuna-- 無駄だなんていわないで あの時の言葉 ユウナ
[ガッタ] Hey, we saw the game ! (試合見たぞ! You guys were great ! すごかったぞ!) [ルッツ] Congratulations, Wakka ! (おめでとう ワッカ) チョコボ騎兵くる [ルチル] Hey, stop looking around ! (おい、サボってるんじゃない) [ガッタ] Uh... The lady summoner and her guardians... (あーええと 召喚士様とガードたちが−−) [ルチル] This mission requires our full attention. (この任務は最大級の集中が必要だ [ルッツ] Yes, ma'am. Apologies, ma'am. (はい 申し訳ありません) [ルチル] Carry on ! (頼んだぞ) [ルッツ] See? Keep you head down, say "Sir " a lot, and you'll do
fine. [ガッタ] Right.... Sir.. (そうだけど−−) [ルッツ] Hey, Yuna. (なあ ユウナ [ユウナ] Thank you Sir Luzzu, Sir Gatta. (ありがとう ルッツさん、ガッタさん) [ガッタ] We should be going, Sir ! (行きましょう 先輩) 二人 礼をして去る
[討伐隊員] We'll defeat Sin any way we can ! (何が何でもシンをやっつける)
[シェリンダ] But Yevon's teaching us... (しかしエボンの教えでは−−) [討伐隊員] Enough ! (もういいって!) [シェリンダ] I- I only meant to.... (私は−ただ−−) [ユウナ] Are you all right? (だいじょうぶ?) [シェリンダ] Lady Summoner...? (召喚士様?) [ユウナ] Yes, I am Yuna. (うん ユウナっていうの) [シェリンダ] It is an honor my lady. (お会いできて光栄です [ワッカ] What was all that about? (もめてたのは討伐隊の作戦のことか?) [ティーダ] You mean the one Gatta and Luzzu were talking about? (ルッツとガッタの言ってたあれのこと?) [シェリンダ] I heard they were to use forbidden Machina ! (禁じられたマキナを使うと聞いて [ティーダ] Huh? Why? (どうして?) [ルールー] The use of machina is strictly forbidden by Yevon priesthood. [ワッカ] That's bad, ya? (まずいですよね) [アーロン] Let them use whatever they want. (好きなものを使えばいいさ [シェリンダ] But, it's not about defeating Sin. (倒せるかどうかの問題ではないのです [ワッカ] Yeah ! Right ! (その通りだ) [シェリンダ] But you don't understand ! (ですが−− [ユウナ] Don't say that. (そんなこと言わないで) [シェリンダ] Yes, yes, you're right,. my lady. (そう−−そうに違いないですよね)
ミヘン街道旅行公司 チョコボイーターとバトル
[アーロン] We rest here. (ここで休む) [ワッカ] But this is Al Bhed shop ! (でも アルベド人の店) [アーロン] Is that a problem? (問題があるのか) [ワッカ] They don't believe in Yevon, and in Luca they.. (やつらはエボンを信じてないし ルカでは−− [アーロン] Where were her guardians? (ガードはどこにいたんだ) [ユウナ] Sir Auron's just concerned about your health. (アーロンさんはワッカさんの体調を心配して−−) [ワッカ] I'm not tired one bit ! (俺は疲れてないし!) [アーロン] Well, I am. (俺が疲れたんだ)
旅行公司の中 [ティーダ] As if I should asleep ! (眠れないって!)ティーダ外に出ると 眼前に夕日 [ティーダ] Check it out ! (すっげえ−−)
[ティーダ] Whatcha up to? (何してるのかな?) [ユウナ] Pretty.. (きれいだね) [ティーダ] Sure is. (うん) [ユウナ] I wish I could live in a place like this. (こんな場所で暮らしたいな [ティーダ] You can, once you beat Sin, right? (「シン」を倒せばできるんだろ) [ユウナ] But then a new Sin will be born anyway. (新しい「シン」が生まれちゃうけどね) [ティーダ] Well then, you can jut beat it again. (そうなったら また倒せばいいよ) [ユウナ] I wish I could. (そうできたらいいのにな) [ティーダ] Hey, you can !Trust me ! (できるって! 信じろよ! [ユウナ] Sin is our punishment for our vanity. (「シン」は私たちのうぬぼれへの罰なの [ティーダ] How do we do that? (どうすればいいんだ?) [ティーダ] What did we do that so bad in the first place? (そもそも何がそんなに悪かったんだ? [ユウナ] It's funny... (変だなあ) [ユウナ] Even since I was young, I never questioned it. [ティーダ] well then, we're the same ! (俺たち一緒だな) [ティーダ] Such thinking is very unbecoming of a summoner ! (召喚士がそんな考えではいけませんぞ). [ユウナ] That's not very nice, you know? (だめだよ そんなことしたら) [ティーダ] You know... [ユウナ] Okay [ティーダ] You can't think "That 's a cute girl in the fifth seat from the
right." [ユウナ] I guess. (−−そうだね) [ティーダ] But Yuna, how are you suppose to beat something big like that? [ユウナ] The final Summoning. (究極召喚) [ユウナ] With it we can call the Final Aeon. (その力で究極の召喚獣を呼ぶんだ [ティーダ] In Zanarkand? (ザナルカンドで?) [アーロン] She means the ruins of a city destroyed a thousand years
ago. [ティーダ] You sure it's ruins? (本当に遺跡なのか?) [ユウナ] That's what I heard. (そう聞いてるよ) [アーロン] You'll see it for yourself soon enough. (もうじき自分の目で見ることになる [ユウナ] You will go with us...to Zanarkand? (一緒にザナルカンド行けるよね) [ティーダ] Yeah, I'lldo. (うん いく)
[ティーダのモノローグ] [リン] Pardon me. [ティーダ] Sorry? (なんですか?) [リン] Forgive me, sir. (お許しください) [ティーダ] Oh, you're an Al Bhed? (ああ、アルベド人なんだ) [リン] I am Rin, owner of this establishment. (私はリン この店のオーナーです [ティーダ] well, " helly doo sad wee" to you, too. (じゃ、俺も「はじめまして」) [リン] If you are interested,.. [ティーダ] Yeah, I hear Al Bhed aren't likes much. Oh, sorry. [リン] It is a chase. (残念なことです)
外から悲鳴が聞こえる Someone, help ! (誰か助けて! [アーロン] That's our cue, let's go ! (出番だ 行くぞ) [リン] Thank you for your help. Please use this. (おおありがたい これを使ってください!) ティーダ外に出る [ルールー] To the chokobo corral ! (チョコボの囲いへ!)
チョコボイータ−とのバトル [ルールー] Now ! Hit it hard and we can push it back ! 勝利 (チョコボイータ−が後ろのがけから落ちる時、?!の吹き出しが出ます)
[リン] Have you an interest in renting some chocobos? (チョコボレンタルに興味はありませんか) [チョコボ係] Thank you so much for saving the chocobos ! (チョコボを助けてくれてありがとうございます)
[ドナ] How many times do I have to tell you? (何度言わせるつもり) [討伐隊員] Sorry Ma'am ! No exceptions ! (すみません 例外はありません) [ドナ] You dare impede a summoner's pilgrimage? (召喚士の旅を妨害する気?) [討伐隊員] Sorry Ma'am ! No exceptions ! (すみません 例外はありません) [ドナ] Useless ! (役立たず!) [ドナ] Oh, it's you. (あら、あなたたち) ドナたち、去る [ガッタ] Gatta and Luzzu reporting, sir ! (ガッタとルッツ報告します) [ルッツ] This is the last of them. (これが最後のアレです) [討伐隊員] Good to have you with us. (遠方からご苦労だったな [ガッタ] Show me how to play blitz sometime ! (今度ブリッツ教えてくれよな) [ルッツ] Wait around. We'll have Sin beaten in no time ! (ブラブラしてろ、すぐにシンを片付けちゃうから)
[討伐隊員] I'm sorry. I can't you pass. 引き返しかけたところへシーモアがくる [シーモア] So, we meet again, Lady Yuna. (また会いましたね ユウナ様) [ユウナ] Y-yes? (は はい) [シーモア] You look troubled. (困っているようですね [ユウナ] Well... (実は−−) [シーモア] I see. (なるほど) [討伐隊員] Maester Seymour. Let me show you to the command center. [シーモア] Hold. I have a request. (待ちたまえ 頼みがある) [討伐隊員] Your Grace? (はい!) [シーモア] I need to have Summoner Yuna and her guardians let through to the
command center. [討伐隊員] But, Maester Seymour, sir. (しかし シーモア老師) [シーモア] Do not worry. I will take full responsibility. (心配するな 私が責任を取る) [討伐隊員] Very well. They may pass. (わかりました通行を許可します) [シーモア] It is done. (どうぞ) [ユウナ] Thank you, Your Grace. (あ−−ありがとうございます) 深々といつまでも頭を下げているユウナ [ルールー] Yuna, it's time to go. (ユウナ早く) [ユウナ] Oh, right. (うん) [ティーダ] Who does he think he is? (ナニサマのつもりだ?) [ワッカ] He's a maester. Better get used to it, ya? (ロウシサマだ 慣れとけ)