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Final Fantasy X International イベント字幕  Part6

ルカ ブリッツボール決勝戦


[ダット] Sure, you're all right, Cap'n?      (大丈夫ですか)

[レッティ] The game's starts in a few minutes,  (決勝までもう少しです 
    you sure you okay?大丈夫ですか)

[ジャッシュ] We're playing the Goers, too.  (相手はゴワーズだし−−)


[ティーダ] Miss me?  (お待たせ)

[ダット] Lady Yuna !  (ユウナさん!)

[レッティ] Are you okay?  (無事ですか)

[ユウナ] All these because of me.    (もう 私のせいで−−
    I'm sorry ! I'm so sorry !      ごめんなさい ごめんなさい)

[ワッカ] How can you let some Al Bhed kidnap you? (どうしてアルベドなんかにさらわれるんだァ)

[ティーダ] Hey, let it go, all right?  (なァ もういいだろ)

[ワッカ] Don't go near Al Bhed any more, okay? (アルベドには近づくなよ 
    They're trouble.                  面倒ばっかりだァ)

[ワッカ] The game starts soon. No time for warm-ups.  (すぐ決勝だァウォームアップの時間もねえ)

[ティーダ] Lemme at'em.  (まかせろ)

[ワッカ] All right!                (よし
    I got something to tell you boys.   お前らに話があるんだわ
    After this game... I'm quitting.     この試合が終わったら−−俺は引退するんだァ
    I promised myself this would be my last tournament. これが最後の試合だって決めてたんだわ
    Win or lose, I'm quitting blitzball.              勝ち負け関係なし ブリッツ引退ってな
    But you know...                        でも−−
    Since we're here, we might as well win !         ここまで来たんだから優勝したいっしょ)

[ボッツ] A-am I on the bench?  (俺 ベンチかな)

[ワッカ] I'm warming the bench.     (俺がベンチをあっためる
    He's taking my place.         こいつが俺の代わりだ
    All right boys. Let's win this one!  いっちょうやったるか 
    Let's make Goers goners !      ゴワーズをゴワゴワにしちゃうべ)

[ティーダ] Let's blitz !  (行くぞ!)



[ルールー] I saw you floating there, on the sphere. (うかんでるとこ見ちゃった)

[ワッカ] Hey, you weren't supposed to see that. (お薦めじゃなかったけどな)

[ルールー] You really gave it you all, didn't you?  (本当に全力を出し切ったんだね−−)


[ティーダ] All right, boys!     (みんな!
    What're we gonna do?    俺たちはなにをする?)

[オーラカ] Win !   (勝つ!)

[ボッツ] For Cap'n Wakka !  (ワッカさんのために) 

This is it, folks ! 
In just a few minutes, the championship game !
  どうです皆さん 間もなく決勝戦です


"My best memories are here
Wakka, captain of the Aurochs" (少年のころの思い出に ビサイドオーラカキャプテン ワッカ)


But who could have imagined. a championship game between those two teams?
Our legendary Luca Goers going againsts...
the horrendously ill-fated Besaid Aurochs!
  誰が予想できたでしょうか この2チームの決勝戦を
  我らが伝説のルカゴワーズに対するのは−− 万年初戦敗退チームビサイドオーラカ

This looks like history in the making, Bobba.

There're already going at it, folks !
The Goers are taunting the Aurochs !
  早くも小競り合いだ ゴワーズ オーラカをなめきっています


ハーフタイム オーラカ控え室

[ワッカ] Zone diffence, boys !     (ゾーンディフェンスだ
    Stop those Goers !                  ゴワーズを止めろ!)

[オーラカ] Cap'n !       (はい)

[ティーダ] What about me?    (俺はどうする?)

[ワッカ] Get a ball and just shoot like crazy !  (ボールを奪って何が何でもシュートだ)

[ダット] Goers are goin' down !     (ゴワーズをぶっ潰す)

[オーラカ] Yeah !     (オウ)

[ティーダ] Shoot like crazy !  (何が何でもシュート!)

[オーラカ] Yeah !     (オウ)

[ワッカ] All right ! Hustle ! (よし、行ってこい)


The crowd is cheering for the Aurochs !
Isn't it exciting?


The fans are getting impatient !
They're calling for some action ! 

Everyone seems to be calling for Wakka, folks !

Say... where is that player going?
He's leaving the sphere pool !  He must be injured !
  あの選手はどうしたのでしょう 試合放棄でしょうか プールを出て行きます



To be honest,
I did kind of left out,  but....
It really was the Aurochs' and Wakka's show, after all.


I wonder what's happen?
The crowd is going wild !
Ah ! It's Wakka !
He's back on the field and ready to go !
The aurochs seem glad to have him back.
     (どうしたんでしょう 城内が沸いています


Unbelievable !         
The Aurocks win, folks ! 
This is one for the record books !  
(信じられない瞬間です ブリッツボールの歴史に新たな伝説が生まれた瞬間!)




[ルールー] What's happening?  (何が始まったの?)



[ワッカ] Sir Auron !  (アーロンさん!)

[ティーダ] Auron !  (アーロン)
    So, you do know him.  (やっぱり知ってるのか)

[ワッカ] Yeah. Best guardian there ever was.  (最高のガードだべさ)


[ティーダ] Hey, gimme a break !  (カンベンしてくれ)




[ダット] You really leavin' Cap'n?   (本当に行っちゃうんですか)

[レッティ]Shouldn't you heal up first?   (ゆっくり休んだ方がいいですって)

[ワッカ] Yuna needs me with her now.   (ユウナには俺が必要なんだわ
    I can't lying around in some bed.   寝てるわけにはいかないっしょ)

[ダット] Yeah, but...      (でも−−)

[ワッカ] Come on< look up !   (こら しっかりすれ!
    The blitz season just started.  ブリッツのシーズンは始まったばかりだァ
    Don't make those faces, ya?   そんな顔してたらだめだべさ)


[ワッカ] Well...       (それじゃあ
    See you boys !    元気でやれよ
    You be good !     −−またな)

[オーラカメンバー] Cap'n.  (−−はい).

[ワッカ]  can't hear you !   (聞こえない)

[オーラカメンバー] Cap'n !   (はい!)



[ユウナ] Are you sure?   (いいの?) 

[ワッカ] Never liked long good bye anyway. (長々しいさよならは好きじゃないんだわ
    Sorry for making you wait, Yuna.       待たせたな、ユウナ 
    I had some promises to keep, ya?       他に約束あったからな
    From now on, I'm your full time guardian.   これからは本物のガードだァ)

[ユウナ] Then welcome back, Sir Wakka.    (お帰りなさい ワッカさん
    Good to have you with us.          とっても心強いな)

[ワッカ] It's good to me back, ya?       (俺も戻れてよかったわ
    So, any news on what happened?     それで何が起こったのか情報は?)

[ルールー] Not really.                 (あんまり
    We don't know where the fiends come from. 魔物がどこから来たのかは分からない
    Maester Mika is safe and sound, thanks to Maester Seymour.
    That's about it.    (マイカ大老師はシーモア老師の活躍で無事よ それくらいね)

[ユウナ] Maester Seymour's aeon.....It was so powerful. (シーモア老師の召喚獣−−強かったね)



[ティーダ] Hey you !      
    Don't just stand there !     (突っ立ってるんじゃねえよ!
    All of your fault !         全部あんたのせいなんだぞ!
    Getting swallowed by Sin !    「シン」に呑み込まれて
    Ending up here in Spira !     スピラに放り出されて
    Not being able to go back to Zanarkand  ザナルカンドに帰れないのも!
    --everything, everything !           何もかも!
    I'm telling you it's all your fault !      あんたに言ってるんだぞ!)

[ティーダ] Who are you, anyway?    (あんた何者なんだよ
    You know my old man, didn't you?  親父のこと知ってるんだろ?)

[アーロン] Yeah. (ああ)

[ティーダ] And you also know Yuna's father?  (ユウナの親父さんのことも知ってるんだろ?)

[アーロン] That's correct.  (そうだ)

[ティーダ] Hey, man, there's no way.   (ばかな!)
    That's just impossible !       (そんなこと不可能だ!)

[アーロン] Nothing impossible about it.           (不可能ではない
    Jeckt, Braska, and I ...                  ジェクト、ブラスカ、俺、
    Together we defeated Sin ten years ago.      3人でシンを倒したのが10年前)
    Then I went to Zanarkand.... where I watched over you.  
    So that one day I could bring you to Spira.  (いつかお前をスピラに連れて行くために)

[ティーダ] Why did it have to be me?   (どうして俺なんだよ)

[アーロン] Jeckt asked me to.  (ジェクトに頼まれた)

[ティーダ] Is he alive?  (オヤジは生きてるのか?)

[アーロン] It depends on what you mean by "alive."  (「生きている」の意味によるな)

[アーロン] He is no longer human.  (アイツはもう人間ではない
    But then...             しかしー
    I felt something of Jeckt there in that shell, couldn't you?  俺はシンの中でジェクトを感じた−−
    You must have felt him when you come in contact with Sin.  お前も同じように感じた筈だ)

[ティーダ] It cant be.... (まさかー)

[アーロン] It is. Sin is Jeckt.  (シンはジェクトだ)

[ティーダ] No ! That's ridiculous !    (くだらない!やめてくれよ!
    No way ! I don't believe you !   俺は信じないね!)

[アーロン] But it is truth.     (しかし真実だ)
    You'll see for yourself .   (自分自身で見るんだな
    Come with me.        俺と一緒に来い)

[ティーダ] If I say no?   (いやだといったら?)

[アーロン] Every story must have an ending.  (すべての物語には終わりが必要だ)

[ティーダ] I don't care about your stories !   (あんたの物語なんてどうでもいい!)

[アーロン] I see. Sorry you feel that way.    (そうか  残念だな
    Fine then                      まあいい
    Come or don't come.  It's your decision.  来るか来ないか選ぶのはお前だ)  

[ティーダ] What am I supposed to say?   (なにを言えってさ!
    You tell me it's my decision.       選べだって?
    But I don't have a choice, do I?     俺には選べないだろ!
    You're the only one who can tell me what's going on, anyway ! あんたに頼るしかないんだぞ!)
    I have to go with you.               
    I have to !                  いっしょに行くしかないだろ!)

[アーロン] Irritating, I know.         (不満か? 
    Or are you afraid?  It's all right.   それとも不安か?  それでいい)

[ティーダ] Will I over go home? Back to Zanarkand?  (ザナルカンドには帰れないのか?)

[アーロン] That's up to Jeckt.    (ジェクトしだいだな)
    I'm going to offer my service to Yuna.  Come.  (俺はユウナのガードになる 来い)




[ワッカ] Do you think he's gonna stay here?  (アイツ、ここに残るのかな)

[ルールー] Sir Auron knows him appareatly.  (アーロンさんと知り合いなんでしょ)
    You were right.
    He did meet someone he knew.  (本当に知り合いに合えたわね)

[ユウナ] Do you think he'll find a way back to Zanarkand?  (ザナルカンドの帰り方見つかるかな?)

[ワッカ] In any case, I'll miss having him around.  (どっちにしてもさびしくなるなァ)

[ユウナ] Oh,! He's still in town, isn't he?  (まだ街だよね)
    I think I'll go see him...   (会ってくるね!)



[ユウナ] Sir Auron !  (アーロンさん!)

[アーロン] Yuna.

[ユウナ] Sir.  (はい)

[アーロン] I wish to become your guardian. Do you accept?  (お前のガードになりたい いいか?)

[ワッカ] You're serious?   (本気ですか?)

[アーロン] You refuse?    (拒否するか?)

[ユウナ] No, no.            
    We accept. Right, everyone?  (お願いします いいよねみんな?)

[ワッカ] O-of course ! No problem at all !   (もちろん 全然問題ナシ!)

[ルールー] But...why?  (でもなぜですか?)

[アーロン] I promised Braska.  (ブラスカとの約束だ)

[ユウナ] You promised my father?  (父と約束したのですか?)
    Thank you, Sir Auron ! You're welcome to join us ! 
        (ありがとうございます よろしくお願いします)

[アーロン] And...he comes too.  (それから−− こいつも一緒だ)


[ティーダ] Hi...guys. Eh...howday.   (こんちは−− よろしく)

[アーロン] That's one I promised Jeckt.  (こっちはジェクトとの約束だ)

[ユウナ] Is Sir Jeckt alive?  (ジェクトさんはお元気なんですか?)

[アーロン] Can't say.       (さあな−−  
    Haven't seen him in ten years.    10年間会っていない)

[ユウナ] I...see.    (そうですか)

[アーロン] You'll meet eventually.  (そのうち会えるさ)

[ユウナ] Yes, I'm looking forward to it !  (はい、楽しみにしてます)

[アーロン] What's our itinerary?  (これからの予定は?)
    Where are we headed?    (どこへ向かっている?)


[ユウナ] Hey! Come with me !   (ちょっと来て!)

[ユウナ] Hey, watch !    (見て!)


[ティーダ] Hey, you got pretty good.  (なかなかいいな)

[ユウナ] You sounds sad.   (さびしそうだね)

[ティーダ] Yeah, maybe.   (そうかも)

[ユウナ] Wanna scream?   (叫びたい?)

[ティーダ] I really don't think thats gonna help this time.  (今日は違うみたい)

[ユウナ] You know what?            (あのね
    It's embarrassing to say this myself...  自分でいうと恥ずかしいけど 
    But summoners and guardians are    召喚士とガードはスピラの光なんだよね
    kind of  like Spira's ray of light.      たくさんの人たちが私たちを頼りにしてるの)
    A lot of people in Spira depend on us. 
    I learned to practice smiling when I'm feeling sad, you know?
    I know it's hard.      (だからさびしいときにも微笑んでいることを覚えたんだ 難しいけどね) 

[ティーダ] Yeah... I understand, I think.   (分かる気がする)

[ユウナ] Right, now let's see what you can do!  (じゃあやって見せて!)

[ユウナ] Come on !  (ほら!)


[ティーダ] This is wired !  (変だよこれ)

[ユウナ] Next, try laughing loud !  (次 大きな声で笑ってみよう!)

[ティーダ] What? (なんだ?)

[ユウナ] Come on, show me ! (はい やってみて!)

ティーダ、”HA ,HA, HA, HA,・・・”と大声を出す

[ユウナ] You probably shouldn't laugh any more. (やり過ぎかも)


[ユウナ] Too funny !    (おかしい)

[ティーダ] It's your idea !  (ユウナのせいだ)

[ユウナ] Um...thank you.   (うん ありがと)

[ユウナ] I want my journey to be full of laughter. (笑いながら 旅をしたいの)

[ティーダ] Okay.  (わかった)

[ユウナ] If we should get separated, just whistle !   (もしはぐれたら指笛を吹いてね
    I'll come running, I promise !             私飛んでいくから 約束する)

[ティーダ] Well...let's go.  (じゃ 行こうか)


[ティーダ] What're you looking at?  (なに見てるんだよ)

[ワッカ] We were just worried you guys might've gone crazy.  (お前たちが変になったかと思ったんだわ)

[ユウナ] Sorry !            (だいじょうぶ
    Well then, alright.           
    Now, we will go to the temple at Djoze.   それでは私たちはジョゼ寺院へ向かいます
    nd guardians? Don't forget to smile.      ガードの皆さん笑顔を忘れずに)




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