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Final Fantasy X International イベント字幕  Part5




[ティーダ] What are you all talk about? (何の話?)

[ビクスン] Who are you supposed to be? (お前何様のつもりだ?)

[グラーブ] Ah, I remember him, Guy from Kirika. (キーリカであったヤツだ)

[ビクスン] Hmm?(ああ?)

[グラーブ] You know one of the Besaid Aurock.  (ビサイド・オーラカの選手で、 
    Said somethin' about winning the cup.    今回は勝つとか言ってた)

[ビクスン] Oh, right. You're the idiot. (なるほどあのおめでたいヤツか)

[ユウナ] Don't call him that! (ひどい言い方)

[ビクスン] But he is an idiot.   (それは仕方がない)
    They don't got what is takes to win the cup.  (オーラカが勝てる要素は何もないしな)

[ティーダ] Well, they do now that I'm here! (今はある 俺がいるからな)

[ユウナ] Yes, they will win!  (そのとおり、勝つの)
    He used to be the star player of the Zanarkand Abes! (その人はザナルカンドエイブスのスターなんだから!)

[グラーブ] Year, as if anyone lived in those ruins. (遺跡に誰が住んでるってかい)

[ユウナ] It's not ruins, there's a big city there! There is! (遺跡じゃなくて大きな都市があるんです)

[ティーダ] I...I got too close to Sin and-- (俺 「シン」に近づきすぎて−−)

[ユウナ] There is a city, really!  (街があるの!)

[ビクスン] Right, whatever Your ladyship says.  (はいはい おじょうさま)


[ティーダ] What's wrong? You seemed kinda mad back there.  (なんだかムキになってたな)

[ユウナ] The are being rude and... (失礼な人たちだし−−)
    I do believe your Zanrkand exists. I really do, you know! 

[ティーダ] How come? (どうして?)

[ユウナ] Sir Jeckt used to always tell me stories. (ジェクトさんが話してくれたから)
    It's be great to see your home someday.  (きみの町を見られたらすごいのにね)
    I'd love to go there. (とっても行きたいよ)

[ティーダ] Year... うん


So, Yuna, wanna some come over to my place?
Right, sure...  As if I had a place to show her.
  それじゃあ ウチ来る?




[ルールー] Well, say something.    (何とか言ってみて) 
     You'll take responsibility?  (責任とるつもり?)

[ワッカ] Really!   (落ち着けよ)
     He's bound to know someone in Luca. (ルカにあいつの知り合いいるべさ)

[ルールー] And if not? (いなかったら?)

[ワッカ] He could always join a blitz team.   (あいつならあちこちのチームで引っ張りだこだァ)
    Anyhow, it's better than just having him in Besaid!   (ビサイドにおいとくよりマシっしょ)

[ルールー] What? Just leaving him in Luca?  (試合の後はルカにおいていくってこと?)

[ワッカ] What do you want me to do? (俺にどーすれって?)

[ルールー] Yuna want to make him a guardian.  (ユウナがガードにしたがってるでしょ)

[ワッカ] Oh, year, geez...There that too, eh? (その問題もあったっけ)

[ルールー] And whose fault is that? (誰のせいかしらね)

[ワッカ] Not mine! (俺だってかい?)
    It is mine, huh?  (俺だなァ)
    Why do you think she wants to make him a guardian, anyway?
      (どうしてユウナは アイツをガードにしたがるんだ?)

[ルールー] Because he's Sir Jeckt's son. (ジェクト様の息子だからでしょ)

[ワッカ] Oh, right. (なるほど)
    Wait, you sure 'bout that? He's really Sir Jeckt's son?

[ルールー] It's hard to say, but Yuna seems to believe so.

[ワッカ] Okay. (なーるほど)

[ルールー] "Okay"? "Okay"? (なるほど なるほどって)
    That's all you have to say? (それだけ?)

[ワッカ] Well, year, I mean... (ええと つまり−−)
    He's gotta decide for himself, ya? Will, him and Yuna, I guess. 

[ルールー] You're right, for once. (まともなこと言うじゃない)

[ワッカ] Ahem! (どんなもんだい)

[ルールー] I wonder which is best...  (何が正しいのかわからないね)
     Why don't you tell him he should?  (あんたから勧めてみたら?)

[ワッカ] Should what? (なにを?)

[ルールー] Become Yuna's guardian. (ユウナのガードになること)

[ワッカ] Why me? (なんで俺さ?)

[ルールー] Because Yuna can't. (ユウナからは言えないし)

[ワッカ] Why not? (なんで?)

[ルールー] He hate his father-- (あの子は父親が大嫌いみたい)
    What he was, what he did.  
    Do you really think she can possibly say to him... (そんな人に頼めないでしょ)
    I want you to be my guardian, like your father was to mine.

[ワッカ] Aren't you being over=sensitive?  (気にしすぎっしょ)
    All right, all right.  (分かった)
    I'll try talking to him after tournament.  (トーナメントの後で話してみるわ)

[ルールー] Be discrest.  (急ぎすぎないでね)

[ワッカ] I know. It's his decision. (分かってる 決めるのはアイツだァ)

[ワッカ] He doesn't like his father?  (アイツ、父親が嫌いだってかい?)

[ルールー] Apparently. He told Yuna as much.  (ユウナにいろいろ話したみたい)

[ワッカ] Hating your own father,huh?  (父親が嫌いなんて贅沢もんだァ)
    Sounds like a luxury to me.  
    I don't even remember my parents.  (俺、両親のこと何も覚えてないんだわ)
    Can't say how I feel about'em.     (好きも嫌いもないしなァ)

[ルールー] I...I was five then, so I remember mine a little.
        (私は5歳の時だったから 少しは覚えてる)

[ワッカ] Dammit ! (なんてこったァ)
    Sin just takes everything away from us. (「シン」が全部持って言っちまう!)


[ワッカ] Go to bed, bud. Tournament starts tomorrow morning.

[ワッカ] Someone's bound to recognize you when they see your moves out there. 







[ジェクト] Well, well, trying to follow my footsteps, are you?  (おやおや君は私みたいになりたいのだね)
    I usually charge for lessons, you know.      (普通はお金をいただくんですけどねえ)
    That shot is this.       (そのシュートはこうするんです)

    You can't do it, kid.         (おまえにゃできねえって)
    But don't worry, my boy.     (でも心配するこたねえ
    You're not the only one.      お前だけじゃない
    No one else can do it.       ほかの奴らにゃできねえよ
    I'm the best!             俺は一番だからな)

ジェクトシュートチャレンジ 成功

[ティーダ] The best? You're right! (一番だって? はいはい)

[ワッカ] What's that called?  (それなんて技さ?)

[ティーダ] Doesn't have a name.    (名前なんてないし、
    Anyone can do it if they try.     誰にでもできるって)

[ワッカ] Show us one more time, ya?  (もう一回やってくれないかい?)


[ユウナ] That was a Jeckt shot, wasn't it?  (さっきのジェクトシュートだよね)

[ティーダ] How do you know it?  (どうして知ってるんだ?)

[ユウナ] Sir Jeckt showed it to me when I was a child.  (子どものころ ジェクトさんが見せてくれたの)
    He called it the "Sublimely Magnificent Jeckt Shot Mark III ."

[ティーダ] Stupid name, huh! (ばかばかしい名前だよな)
     You know what? There is no Mark I or Mark II, you know? 
       (知ってるか 1号や2号は存在しないって)
     My old man said the name Mark III was just something to hook the crowd.
     He said they'd come back every night expecting to see Mark I or Mark II.
     And they really did come back.  (本当にそうなってさ−−)
     I used to get so mad.  (すごく腹が立ったんだ)

[ティーダ] Is he alive, you know?  アイツ、生きてるかな?

[ユウナ] I don't know. But Sir Jeckt was my father's guardian.
       (分からない でもジェクトさんは父さんのガードだったから−−)

[ティーダ] So he's famous here, too? (こっちでも有名人ってことか)

[ユウナ] Yes.  So if anything happened to him, I should think word would get around foot.
        (うん もし何かあったらすぐにうわさになるはずなんだ)

[ティーダ] Uh-huh. (ふーん)

[ユウナ] What would you do, if you find him?  (会えたらどうする?)

[ティーダ] Who knows?  (さあね)
    I thought he died ten years ago. (10年前に死んだと思ってたからな)
    Well...                                      (うーん−−)
    I'd probably just smack him one.    (たぶん一発ぶん殴るな)
    After everything he put Mom and me through.  (あいつのせいで母さんと俺は苦労したし−−
    And because he was famous, I was always...    あいつが有名なせいで 俺は−−
    Well, you should Know, Yuna.             ユウナなら分かるよな)

[ティーダ] Your father's famous, too.     (ユウナのオヤジさんも有名人で
    Everyone in Spira knows him, right?   ここじゃ誰でも知ってる)

[ティーダ] Ain't it tough? (それ、きつくないか?)

[ユウナ] It is hard to follow in his footsteps, as a summoner.  (召喚士としてはきついかな)

[ティーダ] Sure. (だろ?)

[ユウナ] But the honor of having a father like him surpasses all that, I think.

[ティーダ] But there wasn't much to honor about. my old man, that's for sure!

[ユウナ] You shouldn't say that about your father !  (自分のお父さんをそんなふうに言っちゃダメだよ)

[ティーダ] I got the right !  (俺には権利があるのだ)

[ユウナ] I guess you do.  (はいはい)

[ワッカ] Show me that move again !  (さっきのもう一回見せれー)

I didn't think my old man would come to Luca.
He never did like watching other people play.
but I couldn't help feeling something bad was gonna happen.
And those feelings of mine are usually right.
Sure, I had told Wakka,  I'd help him win the tournament,
But I wasn't sure I had it in me to play at all, anymore.     





Ladies and gentlemen, the day we've all been waiting for !
The opening tournament of the season !
This event is sponsored by Yevon.
And this year we celebrate Maester Mika's 50th year in office.


Ah, over there !
The ships carrying the players are arriving now !  
This would be dock number 2.
All the way from Kilika, it's the Kilika Beasts !
High summoner Ohalland used to play for them--a big name to live up to !
Their home town was recently attacked by Sin.
Isn't that right, Jimma?

Yes, Bobba. They're going to be pulling out all the stops 
to try and bring back the cup this year.
  (そうだな 今年のやつらは何が何でも優勝狙いだ)

Exciting, isn't it, folks? 
our next team off the ramp is...
Well, well, well !
If it isn't the Besaid Aurocks !
They're living, breathing !statistical impossibility.
I've never seen a team this bad !
That's right !
In twenty-three years they've never make it past the first round !
Only a few die-hard fans are in the audience today.
  (興奮しますねえ さて次のチームは−−
   おやおやおや ビサイド・オーラカだ!

Best of luck to them, and a safe journey back to Besaid.
  (幸運を祈るぞ 無事に島に帰れるようにな)

Right Jimma.
Moving right along, our nexy team is...
Here they are folks !
Our very own Luca Goers !
They've great power ! 
They've great speed ! 
They've great teamwork !
They're an all round first class team !
And they're back home in Luca !
   きました 我らのルカゴアーズです
   パワー、スピード、 チームワーク すべてが最上級のチームであります

Without a doubt, they are the favorite this year, Bobba.
And after the way they dominated last year, 
It'd take a miracle for them to lose today.
  (いちばん優勝に近いチームだろ 去年の優勝の仕方をみると今年負けるなんてありえないな)

You can say that again, Jimma.
Look at the crowd, folks.
Look at the crowd !
Looks like all of Luca has turned out to cheer the Goers on !
They know, I know, and you know, folks !
The Luca Goers are number one !
   (そのとおりです!見てください この群集を!
    みんな知っています あなたもです ゴアーズが最高だということを!)


[ワッカ] It's like this every year, ya? Don't let it bother you.
       (毎年こんなもんだァ 気にすんな)


[ティーダ] Stop right there, Goers !   (止まれ、ゴアーズ!)
    You guys are smiling now, But not for long !    (笑ってられるのも今のうちだ
    'Cause this year, us Aurocks are taking the cup !  今年は俺たちが優勝だ!)

[ワッカ] What in the Yevon name were you doing up there?

[ダット] We sure stood out through ! (目立ったぞ)

[レッティ] We were on the sphere !  (スフィアに写ったぞ)

[オーラカメンバー] We were? (写った?)

Maester Mika is here !  (マイカ大老師が到着だ)
Already?  (もう?)
The number 3 dock !  (3番ポートだ)

[ティーダ] What's up now ?  (今度は何?)

[ユウナ] Maester Mika arrived, that's what ! (マイカ大老師がご到着だって)

[ティーダ] Mika ?  Maester ? (マイカ  ダイロウシ?)

[ルールー] Maester Mika is the leader of all the peoples of Spira
    He's come all the way from Bevelle . 
    The tournament is being held to honor his fifty years as maester. 
         (大老師はスピラの民の長 はるばるベベルからいらっしゃったのよ

[ティーダ] Fifty years ? Shouldn't he be, uh retiring by now ? (50年! 長すぎ!)

[ワッカ] Hey, mind your mouse, now ! (おい、口を慎め)

[ユウナ] Let's all go see him ! (私たちも行こう!)



ルカ港 3番ポート

[ティーダ] Can't see a thing !   (見えない)

[ワッカ] Shhhh ! (シーーッ)

 That's a Guado, right?  (グアド族?)
 Who could it be?  (誰だろう?)
 Isn't that Maester Seymour? (シーモア老師かな?)

[マイカ] Peoples of Spira,              (スピラの民よ
     I thank you for your generous welcome.  盛大な歓迎を感謝する 
    Rise, Maester Seymour.             立ちなさいシーモア老師
    And all of you as well.              紹介しよう
    I present to you the son of Maester Jyscal Guado,   
    who departed for the Farplane past.  先ごろ異界へと旅立ったジスカル・グアド老師の遺児であり−−
    As some of you already know,          皆も知るように
    he has been officially ordained a maester of Yevon. エボンの正式な老師となった−−)

[シーモア] I am Seymour Guado.        (シーモア・グアドです
    I am honored to receive the title of maester . 畏れ多くも老師の位を授かりました)
    In life, my father Jyscal worked          生前 父はジスカルは
    to foster friendship between man and Guado. 人とグアド族の有効に尽力しました
    I vow to carry on his legacy,            その遺志を継ぎ、
    and to fulfilling duties as a maester to the best of my abilities.  老師としての職務に励む所存です)

[ワッカ] You, too ! Bow your head !   (ほら、お前も頭下げろ)

[ワッカ] Really psyches you up, ya?   (気合はいるべ?)
    All right. last meeting before the match ! Hustle !  (よし最終ミーティングだ、はりきれ!)




[ダット] Where's Wakka?   (ワッカはどこ?)

[ティーダ] At the match-up draws.   (トーナメントの抽選ッス)

[レッティ] We had to play the Goers in the first match last year. (去年の1回戦はゴワーズで−−)

[ジャッシュ] The year before that, and the one before that, too ! (その前も、その前の前も−−)

[キッパ] Well, we wouldn't lose to anyone anyway.  (ま、どことあたっても負けてたけど−−)

[ダット] Cap'n wakka !  (ワッカさん)

[ワッカ] We're playin' the Al Bhed Psychs first.  (初戦の相手はアルベドサイクス!)
    If we win, we're in the finals !      (それに勝てば決勝だ)
    That's right, we got seeded.        俺たちはシードされたんだわ
    Two wins and we're the champions !   2回勝てば優勝だ!)

[ワッカ] First things first.         (それではともかく
    Let's go over the basics again boys.   初心に帰って基本の練習だ)

[ユウナ] There you are !                (いたいた!
    Someone said they saw Sir Auron in a cafe ! カフェにアーロンさんがいたんだって!)

[ティーダ] Au--Auron?   

[ユウナ] Yes, Sir Auron !   (そう アーロンさん!
    Let's go find him !     さがしに行こう!)

[ワッカ] Hey !  Hey, hey, hey, hey !  (おいおいおいおい!
    The game starts like real soon !  シアイハスグニハジマルノダゾ
    C-come back quick, ya?      スグニカエッテコイヨ!)

[ティーダ] Hey, I'll be back.  (分かってるって)

[ワッカ] Yeah, okay.  (たのんだわ)

[ティーダ] Hey, Wakka.     (ワッカ、ワッカ)
    You're stiff, man.      (カタイヨ
    No, not your face.      いや顔じゃなくて
    Just breathe out, relax.    リラックス・・・
    Like this. Just breathe, Yeah !  −−はい深呼吸)


[ユウナ] Maybe now we can find Sir Jeckt.   (ジェクトさん見つかるかもね)

[ティーダ] Huh? how?  (どうして?)

[ユウナ] Sir Auron was also my father's guardian.  (アーロンさんも父さんのガードだったの
    So, he might know where Sir Jeckt is.      だからジェクトさんの消息を知ってるかも
    Let's go now !                    早く行こう!)


It didn't even occur to me to think that the Auron Yuna was talking about...
And the one that I know from Zanarkand could be to different people.
I don't know it was the same guy,
I know it was the same Auron.  



[アルベド選手] A lady summoner !  (ショウカンシサマダ)
          We must report.    (ホウコクスルカ)

[ティーダ] Hey!
    Al Bhed Psychs, right?               (アルベドサイクスだろ
    Some Al Bhed saved me the other day, and...  俺、この間アルベドに世話になったんだ
    This girl about Rikku gave me food and...     リュックって女の子にメシもらってさ−−
    Uh... You don't understand me, do you?      通じてないのか−−
    Uh.. Anyway...                     とにかく
    If you meet Rikku, tell her thanks for me.    リュックに会ったら「ありがとう」って言っといて
    Oh, and as for the first game?           それから一回戦
    May the best team win !              いい試合しような)



[ユウナ] I'm sorry. Please let me through.  (すみません通して下さい)

[ユウナ] Hey, let's go.  (さ、行こう)

[ティーダ] You're really famous.  (有名人てやつ?)

[ユウナ] I hope we don't get separated.  (はぐれないようにしなくちゃ)

[ティーダ] Yuna ! 


[ユウナ] What was that?  (なに?)

[ティーダ] In Zanarkand, we do this to cheer on blitz players. (ザナルカンドではこうやって応援するんだ)
    You try it too !                 やってみ
    Put your fingers in your mouth like this.  (こんな風に指を入れて−−)

[ユウナ] Like... this?  (えっと−−こう?)

[ティーダ] Uh-uh, not like that.  Like this. (そうじゃなくて−−)
    Then, you just blow.           (それで吹く)

[ユウナ] It's not working.  (ダメだね)

[ティーダ] Practice !  (練習あるのみ)

[ユウナ] Okay. (はい)

[ティーダ] Hey, use that if we get separated. (もしはぐれたら吹いて
    Then, I'll come running, okay?    俺飛んでくからさ いい?)
    Well, guess we should just stick together, then, till you can do it. 

[ユウナ] Yes, sir.  (了解)

[ティーダ] Whoa ! This is a pretty big town ! (けっこうデカイ街だな)

[ユウナ] Luca is the second largest city in Spira.  (ルカはスピラで2番目に大きな街だよ)

[ティーダ] I thought every town was little--you know, like Besaid and Kilika.

[ユウナ] Towns don't usually get bigger than that.  (街は−−大きくならないの
    Because when a lot of people start to gather--  人がたくさん集まってくると−−)

[ティーダ] Sin...?   (シンーー?)

[ティーダ] What about Luca?  (ルカは?)
It's safe here?   ここは安全なのか?)

[ユウナ] It's not a any different, but the stadium is here.  (ここも同じだけど、スタジアムがあるでしょ)
    The Crusaders fight to protect it with all their strength.    (討伐隊が全力で守るの)

[ティーダ] They protect the stadium? (スタジアムを守るのか?)

[ユウナ] Blitzball is really the only entertainment that we have. (ブリッツだけが私たちの楽しみだからね)
    Spira's a little short on fun these days.  (スピラには楽しいことが少ないんだ)

[ティーダ] Whoa ! Tell about pressure ! (責任重大だ!)

[ユウナ] That's right ! In Zanarkand like this, too?  (そうそう ザナルカンドもここみたい?) 

[ティーダ] Well, there are more buildings.    (もっとたくさん建物があるな)
    All tall ones around together.       (高くてぎっしりって感じ)

[ユウナ] They must be so tall !   (すごく高いの?
    Don't you ever get dizzy?   くらくらしない?)

[ユウナ] Let's go find Sir Auron !  (アーロンさんさがそう!)

[ティーダ] Auron's not here.  (いないな−−)

[ユウナ] Let's ask around !   (聞いてみよう)

[エンケ] Why not talk, Kimahri ?   (なぜキマリ話さない)
    Not see Yenke for ten years.  (10年ぶりだ 
    Say something !                何か言え)
    Kimahri forget Yenke? Forget Biran?  (エンケを忘れたか ビランを忘れたか)

[ビラン] Leave Kimahri, Yenke.       (かまうなエンケ
    Kimahri is small Ronso.        キマリは小さいロンソだ
    Kimahri so small can't see Yenke and Biran's faces.  背が低い顔が見えないビランとエンケがわからない)

[エンケ] Kimahri forget Ronso friends?   (ロンソの友達を忘れたか
    We taught you much at time of horn-molt !  角が生え変わるころ たくさん教えた
    Maybe taught too much.              やりすぎたかも
    Biran taught Kimahri to be strong Ronso.    ビラン教えてキマリを鍛えた)

[ティーダ] Take'em on !  (やっちゃえ!)


[店の客] Take it outside ! The tournament's starting you hear?
       (外でやれ 試合が始まるッちゅーに)

[ティーダ] The game?  (試合だ!)

Today, on this glorious day,
players from all over Spira have assembled here...
to participate in this great contest of bravery, skill, and strength.
All of those fine teams equally renowned, deserve to win the cup today.
Such is the nature of this contest.
Let us, the spectators, play our role accordingly.
Let us sing to the glory of the winners, 
and applaud equally the valor of defeated.
Contestants, may Yevon be with you. 
   勝敗の行方は誰も知らぬ それゆえ我らはただ賞賛しよう
   勝者の栄光のために歌い 敗者の勇気を称えよう
   選手諸君 エボンが共にあらんことを


[ティーダ] Kimahri !  Yuna's gone !  キマリ、ユウナがいない!




[ルールー] Where in Spira have you been?  (どこに行ってたのよ)

[ティーダ] Huh?  (あ?)

[ルールー] Yuna's benn kidnapped by Al Bhed Psychs.  (ユウナがアルベドサイクスにさらわれたの)
    In exchange for her safe return, they want the Aurocks to lose.
      (無事に帰して欲しければ 試合に負けろだって)

[ティーダ] What?   (なんだって?)

[ルールー] If they're only blitzball players,  (ただの選手なら
    I doubt they'd do anything drastic. たいしたこと無いと思う
    But we should take chances.  でももしもってこともあるから、
    Let's go get her.   助けに行くわよ)

[ティーダ] I'm going too.  (俺も行く!)


[ティーダ] This will be no problem !   (どうってことないよ)
    They're telling the Aurocks to throw the game,  
    as if they need to !                (オーラカにわざと負けろってんだろ?
    I mean, how good a team can they do?     ってことはやつらはダメダメってことだ)

[ルールー] Wakka says a same thing.  (ワッカも同じこと言ってたわ
    We'll take care of the game,     試合は任せて
    We should go get Yuna.        ユウナを取り戻せって
    The Al Bhed boat is in dock 4. Let's go !   アルベド族の船は4番ポートよ)

2番ポートで アルベドポーターと戦闘

[ティーダ] Whoa ! What are they?   (なんだこいつら?)

[ルールー] Ancient machina salvaged by the Al Bhed.  (アルベド族が発掘したマキナね)
    They are mostly vulnerable to lightning.   (だいたい雷に弱いの)

[ティーダ] What's up with those guys?   (うじゃうじゃしつこいっつうの!)

[ルールー] The Al Bhed were expecting us.  (アルベドは本気のようね)

The Aurocks are keeping the score tied with some excellent defense, folks !
ーワッカ攻撃されるー Ow ! He'll feel that one in the morning !

But the referee doesn't call the foul !  でもレフェリーはファウルをとらないぞ!
Wakka's taking a real beating out there !  ワッカはもうへろへろだ

[ティーダ] Still in there !  (その調子!)

[ルールー] He won't last.  (最後まで持たないわ) 
   Wakka's always like that.   (ワッカはいつだってそうなの)

[ティーダ] Ouch !

[ルールー] Let's go !  (行くわよ)


[ルールー] Let's go !  (行きましょう)

船に飛び移る  アルベドシューターと戦闘

[ティーダ] Hey, we can use this crane ! (このクレーン使えるぞ)


[ルールー] I hope you hurt them.  (やっちゃったでしょ)

[ユウナ] A little.  (ちょっと)


[ユウナ] What is it?  (どうしたの?)

[ティーダ] There were these Al Bhed that saved my life when I first came to Spira.
    They took me on their ship even gave me food.  (船に乗せてもらって メシもさ
    I was kinda hoping this was the same ship.   同じ船かと思ったけど 
    But it's not.                         ‐違った)
    I wonder if they're all gone.    (みんなやられたのかな)

[ルールー] What happened?  (何があったの)

[ティーダ] Sin came up near us.  (シンがでた)
    I made it out okay, but I don't know what happened to their ship. 
  (俺は助かったけど 船はどうなったんだろうな)

[ユウナ] Um... was there anyone called Cid on that ship? (その船にシドという人いた?)

[ティーダ] I don't know. They were all speaking that Al Bhed language. 
       (分からない みんなアルベドのことばだったし)

[ユウナ] I see... (そだね)

[ティーダ] So, who's Cid?  (で シドって?)

[ユウナ] He's my uncle, but I've never actually met him. (私のおじさんなの 会ったことは無いけどね)

[ティーダ] Wait. That means you're Al Bhed, too, Yuna? (ふーん  それってばユウナもアルベド?)

[ユウナ] On my mother side, yes.  (母方がね
    Cid is my mother's brother.  シドはお母さんのお兄さん
    He became distant after my mother married.  お母さんが結婚する時に縁を切ったんだって
    But she told me to seek him out if I ever needed help.  でも助けが必要な時はさがしなさいってお母さんが)

[ティーダ] You're worried he was...?   (そりゃ心配だよなあ)

[ルールー] Don't tell Wakka about Yuna's lineage.  (このことはワッカには言わないでね)
    The things about Wakka-- he never had much love for the Al Bhed.

[ティーダ] Whoa !     (あ
    I gotta tell Wakka ! ワッカに知らせなくちゃ!)

[ルールー] I thought I told you not to tell Wakka !  (言わないでって言ったでしょ)

[ユウナ] The game !  (試合!)

[ルールー] Oh !  (あ!)

ルールー 空に合図の光をあげる

Thirty seconds left !                  (残り30秒!
The Aurocks are launching an all-out offensive !  オーラカ全員攻撃!
A long pass from Letty !                 レッティからのロングパス
It gets through !                      パスが通った!
He shoots !                         シューート!)

Goooooooooal !  

Unbelievable !                (信じられない!
The Aurocks win the match, 3-2 !    オーラカ3‐2で勝ちました!) 


[ティーダ] We won!  (勝ったぞ!)

[ユウナ] We did it!   (やったね!
    We're in the finals!   決勝だよ!)

[ルールー] Not the most...graceful win.  (最高に優雅な勝利−−じゃないわね
    If it was Chappu, he'd still be standing.  チャップだったら ちゃんと立ってたわ)

[ティーダ] Hey, aren't you being just a little unfair? (ちょっと不公平じゃないかな)

[ルールー] Excuse me?  (不公平?)

[ティーダ] I know I could never take Chappu's place.  (俺は絶対にチャップの代わりにはなれない
     You're the one who told Wakka, right, Lulu?   ワッカにそういってくれたのルールーだろ
     And I don't think Wakka would ever try to take Chappu's pl--

[ルールー] You don't to finish that sentence.  (最後まで言うつもりじゃないわよね)


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