ユウナとゴア‐ズ選手たちが談笑している [ティーダ] What are you all talk about? (何の話?) [ビクスン] Who are you supposed to be? (お前何様のつもりだ?) [グラーブ] Ah, I remember him, Guy from Kirika. (キーリカであったヤツだ) [ビクスン] Hmm?(ああ?) [グラーブ] You know one of the Besaid Aurock. (ビサイド・オーラカの選手で、 [ビクスン] Oh, right. You're the idiot. (なるほどあのおめでたいヤツか) [ユウナ] Don't call him that! (ひどい言い方) [ビクスン] But he is an idiot. (それは仕方がない) [ティーダ] Well, they do now that I'm here! (今はある 俺がいるからな) [ユウナ] Yes, they will win! (そのとおり、勝つの) [グラーブ] Year, as if anyone lived in those ruins. (遺跡に誰が住んでるってかい) [ユウナ] It's not ruins, there's a big city there! There is! (遺跡じゃなくて大きな都市があるんです) [ティーダ] I...I got too close to Sin and-- (俺 「シン」に近づきすぎて−−) [ユウナ] There is a city, really! (街があるの!) [ビクスン] Right, whatever Your ladyship says. (はいはい おじょうさま) ゴア−ズ立ち去る [ティーダ] What's wrong? You seemed kinda mad back there. (なんだかムキになってたな) [ユウナ] The are being rude and... (失礼な人たちだし−−) [ティーダ] How come? (どうして?) [ユウナ] Sir Jeckt used to always tell me stories. (ジェクトさんが話してくれたから) [ティーダ] Year... うん
[ルールー] Well, say something. (何とか言ってみて) [ワッカ] Really! (落ち着けよ) [ルールー] And if not? (いなかったら?) [ワッカ] He could always join a blitz team. (あいつならあちこちのチームで引っ張りだこだァ) [ルールー] What? Just leaving him in Luca? (試合の後はルカにおいていくってこと?) [ワッカ] What do you want me to do? (俺にどーすれって?) [ルールー] Yuna want to make him a guardian. (ユウナがガードにしたがってるでしょ) [ワッカ] Oh, year, geez...There that too, eh? (その問題もあったっけ) [ルールー] And whose fault is that? (誰のせいかしらね) [ワッカ] Not mine! (俺だってかい?) [ルールー] Because he's Sir Jeckt's son. (ジェクト様の息子だからでしょ) [ワッカ] Oh, right. (なるほど) [ルールー] It's hard to say, but Yuna seems to believe so. [ワッカ] Okay. (なーるほど) [ルールー] "Okay"? "Okay"? (なるほど なるほどって) [ワッカ] Well, year, I mean... (ええと つまり−−) [ルールー] You're right, for once. (まともなこと言うじゃない) [ワッカ] Ahem! (どんなもんだい) [ルールー] I wonder which is best... (何が正しいのかわからないね) [ワッカ] Should what? (なにを?) [ルールー] Become Yuna's guardian. (ユウナのガードになること) [ワッカ] Why me? (なんで俺さ?) [ルールー] Because Yuna can't. (ユウナからは言えないし) [ワッカ] Why not? (なんで?) [ルールー] He hate his father-- (あの子は父親が大嫌いみたい) [ワッカ] Aren't you being over=sensitive? (気にしすぎっしょ) [ルールー] Be discrest. (急ぎすぎないでね) [ワッカ] I know. It's his decision. (分かってる 決めるのはアイツだァ) [ワッカ] He doesn't like his father? (アイツ、父親が嫌いだってかい?) [ルールー] Apparently. He told Yuna as much. (ユウナにいろいろ話したみたい) [ワッカ] Hating your own father,huh? (父親が嫌いなんて贅沢もんだァ) [ルールー] I...I was five then, so I remember mine a little. [ワッカ] Dammit ! (なんてこったァ)
[ワッカ] Go to bed, bud. Tournament starts tomorrow morning. [ワッカ] Someone's bound to recognize you when they see your moves out
ブリッツボールに足をかけるティーダ ー回想ー 幼いティーダがシュート練習を失敗したところに現われたジェクト [ジェクト] Well, well, trying to follow my footsteps, are you? (おやおや君は私みたいになりたいのだね) You can't do it, kid. (おまえにゃできねえって) ジェクトシュートチャレンジ 成功 [ティーダ] The best? You're right! (一番だって? はいはい) [ワッカ] What's that called? (それなんて技さ?) [ティーダ] Doesn't have a name. (名前なんてないし、 [ワッカ] Show us one more time, ya? (もう一回やってくれないかい?)
[ユウナ] That was a Jeckt shot, wasn't it? (さっきのジェクトシュートだよね) [ティーダ] How do you know it? (どうして知ってるんだ?) [ユウナ] Sir Jeckt showed it to me when I was a child. (子どものころ ジェクトさんが見せてくれたの) [ティーダ] Stupid name, huh! (ばかばかしい名前だよな) [ティーダ] Is he alive, you know? アイツ、生きてるかな? [ユウナ] I don't know. But Sir Jeckt was my father's guardian. [ティーダ] So he's famous here, too? (こっちでも有名人ってことか) [ユウナ] Yes. So if anything happened to him, I should think word would get
around foot. [ティーダ] Uh-huh. (ふーん) [ユウナ] What would you do, if you find him? (会えたらどうする?) [ティーダ] Who knows? (さあね) [ティーダ] Your father's famous, too. (ユウナのオヤジさんも有名人で [ティーダ] Ain't it tough? (それ、きつくないか?) [ユウナ] It is hard to follow in his footsteps, as a summoner. (召喚士としてはきついかな) [ティーダ] Sure. (だろ?) [ユウナ] But the honor of having a father like him surpasses all that, I think. [ティーダ] But there wasn't much to honor about. my old man, that's for sure! [ユウナ] You shouldn't say that about your father ! (自分のお父さんをそんなふうに言っちゃダメだよ) [ティーダ] I got the right ! (俺には権利があるのだ) [ユウナ] I guess you do. (はいはい) [ワッカ] Show me that move again ! (さっきのもう一回見せれー)
[アナウンサーと解説者] Ladies and gentlemen, the day we've all been waiting for ! 船が2番ポートに接岸する Ah, over there ! Yes, Bobba. They're going to be pulling out all the stops Exciting, isn't it, folks? Best of luck to them, and a safe journey back to Besaid. Right Jimma. Without a doubt, they are the favorite this year, Bobba. You can say that again, Jimma. ティーダ腹立ち紛れに地を蹴る [ワッカ] It's like this every year, ya? Don't let it bother you. ティーダ、拡声器をもって箱の上に立つ [ティーダ] Stop right there, Goers ! (止まれ、ゴアーズ!) [ワッカ] What in the Yevon name were you doing up there? [ダット] We sure stood out through ! (目立ったぞ) [レッティ] We were on the sphere ! (スフィアに写ったぞ) [オーラカメンバー] We were? (写った?) [周囲の人々] [ティーダ] What's up now ? (今度は何?) [ユウナ] Maester Mika arrived, that's what ! (マイカ大老師がご到着だって) [ティーダ] Mika ? Maester ? (マイカ ダイロウシ?) [ルールー] Maester Mika is the leader of all the peoples of Spira [ティーダ] Fifty years ? Shouldn't he be, uh retiring by now ? (50年! 長すぎ!) [ワッカ] Hey, mind your mouse, now ! (おい、口を慎め) [ユウナ] Let's all go see him ! (私たちも行こう!)
ルカ港 3番ポート
[ティーダ] Can't see a thing ! (見えない) [ワッカ] Shhhh ! (シーーッ) [群集] [マイカ] Peoples of Spira, (スピラの民よ [シーモア] I am Seymour Guado. (シーモア・グアドです [ワッカ] You, too ! Bow your head ! (ほら、お前も頭下げろ) [ワッカ] Really psyches you up, ya? (気合はいるべ?)
スタジアム、オーラカ控え室 [ダット] Where's Wakka? (ワッカはどこ?) [ティーダ] At the match-up draws. (トーナメントの抽選ッス) [レッティ] We had to play the Goers in the first match last year. (去年の1回戦はゴワーズで−−) [ジャッシュ] The year before that, and the one before that, too ! (その前も、その前の前も−−) [キッパ] Well, we wouldn't lose to anyone anyway. (ま、どことあたっても負けてたけど−−) [ダット] Cap'n wakka ! (ワッカさん) [ワッカ] We're playin' the Al Bhed Psychs first. (初戦の相手はアルベドサイクス!) [ワッカ] First things first. (それではともかく [ユウナ] There you are ! (いたいた! [ティーダ] Au--Auron? [ユウナ] Yes, Sir Auron ! (そう アーロンさん! [ワッカ] Hey ! Hey, hey, hey, hey ! (おいおいおいおい! [ティーダ] Hey, I'll be back. (分かってるって) [ワッカ] Yeah, okay. (たのんだわ) [ティーダ] Hey, Wakka. (ワッカ、ワッカ) ティーダたち廊下に出る [ユウナ] Maybe now we can find Sir Jeckt. (ジェクトさん見つかるかもね) [ティーダ] Huh? how? (どうして?) [ユウナ] Sir Auron was also my father's guardian. (アーロンさんも父さんのガードだったの
[アルベド選手] A lady summoner ! (ショウカンシサマダ) [ティーダ] Hey!
スタジアムの外にでると、ユウナが人に囲まれている [ユウナ] I'm sorry. Please let me through. (すみません通して下さい) [ユウナ] Hey, let's go. (さ、行こう) [ティーダ] You're really famous. (有名人てやつ?) [ユウナ] I hope we don't get separated. (はぐれないようにしなくちゃ) [ティーダ] Yuna ! ティーダ、指笛を吹く [ユウナ] What was that? (なに?) [ティーダ] In Zanarkand, we do this to cheer on blitz players. (ザナルカンドではこうやって応援するんだ) [ユウナ] Like... this? (えっと−−こう?) [ティーダ] Uh-uh, not like that. Like this. (そうじゃなくて−−) [ユウナ] It's not working. (ダメだね) [ティーダ] Practice ! (練習あるのみ) [ユウナ] Okay. (はい) [ティーダ] Hey, use that if we get separated. (もしはぐれたら吹いて [ユウナ] Yes, sir. (了解) [ティーダ] Whoa ! This is a pretty big town ! (けっこうデカイ街だな) [ユウナ] Luca is the second largest city in Spira. (ルカはスピラで2番目に大きな街だよ) [ティーダ] I thought every town was little--you know, like Besaid
and Kilika. [ユウナ] Towns don't usually get bigger than that. (街は−−大きくならないの [ティーダ] Sin...? (シンーー?) [ティーダ] What about Luca? (ルカは?) [ユウナ] It's not a any different, but the stadium is here. (ここも同じだけど、スタジアムがあるでしょ) [ティーダ] They protect the stadium? (スタジアムを守るのか?) [ユウナ] Blitzball is really the only entertainment that we have. (ブリッツだけが私たちの楽しみだからね) [ティーダ] Whoa ! Tell about pressure ! (責任重大だ!) [ユウナ] That's right ! In Zanarkand like this, too? (そうそう ザナルカンドもここみたい?) [ティーダ] Well, there are more buildings. (もっとたくさん建物があるな) [ユウナ] They must be so tall ! (すごく高いの? [ユウナ] Let's go find Sir Auron ! (アーロンさんさがそう!) [ティーダ] Auron's not here. (いないな−−) [ユウナ] Let's ask around ! (聞いてみよう) [エンケ] Why not talk, Kimahri ? (なぜキマリ話さない) [ビラン] Leave Kimahri, Yenke. (かまうなエンケ [エンケ] Kimahri forget Ronso friends? (ロンソの友達を忘れたか [ティーダ] Take'em on ! (やっちゃえ!) キマリ、エンケをなぐり倒す [店の客] Take it outside ! The tournament's starting you hear? [ティーダ] The game? (試合だ!) [マイカ大老師のスピーチ]
[ティーダ] Kimahri ! Yuna's gone ! キマリ、ユウナがいない!
[ルールー] Where in Spira have you been? (どこに行ってたのよ) [ティーダ] Huh? (あ?) [ルールー] Yuna's benn kidnapped by Al Bhed Psychs. (ユウナがアルベドサイクスにさらわれたの) [ティーダ] What? (なんだって?) [ルールー] If they're only blitzball players, (ただの選手なら [ティーダ] I'm going too. (俺も行く!) キマリ、「試合は?」というようなしぐさ [ティーダ] This will be no problem ! (どうってことないよ) [ルールー] Wakka says a same thing. (ワッカも同じこと言ってたわ 2番ポートで アルベドポーターと戦闘 [ティーダ] Whoa ! What are they? (なんだこいつら?) [ルールー] Ancient machina salvaged by the Al Bhed. (アルベド族が発掘したマキナね) [ティーダ] What's up with those guys? (うじゃうじゃしつこいっつうの!) [ルールー] The Al Bhed were expecting us. (アルベドは本気のようね) [試合の実況] But the referee doesn't call the foul ! でもレフェリーはファウルをとらないぞ! [ティーダ] Still in there ! (その調子!) [ルールー] He won't last. (最後まで持たないわ) [ティーダ] Ouch ! [ルールー] Let's go ! (行くわよ) 動き出したアルベドの船を追いかける [ルールー] Let's go ! (行きましょう) 船に飛び移る アルベドシューターと戦闘 [ティーダ] Hey, we can use this crane ! (このクレーン使えるぞ) 戦闘後、ハッチが開き、アルベド族とユウナが現われる [ルールー] I hope you hurt them. (やっちゃったでしょ) [ユウナ] A little. (ちょっと) まわりを見回しているティーダ [ユウナ] What is it? (どうしたの?) [ティーダ] There were these Al Bhed that saved my life when I
first came to Spira. [ルールー] What happened? (何があったの) [ティーダ] Sin came up near us. (シンがでた) [ユウナ] Um... was there anyone called Cid on that ship? (その船にシドという人いた?) [ティーダ] I don't know. They were all speaking that Al Bhed
language. [ユウナ] I see... (そだね) [ティーダ] So, who's Cid? (で シドって?) [ユウナ] He's my uncle, but I've never actually met him. (私のおじさんなの 会ったことは無いけどね) [ティーダ] Wait. That means you're Al Bhed, too, Yuna? (ふーん それってばユウナもアルベド?) [ユウナ] On my mother side, yes. (母方がね [ティーダ] You're worried he was...? (そりゃ心配だよなあ) [ルールー] Don't tell Wakka about Yuna's lineage. (このことはワッカには言わないでね) [ティーダ] Whoa ! (あ [ルールー] I thought I told you not to tell Wakka ! (言わないでって言ったでしょ) [ユウナ] The game ! (試合!) [ルールー] Oh ! (あ!) ルールー 空に合図の光をあげる [試合の実況] Goooooooooal ! Unbelievable ! (信じられない! ワッカ、プールに浮く [ティーダ] We won! (勝ったぞ!) [ユウナ] We did it! (やったね! [ルールー] Not the most...graceful win. (最高に優雅な勝利−−じゃないわね [ティーダ] Hey, aren't you being just a little unfair? (ちょっと不公平じゃないかな) [ルールー] Excuse me? (不公平?) [ティーダ] I know I could never take Chappu's place. (俺は絶対にチャップの代わりにはなれない [ルールー] You don't to finish that sentence. (最後まで言うつもりじゃないわよね)