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Final Fantasy X International イベント字幕  Part4



[ユウナ] Greetings! I am a summoner Yuna. I have come from the temple in Besaid.
                (こんにちは 召喚士のユウナです ビサイドの寺院からきました)

[キーリカ島民]  H'lady Summoner! (召喚士様!)

[ユウナ] If there is no other summoner here, please allow me to perform the sending.

[キーリカ島民]  Our loved ones... We feared they should become fiends!
       (ありがとうございます 身内が魔物化するかとおびえていました)

[ユウナ] Please take me to them.  (みんなのところへ連れて行ってください)

[ワッカ] We'll go see what we can do to help in town.




[ティーダ]  Uh. What's a "sending"?   (「異界送り」ってなに?
       Are we going somewhere?    俺たちどこか行くの?)

[ルールー]  You truly are clueless.  
   Are you sure it's just your memory that's the problem?
   The dead need guidance.
   Filled with grief over their own death, they refuse to face their fate.
   They yearn to live on, and resent those still alive.
   You see they envy the living.
   And in time, that envy turns to anger, even hate.
   Should those souls remain in Spira, they become fiends that pray on the living.
   Sad, isn't it?
   The sending takes them to the Farplane, where they may rest in peace.
      わかる 生あるものがうらやましいの

[ティーダ]  Summoner do this?  (それを召喚士がするわけ?)


[ティーダ]  It must be tough, being a summoner. (大変なんだな、召喚士は)

[ルールー]  Yuna chose her own path. (ユウナが選んだ道よ)
   She know from the beginning what it meant. (最初から分かっていたわ)
   All we can do is protect along the way,  (私たちにできるのはそばで見守ることだけ)
   until the end.  (最後−−までね)

[ティーダ]  Until the... end?  (最後?)
   What's the end?  (最後ってなんだよ?)


[ルールー]  Until she defeats Sin.  (「シン」を倒す時まで)

[ユウナ] I hope... I hope I did okay. (私、うまくできたかな)

[ルールー]  You did very well.  (よくできました)
   They're reached Forplane by now.  (みんなそろそろ異界に着いたでしょ)
   But... no tears next time, hm? (でも次は泣いちゃダメよ)


I wish there would never be next time.
No more people being killed by Sin.
No more sending for Yuna.
Everyone stood there watching her.
It was strange, and somewhat...horrifying.
I never wanted to see it again.




[ダット] Hey! you awake? Cap'n Wakka's waiting for you!  (やっと起きたっスか、ワッカさん待ってるっすよ)

[ワッカ] Ah, there you are!  (来たかい)
   Besaid Aurocks ! Huddle!  (ビサイドオーラカ集合)
   on to the temple, where we pray for victory! (寺院へ行って勝利のためにお祈りだ)

[ワッカ] High summoner Ohalland used to live in the Kilika temple here.
Yep, Lord Ohalland was once a great blitzer, you know? 

[ティーダ]  Wakka? 

[ワッカ] Hm? 

[ティーダ]  Praying for victory 's all good... but is this right?  (お祈りはともかく、なんだかまずくない?)

[ワッカ] Something wrong with enjoying blitzball?  (ブリッツ楽しむのが悪いってかい?)

[ティーダ]  Is this really the time? (今はちょっと)

[ワッカ] This is the only time! (今だからこそだァ)

[ワッカ] The players fight with all their strength, (選手は全力で戦い、
   the fans cheer for their favorite team. ファンはひいきチームを応援する
   They forget pain, suffering...  そしたら一瞬でもいやなこと忘れられっしょ)
   Only the game matters!
   That's why blitz has been around so long.  (それがスピラでブリッツが消えない理由だ
   Least that' what I think.  俺はそう思うんだわ)

[ティーダ]  Whatever you say...  (そうかな−−)

[ワッカ] Let's play...and win, right?  (いい試合して、勝っちゃおうぜ、な?)

[ティーダ]  Right!  (おう)

[ワッカ] Temple's beyond the jungle there, let's go!  (寺院は森の向こうだ、行くぞ) 



[ワッカ] What's up?  (どうした?)

[ルールー]  Yuna's saying she wants you with us. (ユウナがあんたも一緒にどうかって)

[ユウナ] I want to ask you to be my guardian. (私のガードになって欲しいの)

[ワッカ] Yuna! What?               (ユウナ、冗談やめれー)
   This is no time for joke, ya?        
   He may be a blitzball whiz kid, but against fiends, he's a newbie. 

[ユウナ] Not a guardian then... I just want him nearby. (ガードじゃなければそばにいるだけでも・・・)


[ティーダ]  What? What do you mean?  (なにそれ? どういうこと?)

[ユウナ] It's just that, well..  (それは・・・)

[ルールー]  We're all going to the temple anyway. (どっちみちみんな寺院へ行くのよ
   Can't that wait tell later?               後で話さない?)

[ユウナ] I'm sorry. I should have...  (ごめんね こんなこと−−)

[ティーダ]  That's nothing to be sorry about. (謝らなくていいけど、
    I'm just really sure what going on.  何がなんだかさ−−)

[ユウナ] My apologies.  (ごめんなさい)

バルサム 現われる 竜剣のチュートリアル

[ルールー] Kimahri, why don't you use "Lancet" on it?  (キマリ、「竜剣」を試してみたら?)

[ティーダ] What's a "Lancet"?  (「りゅうけん」ってなに?)

[ルールー] Normally, it'll a skill that weakens enemies and heal the user. 
        But when a Ronso uses it, that Ronso can sometimes learn fiend's abilities.

[ティーダ] Hey, sounds cool!  (カッコいい)


[ガッタ] Company halt! (全体止まれ)

[ルッツ] The fiend before us is Ochu, Lord of the wood.  (あの魔物は「オチュー」森の王だ)
   We re troubled with this one before.            (前にもこいつと面倒が起こった
   Remember, discretion is the better part of vapor.    君子危うきに近寄らずだな)


[ルッツ] A summoner and her guardians! Very impressive!  (さすが召喚士とガードだ)

[ガッタ] Sir, we should fight, too. (われわれも戦わねば)

[ルッツ] We'll got our chance soon enough! (すぐにチャンスがやってくるさ)

[ガッタ] Young Crusaders go together round! We'll beat Sin into the ground!  
       (集えよ若き討伐隊 シンを倒して這いつくばらせ‐)


[ティーダ] Newbie, here... (新人さん、登場)

[ワッカ]  So--rry.   (悪かったァ)

[ルールー] You're not too bad.  (悪くないわね)

[ティーダ] You've not seen anything yet. (まだまだイケるって)



[ワッカ] These stone steps have a history, you know? (この石段は歴史があるんだわ)
   Yep, Lord Ohalland trained here at his peak. (オハランド様が全盛期に訓練した石段だわ)


[ティーダ]  A race, huh? (競争ってか)
   Think you can beat me? (勝てると思ってんの)

[ワッカ] Yuna, if you would.  (ユウナ、いいか)

[ユウナ] Ready?  (よーい!)


[ワッカ] Hey! Hey! (おいおい!)

[ルールー]  Kids...  (アイツ何歳だったっけ)

[ダット] L..look out!  (気をつけろ!)

[ワッカ] Everyone, quick! Sinspawn!  (みんな急げ!シンのコケラだ!)


[ティーダ]  Yeesh! 

[ワッカ] sorry about that!      (悪かったァ)
   Hoped to break you in a little slower. (ゆっくり仕込んでやるつもりだったのに)

[ティーダ]  Being a guardian's tiring!  (ガードは疲れるな)

[ワッカ] You handled yourself pretty well.  (かなりいい戦いぶりだったし、
   You got talent.               才能あるっしょ)

[ティーダ]  Nah.
   So, what are those "Sinspawn" anyway?  (「シンのコケラ」ってなに?)

[ルールー]  Fiends. They fall Sin's body, and are left behind in its wake. 

[ワッカ] Leave'em alone, and Sin comes back for'em.  (ほっとくとシンが戻ってくるから
   you gotta be quick.                      さっさと始末するんだわ)


That moment when Wakka told me I had talent in battle.
I think that was when I started seriously considering becoming a guardian.


[ワッカ] So, uh... they got fiends in Zanarkand, too?  (そういえば、ザナルカンドに魔物はいるのか?)

[ティーダ]  Just a few. It's a big deal when one shows up, though.  (あまりいない 出たら大事だな)
   Hey, since when have you believe me about Zanarkand, anyway?

[ワッカ] I'm been thinking.             (考えたんだわ
   Maybe people Sin get to don't die.      シンにやられた人間は死ぬんじゃなくて
   Maybe Sin carries'em through time,      時間の中を運ばれていくのかも
   Like a thousand years through time.      1000年前とかな
   and then, one day, maybe they just pop back, see?  そしてある日ポッと帰ってくるのかも)

[ルールー]  Amazing! Simply amazing!  ビックリ! ひたすらビックリ!

[ルールー]  You make up one theory after another,  (あんたは次々と新説をでっち上げて
   refusing to face the simple truth.           真実から顔をそむけるんだわ
   Sin didn't take Chappu anywhere.           「シン」はチャップをどこへも運ばなかった
   Sin crushed him and left him on the Djose shore.  押しつぶしてジョゼの海岸に置き去りよ
   Your brother won't just pop back.           あんたの弟はポッと帰ってなんか来ないの)

[ルールー]  Oh, and one thing.        (それからもう一つ
   No matter how much you want it,   あんたがどんなに望んでも
   No one can take Chappu's place.    誰もチャップの代わりにはなれない
   No one can replace Sir Jeckt, for that matter.     ジェクト様の代わりもいないし
   And there's no replacement for Lord Braska, either.  もちろんブラスカ様の代わりもいない
   It's pointless to think about it, and sad.          考えても意味ないし、悲しいわ)

[ワッカ] I...I could never be what Chappu was.   (俺だってチャップにはなれないって
   Well stuff happens. Best not to worry.      気にすんな それが一番だ)


Wakka, Lulu, and Wakka's brother Chappu.
Something had happened between them a long time ago,  I was sure of it.
Well whatever it was, it was none of my business, that for sure.
Bet not to go there.




ルカ・ゴアーズ チームと鉢合わせ

[ワッカ] You here pray for victory, too? (お前たちも必勝祈願かい)

[ビクスン] Us? Pray?    (祈願?)
    Who needs pray?   (祈りなど必要ない)
    The Luca Goers always win! (ルカゴアーズは常勝だ)

[ワッカ] Oh, yeah? Then why are you here? (ならどうしてここにいるのさ)

[ゴア‐ズ] We're been praying for some competition this year! (マシな相手が来るように祈ったんだ)

[ゴア‐ズ] So, what your goal this year?   (さてオーラカの今回の目標は?
    You gonna "do your best" again?        また「ベストをつくす」ってあれか?
    Ha! It's too bad your best isn't good enough!    お前らのベストじゃぜんぜん足りないって
    Why even bother showing up?             どうしてわざわざ出てくるかねえ)

[ティーダ]  This time, we play to win!  (今回は勝つために出る!)

[ビクスン] Oooh! Play away!    (せいぜいやってみな)
    Just remember even kids can play, boys.   (でもよ、子どもの遊びとは違うんだぞ)

[ワッカ] See you in finals!  (決勝でな)

[ティーダ]  We'll beat them, We have to! (あいつらだけは絶対叩き潰してやる!)

[ユウナ] You know that team?  (知ってるチーム?)

[ティーダ]  Patting people down...They as bad as my old man! (人を見下して−− 俺の親父並に最低だ)

[ユウナ] But, Sir. Jeckt  was a kind and gentle man! (ジェクトさんは優しくていい人だったよ)

[ティーダ]  Well, not my Jeckt. (俺の親父は違う)


Even ten years after he left...
Just thinking about my old man got me angry.
But may be that was just my way of keeping him...Nah.




[ワッカ] Lord Ohalland, Guide our feet.  (オハランド様 我々をお導き下さい)


[ドナ] A summoner, are you?  (召喚士でしょ)

[ユウナ] My name is Yuna  (ユウナです)
   from Isle of  Besaid.  (ビサイド島からきました)

[ドナ] Dona.  (ドナよ)
   So, you're High Summoner Braska's daughter.  (高召喚士ブラスカ様の娘ね
   That's quite name to live up to.           重い名前を背負ったものねえ)
   My, my, my...               (おやおやおやおや
   And all these are your guardians?   全員あなたのガード?
   My, what a rabble!             野次馬軍団って感じね)
   As I recall, Lord Braska has only two guardians.  (ブラスカ様のガードは確か2人きりでしょ
   Quality over quantity, my dear.            量より質なんじゃない?
   Whatever were you thinking?              なにを考えてるんだか
   I have need of only one guardian.           私のガードは一人きりよ
   Right, Barthello?                     でしょ? バルテロ)

[ユウナ] I only have as many guardians as there are people I can trust.
   I trust then all with my life!       (私はみんなのこと命を預けてもいいと思うくらい信頼している
   To have so many guardians is a joy and my honor!  大勢のガードは喜びであり名誉なことでもあって
   Even more so than being my father's daughter.     父の娘でいること以上にね
   Of course, I would never think of questioning your ways, too.  もちろんあなたの考え方だっていいと思う)
   So, Lady Dona, I ask of you,      (だからドナさん、
   please leave us in peace.        私たちのことは放っておいて下さい)

[ドナ] You do what you want.  (勝手にしなさいよ
   Barthello, we're leaving.       バルテロ行くわよ)


A guardian is something a summoner rely on.
Someone she can trust with her life.
I wondered, did Yuna feel that way about me?


What she smiling about?




[ワッカ] The fayth is below, let's do it! (「フェイス」はこの下だ、行くかあ)

[ティーダ]  The fayth? (フェイス?)

[ルールー] But first, the Cloister of Trials,  (まず「試練の回廊」ね)
    Kimahri? Wakka? Ready?  (ワッカ、キマリ、準備はいい?)

[ユウナ] Strength, everyone!  (よろしくお願いします)

皆、昇降機へ しかしティーダは昇降機から押し出される

[ティーダ]  Hey, what gives?  (ナニユエに?) 

[ルールー] You're not a guardian, yet.  (あんたはガードじゃないでしょ)

[ユウナ] We'll be back as soon as we can, okay?  (なるべく早く戻るからね)

[ティーダ]  Oh, Soon like "tomorrow" soon, I bet!  (早くって明日くらいだろ、賭けちゃうぞ!)


[ドナ] Where's Yuna? (ユウナは?)


[ドナ] Then, why are you here?  (あんたはどうしてここに?)

[ティーダ]  Hey, I'm not a guardian.  (ガードじゃないからな)
    So, I'm not suppose to go in, right?  (立ち入り禁止なんだろ)

[ドナ] Not a guardian, you say?  (ガードじゃないんだ−−)


[ティーダ]  Hey! Wait!  (何するんだよ!)

[ティーダ]  Oh! Lemme go! (放せよ!)

[ティーダ]  Hey! What's the big idea!  (何考えてるんだよ!)

[ドナ] Just a little game. (ちょっとしたゲームよ)



This is bad, really bad.
  (これはマズイ ひじょーにマズイ



[ティーダ]  Only guardians allowed, and I'm sure not guardian. 
        (ガード以外は立ち入り禁止 そして俺はガードじゃない)
     Well, I guess it's too late now.  (いまさらなあ)




控えの間 ガードたちが待っている

[ワッカ] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!  (おいおいおい!)

[ティーダ] It was Dona and that big musclehead man! (ドナと脳みそ筋肉野郎のせいなんだ)

[ルールー]  Yuna will be one to suffer the consequence! (その結果で苦しむのはユウナよ)

[ティーダ] What consequence? (どんなふうに?)

[ワッカ] She would be excommunicated!  (破門されることもある)

[ルールー]  The chamber beyond is a sacred place.  (この先の部屋は神聖な場所
    Only summoners may enter.             召喚士しか入れないのよ)

[ティーダ] What, even guardians can't go?  (ガードもだめなのか?)

[ワッカ] It's taboo. (タブーだ)

[ワッカ] Just wait!  (いいから待ってろ)

[ティーダ] So, what's in there anyway? (この中には何があるんだ?)

[ルールー]  The fayth, remember? (フェイスだあ 言ったべ)

[ティーダ] Oh, year, that thing. Right?  (ああ あれね)

[ルールー]  The fayth are people who gave their lives to battle Sin. 
     Yevon took their souls willingly given from their still living body. 
     Now, they live forever, trapped in statues. 
     But when a summoner beckons, the souls of the fayth emerge once again. 
     That's what we call an aeon.  (それが召喚獣よ)

[ティーダ] All that in this room?  (この部屋の中に?)

[ティーダ]  S-so what's Yuna doing in there?  (ユウナはそんなところで何してるんだ?)

[ワッカ] She prays with all her heart for a way to defeat Sin. (「シン」を倒すために必死に祈ってるっしょ)



There was something I didn't tell anyone else that day.
That song we heard there, in the temple
I knew it from my childhood.
It was proof that Spira and Zanarkand were connected somehow.
At least to me it was.
Maybe that's why, something, I felt like...I just wanted to go home.
I tried to say something to tell them,
But the words wouldn't come. 




ティーダの回想 ザナルカンドの映像
I thought I had put my feelings for Zanarkand behind me.
But they are there, and they grew inside me, bigger and bigger,
till I was just about ready to burst.
  俺の中で大きくなって ハジけそうだった


[ユウナ] Are... are you okay?  (だいじょうぶ?)

[ティーダ]  I... I don't know. (分からない)

[ユウナ] What do you want to do? (何かしたいことは?)

[ティーダ]  To scream real loud.  (でかい声で叫ぶ)



港 ルカに向けて出発

[ワッカ] Off to Luca at last!  (いよいよルカへ出発だァ)
   The matches start soon as we get there, so rest up on the way, ya?
      (到着したらすぐ試合だ 船の中ゆっくり休めよな)



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