[ユウナ] Greetings! I am a summoner Yuna. I have come from the temple in
Besaid. [キーリカ島民] H'lady Summoner! (召喚士様!) [ユウナ] If there is no other summoner here, please allow me to perform
the sending. [キーリカ島民] Our loved ones... We feared they should become
fiends! [ユウナ] Please take me to them. (みんなのところへ連れて行ってください) [ワッカ] We'll go see what we can do to help in town.
[ティーダ] Uh. What's a "sending"? (「異界送り」ってなに? [ルールー] You truly are clueless. [ティーダ] Summoner do this? (それを召喚士がするわけ?) ユウナの異界送り [ティーダ] It must be tough, being a summoner. (大変なんだな、召喚士は) [ルールー] Yuna chose her own path. (ユウナが選んだ道よ) [ティーダ] Until the... end? (最後?) ルールーため息をつき、 [ルールー] Until she defeats Sin. (「シン」を倒す時まで) [ユウナ] I hope... I hope I did okay. (私、うまくできたかな) [ルールー] You did very well. (よくできました)
[ダット] Hey! you awake? Cap'n Wakka's waiting for you! (やっと起きたっスか、ワッカさん待ってるっすよ) [ワッカ] Ah, there you are! (来たかい) [ワッカ] High summoner Ohalland used to live in the Kilika temple
here. [ティーダ] Wakka? [ワッカ] Hm? [ティーダ] Praying for victory 's all good... but is this right? (お祈りはともかく、なんだかまずくない?) [ワッカ] Something wrong with enjoying blitzball? (ブリッツ楽しむのが悪いってかい?) [ティーダ] Is this really the time? (今はちょっと) [ワッカ] This is the only time! (今だからこそだァ) [ワッカ] The players fight with all their strength, (選手は全力で戦い、 [ティーダ] Whatever you say... (そうかな−−) [ワッカ] Let's play...and win, right? (いい試合して、勝っちゃおうぜ、な?) [ティーダ] Right! (おう) [ワッカ] Temple's beyond the jungle there, let's go! (寺院は森の向こうだ、行くぞ) |
[ワッカ] What's up? (どうした?) [ルールー] Yuna's saying she wants you with us. (ユウナがあんたも一緒にどうかって) [ユウナ] I want to ask you to be my guardian. (私のガードになって欲しいの) [ワッカ] Yuna! What? (ユウナ、冗談やめれー) [ユウナ] Not a guardian then... I just want him nearby. (ガードじゃなければそばにいるだけでも・・・) ワッカ驚愕 [ティーダ] What? What do you mean? (なにそれ? どういうこと?) [ユウナ] It's just that, well.. (それは・・・) [ルールー] We're all going to the temple anyway. (どっちみちみんな寺院へ行くのよ [ユウナ] I'm sorry. I should have... (ごめんね こんなこと−−) [ティーダ] That's nothing to be sorry about. (謝らなくていいけど、 [ユウナ] My apologies. (ごめんなさい) バルサム 現われる 竜剣のチュートリアル [ルールー] Kimahri, why don't you use "Lancet" on it? (キマリ、「竜剣」を試してみたら?) [ティーダ] What's a "Lancet"? (「りゅうけん」ってなに?) [ルールー] Normally, it'll a skill that weakens enemies and heal
the user. [ティーダ] Hey, sounds cool! (カッコいい)
[ガッタ] Company halt! (全体止まれ) [ルッツ] The fiend before us is Ochu, Lord of the wood. (あの魔物は「オチュー」森の王だ) はぐれオチューと戦闘、勝利 [ルッツ] A summoner and her guardians! Very impressive! (さすが召喚士とガードだ) [ガッタ] Sir, we should fight, too. (われわれも戦わねば) [ルッツ] We'll got our chance soon enough! (すぐにチャンスがやってくるさ) [ガッタ] Young Crusaders go together round! We'll beat Sin into the ground! −バトル中会話− ワッカのいる時にティーダ参加 [ワッカ] So--rry. (悪かったァ) ティーダがとどめをさした時 [ティーダ] You've not seen anything yet. (まだまだイケるって)
[ワッカ] These stone steps have a history, you know? (この石段は歴史があるんだわ) オーラカメンバーが含み笑いをしながら準備運動 [ティーダ] A race, huh? (競争ってか) [ワッカ] Yuna, if you would. (ユウナ、いいか) [ユウナ] Ready? (よーい!) ユウナ石段を笑いながらかけ上る [ワッカ] Hey! Hey! (おいおい!) [ルールー] Kids... (アイツ何歳だったっけ) [ダット] L..look out! (気をつけろ!) [ワッカ] Everyone, quick! Sinspawn! (みんな急げ!シンのコケラだ!) シンのコケラ・グノウとの戦闘 [ティーダ] Yeesh! [ワッカ] sorry about that! (悪かったァ) [ティーダ] Being a guardian's tiring! (ガードは疲れるな) [ワッカ] You handled yourself pretty well. (かなりいい戦いぶりだったし、 [ティーダ] Nah. [ルールー] Fiends. They fall Sin's body, and are left behind in its wake. [ワッカ] Leave'em alone, and Sin comes back for'em. (ほっとくとシンが戻ってくるから
[ワッカ] So, uh... they got fiends in Zanarkand, too? (そういえば、ザナルカンドに魔物はいるのか?) [ティーダ] Just a few. It's a big deal when one shows up, though. (あまりいない 出たら大事だな) [ワッカ] I'm been thinking. (考えたんだわ [ルールー] Amazing! Simply amazing! ビックリ! ひたすらビックリ! [ルールー] You make up one theory after another, (あんたは次々と新説をでっち上げて [ルールー] Oh, and one thing. (それからもう一つ [ワッカ] I...I could never be what Chappu was. (俺だってチャップにはなれないって
ルカ・ゴアーズ チームと鉢合わせ [ワッカ] You here pray for victory, too? (お前たちも必勝祈願かい) [ビクスン] Us? Pray? (祈願?) [ワッカ] Oh, yeah? Then why are you here? (ならどうしてここにいるのさ) [ゴア‐ズ] We're been praying for some competition this year! (マシな相手が来るように祈ったんだ) [ゴア‐ズ] So, what your goal this year? (さてオーラカの今回の目標は? [ティーダ] This time, we play to win! (今回は勝つために出る!) [ビクスン] Oooh! Play away! (せいぜいやってみな) [ワッカ] See you in finals! (決勝でな) [ティーダ] We'll beat them, We have to! (あいつらだけは絶対叩き潰してやる!) [ユウナ] You know that team? (知ってるチーム?) [ティーダ] Patting people down...They as bad as my old man! (人を見下して−− 俺の親父並に最低だ) [ユウナ] But, Sir. Jeckt was a kind and gentle man! (ジェクトさんは優しくていい人だったよ) [ティーダ] Well, not my Jeckt. (俺の親父は違う)
[ワッカ] Lord Ohalland, Guide our feet. (オハランド様 我々をお導き下さい) 奥から男女2人が出てくる [ドナ] A summoner, are you? (召喚士でしょ) [ユウナ] My name is Yuna (ユウナです) [ドナ] Dona. (ドナよ) [ユウナ] I only have as many guardians as there are people I can trust. [ドナ] You do what you want. (勝手にしなさいよ
[ティーダのモノローグ] 微笑んでいるユウナを見て What she smiling about?
[ワッカ] The fayth is below, let's do it! (「フェイス」はこの下だ、行くかあ) [ティーダ] The fayth? (フェイス?) [ルールー] But first, the Cloister of Trials, (まず「試練の回廊」ね) [ユウナ] Strength, everyone! (よろしくお願いします) 皆、昇降機へ しかしティーダは昇降機から押し出される [ティーダ] Hey, what gives? (ナニユエに?) [ルールー] You're not a guardian, yet. (あんたはガードじゃないでしょ) [ユウナ] We'll be back as soon as we can, okay? (なるべく早く戻るからね) [ティーダ] Oh, Soon like "tomorrow" soon, I bet! (早くって明日くらいだろ、賭けちゃうぞ!) ドナとバルテロがやってくる [ドナ] Where's Yuna? (ユウナは?) 昇降機のほうを指差すティーダ [ドナ] Then, why are you here? (あんたはどうしてここに?) [ティーダ] Hey, I'm not a guardian. (ガードじゃないからな) [ドナ] Not a guardian, you say? (ガードじゃないんだ−−) バルテロ、ティーダを抱え上げ、昇降機へ放り出す [ティーダ] Hey! Wait! (何するんだよ!) [ティーダ] Oh! Lemme go! (放せよ!) [ティーダ] Hey! What's the big idea! (何考えてるんだよ!) [ドナ] Just a little game. (ちょっとしたゲームよ) 昇降機動き出す
控えの間 ガードたちが待っている
[ワッカ] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! (おいおいおい!) [ティーダ] It was Dona and that big musclehead man! (ドナと脳みそ筋肉野郎のせいなんだ) [ルールー] Yuna will be one to suffer the consequence! (その結果で苦しむのはユウナよ) [ティーダ] What consequence? (どんなふうに?) [ワッカ] She would be excommunicated! (破門されることもある) [ルールー] The chamber beyond is a sacred place. (この先の部屋は神聖な場所 [ティーダ] What, even guardians can't go? (ガードもだめなのか?) [ワッカ] It's taboo. (タブーだ) [ワッカ] Just wait! (いいから待ってろ) [ティーダ] So, what's in there anyway? (この中には何があるんだ?) [ルールー] The fayth, remember? (フェイスだあ 言ったべ) [ティーダ] Oh, year, that thing. Right? (ああ あれね) [ルールー] The fayth are people who gave their lives to battle Sin. [ティーダ] All that in this room? (この部屋の中に?) [ティーダ] S-so what's Yuna doing in there? (ユウナはそんなところで何してるんだ?) [ワッカ] She prays with all her heart for a way to defeat Sin. (「シン」を倒すために必死に祈ってるっしょ) ユウナがフェイスからよろめきでてくる
ティーダの回想 ザナルカンドの映像
[ユウナ] Are... are you okay? (だいじょうぶ?) [ティーダ] I... I don't know. (分からない) [ユウナ] What do you want to do? (何かしたいことは?) [ティーダ] To scream real loud. (でかい声で叫ぶ) ユウナ笑い、ティーダ叫ぶ
港 ルカに向けて出発 [ワッカ] Off to Luca at last! (いよいよルカへ出発だァ)