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Final Fantasy X International イベント字幕  Part3




[ワッカ]  Hey! Sleepyhead!  (よお、ネボケアタマ)
     Something I want to give you!  (これ、お前にやる)

[ティーダ]  Whoa!  (わォ、これを俺に?)
    You're giving this... to me?

[ワッカ]  Year, use it well! (おお、使ってくれ)

[ルールー]  That's the sword you gave Chappu. (それはチャップにあげた剣ね)

[ワッカ]  Well, he never use it.  (チャップは一度も使わなかったア)
     Where's Yuna?  (ユウナはどこだ?)

[ティーダ]  We're taking the same boat as Yuna, right?  (同じ船で行くんだろ?)
      Why do we gonna wait here?  (ここで待たなくていいんだろ?) 

[ワッカ]   Yuna came to this village ten years ago, when the last Calm started
        (ユウナは10年前この村に来た。 最後のナギ節が始まった時だア).

[ティーダ]  The Calm?  (ナギ節?)

[ワッカ]  Since then, she's been a little sister to me and Lulu.
    But she had the talent...  (でもユウナには素質があって、
    She became an apprentice,  見習い召喚士さ
    Now, today, she leaves as a summoner.  それで今日召喚士として旅立つんだァ)

[ルールー] This is our journey.   (これは私たちの旅
    We should leave together.   一緒に出発しないと)

[ルールー]  You really don't need all that luggage.  (そんな荷物いらないわよ)

[ユウナ]  That's not really my things. They're gifts for the temple we're to visit.
        (私のじゃないの 寺院へのおみやげばっかり)

[ワッカ]  That isn't a vacation, Yuna. (そんな旅行じゃないっしょ)

[ユウナ]  I guess...I guess you're right.  (・・・そうだよね)

[ワッカ]  Okay, off we go!  (それじゃあ、行くべか)


村を出るとすぐに ディンゴが現われる 

[ワッカ] Here comes one now. (さっそく来たァ)
 Hey, why don't ya try out that sword I gave you! (おい、あの剣を試してみないか)

[ティーダ] No problem! (問題なし!)

[ワッカ] Not too shabby! (やるなァ)
 You kept up with him pretty well.  (アイツについていくってかい)
 Hight make a good guardian someday. (いいガードになれっかもな)

[ワッカ] A flyer! My kind of customer! (飛んでるやつは俺の相手だ)

[ワッカ] That...looks like trouble. (面倒なやつが出たァ)

[ティーダ] Heh! Watch this! (へっ、見てろ)

[ワッカ] Told you. Only magic can beat that thing.  (ああいうのは魔法で倒したほうが良いんだわ)
   If you can't beat'em down, you gotta use magic of an element they don't like. 

[ティーダ] Magic? Element?  (マホウ? ゾクセイ?)

[ワッカ] Lu! You're up! (ルー、頼むわ)

[ルールー] Clueless, aren't you? Good I'm here. (何も知らないのね わたしがいてよかったわ)
 Spell of ice works well against fire fiends... (炎属性の魔物には凍り属性の魔法が効くし
 And ice fiends are weak against fire magic.  逆に凍り属性の敵は炎属性の魔法が弱点よ)
 You follow?  (わかった?)

[ティーダ] I get fire and ice, but what about lightning and water?
 Lightning and water are opposed, just like fire and ice.
  (炎と氷はわかった でも雷と水はどうなってんだ)


[ルールー] This one fiend, which means...  (雷属性と水属性の関係も炎と氷と同じ
 Uh, that was a bad example.   アイツは水属性の魔物だから 弱点は わかるでしょう)
 This one's a water fiend, so fire and ice aren't very effective. 
   (今のは悪い見本 あいつは水属性だから炎や氷は効きづらいわ)

[ワッカ] Enough with the lesson, Lu. (もういいベさ、ルー
 Let's get this over with, ya?   さっさと倒すかい)


[ルールー]  (ユウナに向かって) Take your time.   (ゆっくりしていいよ)

[ティーダ] Let's get going, man!  (早く行こう)

[ワッカ] We're gonna wait. (いや−−待つ)

[ワッカ] Are you ready?  (もういいのかい?)


[ティーダ] What's going on?  (なに?)


[ワッカ] It's ancient action.   (古い習慣だァ)
   People leaving the island pray here for a safe trip.
   Chappu didn't pray that day. Said he'd miss his boat.
      (あの日チャップは祈らなくてなァ 船に遅れるって)


[ワッカ] That should do it! (これでよし)


[ワッカ] That's enough!  (もういいっしょ)

[ティーダ] What with that going on?  (なんだ、あの野郎)

[ルールー] Kimahri Ronso. of the Ronso tribe.  (キマリ・ロンゾ ロンゾ族ね
   He's learned the fiend's way of fighting. 魔物の技を覚えて使いこなす)

[ティーダ] That's not what I meant!  (そういう意味じゃない)

[ワッカ] He's another of Yuna's guardians. (アイツもユウナのガードだァ)

[ユウナ]  Sometimes we don't understand him either.  (ときどき私たちにもわからないの
   Kimahri doesn't talk much anyway.    キマリはあまり話さないから)
   But he has protected me since I was a child.  

[ティーダ] A flyer... there's your department, right?  (飛んでる魔物はワッカの担当だろ?)

[ワッカ] True, true, But,  (そうだけどな−−)
 Why don't we let our summoner show us what she's made of!

[ワッカ] You first real battle!  Let's see some style.  (初の実戦、キメてくれ!)

[ルールー] Show us what you taraining has taught you, Yuna!

[ユウナ] Okay!  (うん)

[ワッカ] Another one of those?  (またこんなのかい?)
   No problem! Leave this one to me, ya?  (問題なし 俺に任せれ!)
   Say good night, Birdie!  (鳥さん、暗闇でお休み!)

港 見送りの子どもたち
 Lady Yuna! Don't forget me, okay?  (ユウナ様、僕のこと忘れちゃやだよ)
 We'll miss Lady Yuna!  (いってらっしゃーい)
 Come back soon, ya?   (おみやげ待ってるからね)

[ユウナ]  Good bye! (さようなら)

連絡船 リキ号


[ワッカ]   Come to think of it, I haven't told you where we're going. (そういえば予定話してなかったなァ)
   First to Kilika Island, then we change boat and head for Luca.
   'Fore that though, Yuna's gotta pray at the temple. I'll be guarding.
   We'll be praying for the Aurocks' victory, too.
   So you come along, ya? (寺院ではオーラカの勝利祈願するんでお前も一緒に行く)

[ルールー]  Great plan. (すばらしい計画)

[ワッカ]   Hey, it is a great plan! (ムダなしのすばらしい計画だ)

[ティーダ]  Don't look at me! (俺を見るなって)


[船員] Word is that summoner's got noble blood! (あの召喚士はすごい血筋らしいな)

[船員] I heard she's Lord Braska's daughter!  (ブラスカ様の娘らしいぞ)

[船員] Ye don't say?  (ほんとかよ)

[ティーダ] Lord Braska's... daughter?  (ブラスカ様の娘?)


[ティーダ]  So, is Yuna's father famous or something? (あのさ、ユウナのオヤジさんて有名人?)

[ワッカ]   She's a daughter of high summoner Braska! (高召喚士ブラスカ様の娘だ)
   You saw his statue at the temple. (寺院で御像見たショ)
   Lord Braska defeated Sin ten years ago.  (ブラスカ様は10年前にシンを倒したんだわ)
   Yuna's the heir to a great legency!  (ユウナはその偉大な遺産を受けついてるんだな)

[ティーダ]  It's tough when your father's famous. (オヤジが有名だときついんだぞ)

[ルールー]  Wakka's -- a bit lacking in the imagination department.

[ティーダ]  Thanks, Lulu. I'll keep that in my mind. (ありがとルールー、覚えて置くよ)

[船員] Lord Braska's daughter? (ブラスカ様の娘か)

[船員] She'll just might have a chance!  (やってくれるかも知れんな)

[船員] We'll get her to Kilika, we will!  (キーリカまで送り届けるぞ)

[ティーダ]  She does have a name, you know...Yuna.  (あの子にも名前はあるんだぞ、ユウナってさ)

[船員] Hmm, Lady Yuna?  (なるほどユウナ様か)

[船員] Well then, we pay for Lady Yuna's safe passage! (ではユウナ様のご無事をお祈りさせてもらおう)




[オオアカ屋] Ooch, them's fascinatin' clothes you're wearing! (ものすごい服着てるな)
   Yewh! Filthy, filthy! These won't sell or me name's not O's. (・・・何だ、汚ねえ、汚ねえ こんなものは売れないな)
   Don't look like you got much money, either. (金持ってるようにも見えねえし)
   I've no business with ye, (商売にならんな)
   Outta me way!  (どっか行け)

[ティーダ]  Who do you think you are?  (何様のつもりだ?)

[オオアカ屋] O'aka the XXIII, merchant extraordinaire! (オオアカ屋23世 ずば抜けた商人)

[ティーダ]  O'aka the who?  (オオアカ屋−−誰?)

[オオアカ屋] Don't know me? (知らない?)
   Well, not many do, not yet. (まあ知ってるヤツはそう多くない−−まだ)
   But someday, the name O'aka will be spoken all over Spira.
   Say, lad, you wouldn't have a bit o'Gil to lend? (そうだ少年、金貸してくれないか?)


[オオアカ屋] I guess it pays to ask! (聞いてみるもんだな)
   Thank ye kindly, lad! (ありがとな少年)
   Fine seed money for the O'aka merchant empire! (オオアカ屋新時代の元手にさせてもらうぜ)


[ティーダ]  What a heck is that!?  (な、何だこれ)

[女性] Wh- what the heck is what? (ナ、なにがなんだっての)

[ティーダ]  What is this place?  (ここ、なんだ?)

[女性] The power room, like it says on the door! (動力室よ、扉に書いてあったでしょ)

[ティーダ]  Year, but why the big birds? (でもどうしてでかい鳥が?)

[女性] What's so strange about chocobo? (チョコボ駆動がそんなに珍しいの?)

[ティーダ]  Chocobo? Those are chocobos?  (こいつらがチョコボ?)

[女性] What? You've never seen a chocobo? (あんたチョコボ見たことないの?) 
   What kind of backwater island did you come from, anyway?  (あんたどこの孤島から来たの?)

Miracles and oddities were starting to become daily routine on this trip. 


[ユウナ]  The wind ....It's nice.  (風、気持ちいいね)


[ユウナ]  You're a blitzball player, aren't you? (ブリッツの選手なんでしょ)
   From Zanarkand, right?  (ザナルカンドの)

[ティーダ]  You hear from Wakka?  (ワッカから聞いたのか?)
   Wakka doesn't believe me at all.  (ワッカはぜんぜん信じてないんだよな)

[ユウナ]  But I believe you. (でも、私は信じるよ)
   I've heard in Zanarkand... (ザナルカンドには・・
   There is a great stadium, all lit up even at night! 大きなスタジアムがあって、夜でも明るくて−−
   Great blitzball tournaments are held there, and the stands are always full! 

[ティーダ]  How do you know that?  (どうして知ってるんだ?)

[ユウナ]  A man named Jeckt told me. (ジェクトという人から聞いたの)
    He was my father's guardian.  (父さんのガード)

[ティーダ]  Je...Jeckt...  (ジェ・・・ジェクト・・・
My father...his name was Jeckt.  俺のオヤジ、ジェクトっていうんだ)

[ユウナ]  Amazing!  (すごい!)
You know our meeting like this must be the blessing of Yevon! 

[ティーダ]  Sounds like him, but it can't be him. (名前は同じだけど、別人だな)

[ユウナ]  Why not?  (どうして?)

[ティーダ] My father, he died. Ten years ago, off the coast of Zanarkand.

[ユウナ]  I'm sorry. (ごめんなさい)

[ティーダ]  He went out to see for training one day...and never come back. 
    And no one's seen him since then. (誰もオヤジにあっていないんだ)

[ユウナ]  !
   Why, that's the day that Jeckt come to Spira. 
   It's true! I first met Jeckt ten years and three months ago!
   I remember, that's the day my father left. 
   That date fits, doesn't it?   (時期はぴったりだよね)

[ティーダ]  Year, but how could he get here?  (でもどうやってスピラに来たんだよ)

[ユウナ]  You're here, are you not?  (君はここにいるじゃない)


[船員] Si------------n!  (シ−−−−−−ン!)


[ワッカ]   What do you think you're doing? (お前なにするつもりだ!)
   Stick a harpoon in him, and we'll all get dragged under!

[船員] Sin is going for Kilika!  (シンはキーリカに向かっている)
   We gotta distract it! (ヤツの注意をそらせたいんだ)
   Our families are in Kilika!  (島には家族がいます )
   Forgive us, Lady summoner!  (召喚士様、許してください)


[ワッカ]   Wait! (待てって!)
   Oh, boy!  (おいおい・・・)


[ティーダ]  How many of these things are there?  (何匹いるんだ?!)

[ワッカ]   The fin! Attack the fin!  (ヒレだ! ヒレを攻撃だ!)


海中でワッカとティーダが シンのコケラエキュウと戦闘



When Sin attacked Zanarkand that day,
I wake up in Spira.
I kept hoping it should work in reverse, too.

[ユウナ]  I will defeat Sin...I must defeat Sin. (わたし、シンを倒します 必ず倒します)


I was just fooling myself,

May be it was that day...
On the sea, under the burning sun.

I started to give up hope.
I was in a foreign world,
I wasn't going home.

This is my new reality,
and I was stuck in it for good. 






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