[ワッカ] Hey! Sleepyhead! (よお、ネボケアタマ) [ティーダ] Whoa! (わォ、これを俺に?) [ワッカ] Year, use it well! (おお、使ってくれ) [ルールー] That's the sword you gave Chappu. (それはチャップにあげた剣ね) [ワッカ] Well, he never use it. (チャップは一度も使わなかったア) [ティーダ] We're taking the same boat as Yuna, right? (同じ船で行くんだろ?) [ワッカ] Yuna came to this village ten years ago, when the last Calm
started [ティーダ] The Calm? (ナギ節?) [ワッカ] Since then, she's been a little sister to me and Lulu. [ルールー] This is our journey. (これは私たちの旅
[ユウナ] That's not really my things. They're gifts for the temple we're to visit. [ワッカ] That isn't a vacation, Yuna. (そんな旅行じゃないっしょ) [ユウナ] I guess...I guess you're right. (・・・そうだよね) [ワッカ] Okay, off we go! (それじゃあ、行くべか) |
村を出るとすぐに ディンゴが現われる
[ワッカ] Here comes one now. (さっそく来たァ) [ティーダ] No problem! (問題なし!) [ワッカ] Not too shabby! (やるなァ) コンドル ウオータープリン [ティーダ] Heh! Watch this! (へっ、見てろ) [ワッカ] Told you. Only magic can beat that thing. (ああいうのは魔法で倒したほうが良いんだわ) [ティーダ] Magic? Element? (マホウ? ゾクセイ?) [ワッカ] Lu! You're up! (ルー、頼むわ) [ルールー] Clueless, aren't you? Good I'm here. (何も知らないのね わたしがいてよかったわ) [ティーダ] I get fire and ice, but what about lightning and water? −ファイアー [ルールー] This one fiend, which means... (雷属性と水属性の関係も炎と氷と同じ [ワッカ] Enough with the lesson, Lu. (もういいベさ、ルー 村を見下ろす高台 [ルールー] (ユウナに向かって) Take your time. (ゆっくりしていいよ) [ティーダ] Let's get going, man! (早く行こう) [ワッカ] We're gonna wait. (いや−−待つ) [ワッカ] Are you ready? (もういいのかい?) ユウナ頷く [ティーダ] What's going on? (なに?) 石碑 [ワッカ] It's ancient action. (古い習慣だァ) 一同祈る [ワッカ] That should do it! (これでよし) 遺跡のある道で、寺院でルールーと一緒にいた不思議なひと(キマリ)がティーダに挑んでくる [ティーダ] What with that going on? (なんだ、あの野郎) [ルールー] Kimahri Ronso. of the Ronso tribe. (キマリ・ロンゾ ロンゾ族ね [ティーダ] That's not what I meant! (そういう意味じゃない) [ワッカ] He's another of Yuna's guardians. (アイツもユウナのガードだァ) [ユウナ] Sometimes we don't understand him either. (ときどき私たちにもわからないの ガルダ [ワッカ] True, true, But, (そうだけどな−−) [ワッカ] You first real battle! Let's see some style. (初の実戦、キメてくれ!) [ルールー] Show us what you taraining has taught you, Yuna! [ユウナ] Okay! (うん) ガルダ 港 見送りの子どもたち [ユウナ] Good bye! (さようなら) |
連絡船 リキ号
甲板上 [ワッカ] Come to think of it, I haven't told you
where we're going. (そういえば予定話してなかったなァ) [ルールー] Great plan. (すばらしい計画) [ワッカ] Hey, it is a great plan! (ムダなしのすばらしい計画だ) [ティーダ] Don't look at me! (俺を見るなって) 甲板上の人々の会話 [船員] Word is that summoner's got noble blood! (あの召喚士はすごい血筋らしいな) [船員] I heard she's Lord Braska's daughter! (ブラスカ様の娘らしいぞ) [船員] Ye don't say? (ほんとかよ) [ティーダ] Lord Braska's... daughter? (ブラスカ様の娘?) ティーダ、ワッカのところへ
[ワッカ] She's a daughter of high summoner Braska! (高召喚士ブラスカ様の娘だ) [ティーダ] It's tough when your father's famous. (オヤジが有名だときついんだぞ)
[ルールー] Wakka's -- a bit lacking in the imagination department.
[ティーダ] Thanks, Lulu. I'll keep that in my mind. (ありがとルールー、覚えて置くよ) [船員] She'll just might have a chance! (やってくれるかも知れんな) [船員] We'll get her to Kilika, we will! (キーリカまで送り届けるぞ) [ティーダ] She does have a name, you know...Yuna. (あの子にも名前はあるんだぞ、ユウナってさ) [船員] Hmm, Lady Yuna? (なるほどユウナ様か) [船員] Well then, we pay for Lady Yuna's safe passage! (ではユウナ様のご無事をお祈りさせてもらおう)
[オオアカ屋] Ooch, them's fascinatin' clothes you're wearing! (ものすごい服着てるな) [ティーダ] Who do you think you are? (何様のつもりだ?) [オオアカ屋] O'aka the XXIII, merchant extraordinaire! (オオアカ屋23世 ずば抜けた商人) [ティーダ] O'aka the who? (オオアカ屋−−誰?)
[オオアカ屋] Don't know me? (知らない?) 少し貸す [オオアカ屋] I guess it pays to ask! (聞いてみるもんだな) 動力室で [ティーダ] What a heck is that!? (な、何だこれ) [女性] Wh- what the heck is what? (ナ、なにがなんだっての) [ティーダ] What is this place? (ここ、なんだ?) [女性] The power room, like it says on the door! (動力室よ、扉に書いてあったでしょ) [ティーダ] Year, but why the big birds? (でもどうしてでかい鳥が?) [女性] What's so strange about chocobo? (チョコボ駆動がそんなに珍しいの?) [ティーダ] Chocobo? Those are chocobos? (こいつらがチョコボ?) [女性] What? You've never seen a
chocobo? (あんたチョコボ見たことないの?)
[ユウナ] The wind ....It's nice. (風、気持ちいいね) 二人で笑い出す
[ティーダ] You hear from Wakka? (ワッカから聞いたのか?)
[ユウナ] But I believe you. (でも、私は信じるよ) [ティーダ] How do you know that? (どうして知ってるんだ?)
[ユウナ] A man named Jeckt told me. (ジェクトという人から聞いたの)
[ティーダ] Je...Jeckt... (ジェ・・・ジェクト・・・
[ユウナ] Amazing! (すごい!) [ティーダ] Sounds like him, but it can't be him. (名前は同じだけど、別人だな) [ユウナ] Why not? (どうして?)
[ユウナ] I'm sorry. (ごめんなさい)
[ティーダ] He went out to see for training one day...and never come back.
[ユウナ] ! [ティーダ] Year, but how could he get here? (でもどうやってスピラに来たんだよ) [ユウナ] You're here, are you not? (君はここにいるじゃない) いきなり激しい衝撃 船員、モリをシンに向ける
[船員] Sin is going for Kilika! (シンはキーリカに向かっている) ユウナ、頷く
[ワッカ] Wait! (待てって!)
シンからコケラくずが飛ばされる。倒してもいくらでも降ってくる [ワッカ] The fin! Attack the fin! (ヒレだ! ヒレを攻撃だ!)
海中でワッカとティーダが シンのコケラエキュウと戦闘
When Sin attacked Zanarkand that day,
I was just fooling myself, 俺はあきらめたのかもしれない