キーリカ寺院 | |
Sin swam in the sea near Zanarkand. Perhaps the waking dream eased its suffering. Your father touched Sin and became real that night, foundering in the seas of Spira. How sad now, that he is caught in the tragic spiral. He is Sin. He is lost. |
元の「シン」はザナルカンドの海を泳いだ 夢の世界が「シン」をいやしたのかも知れぬ お前の父はその「シン」に触れたのだ 一夜で真実となり スピラの海に現われた しかし彼は今悲劇の螺旋に捉われ シンと化して さまよっている−− |
ジョゼ寺院 | |
For a long time, we had forgotten how to go forward. You reminded us we must go forward. Yes, we must run. Let us go, you who share our dreaming. Come, and we will run till the dream's end. |
我らは長らく忘れていた−− 前に進むということを−− そなたのおかげで思い出した−− そうだ我らは走らねばならぬ−− ゆこう 同じ夢を見る友よ−− そなたを乗せて夢の終わりへと走ろう−− |
盗まれたフェイスの洞窟 | |
You are a fading dream, but one touched by reality. Spira will not forget its reality, nor the one who saved it. Run dream, run on. Pass beyond the waking, and walk into the daylight. |
そなたははかない夢なれど スピラの真実に触れた夢−− スピラは真実を忘れない 真実を救ったものを忘れない−− 走り続けるひたむきな夢よ−− 夢の終わりを越えて 真実となれ−− |
レミアム寺院 | |
Why couldn't we see to stop dreaming? Why did we stay on in Spira? We had forgotten to move forward. We had forgotten to change. |
あたしたちはなぜ気付かなかった−− 夢を終わらせること なぜスピラに留まろうとしたのだろう 長い時のなかであたしたちは忘れていた 前に進むこと 変わることを忘れていた |
[マローダ] | |
Hold there! This bridge is closed. Bevelle is off limits by the temple's decree. |
待ちな ここは通行止めなんだ なんびとたりともベベルへ入れてはならぬって 寺院の命令だ |
[パッセ] | |
Everyone in mourning since Maester Mika died..... And it's been mourning for days now ! |
マイカ大老師がなくなったから モにフクしてるんだよ モってなんだ? |
[マローダ] | |
Pacce... At last, that's what they say, The temple's falling apart with all four maester gone, They're afraid of riots, so, they're turning everyone away. With our brother in the middle.... |
パッセ−− それは表向きの理由だな 老師が全員亡くなって寺院はガタガタ 反乱を恐れてよそ者締め出しだ おかげでアニキも いい迷惑さ |
[ティーダ] | |
What up with Issaru? | イサールどうしてるんだ? |
[マローダ] | |
They came to crying to him to stay in Bevelle, to protect the temple and all that. And you know our brother. It's not in him to refuse. |
ベベルに残って寺院の防衛に 協力してくれって頼まれたんだ アニキのあの性格じゃ 断りきれないだろ |
[パッセ] | |
Oh, I guess our pilgrimage is done, then, huh? | 旅を続けなくていいのかぁ? |
[マローダ] | |
Of course not ! Geez.... Long story short... You'll only find trouble in Bevelle. I'd stay out for your own safety. That whole bit about Yuna being traitor's just some Al Bhed rumor, I hear. I just can't believe it. I mean, the Al Bhed helped us out ! |
いいわけないけど 仕方ないんだ ま そーゆーわけだ ベベルは混乱しかないから 俺だったら近づかないね ユウナ様が反逆者ってのは アルベドのデマらしいけど いまいち信じられないんだよな アルベドには世話になったしさ |
[グアド族] | |
Hey, aren't you one of the Besaid Ourochs? | あれ あなたはビサイドオーラカの選手さんですね |
[グアド族] | |
You are a Blitzball player? There's something I must tell you. I'd like to apologize on behalf of the Guado. We are responsible for the fiends that attacked the stadium after the game. We're sorry for the disturbance such a wonderful game. Please accept our apologies. |
おお 選手の方ですか でしたら大切なお話がありますぞ 選手の方にグアドを代表して お詫びせねばと思っておりました 決勝戦の後でスタジアムを襲った魔物−− あれはグアド族の仕業なのです すばらしい試合を台無しにして 誠に申し訳ないことをしました |
ルカシアター前 | |
[オオアカ屋] | |
Hello, there ! | よう! |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey, weren't you in prison? | あんた牢屋に入ってたんじゃ!? |
[オオアカ屋] | |
Nah, those monks are pushovers, I tell you ! I'll fleece any priest, or my name's not O'aka! |
頭のかたい僧官なんてちょろいもんだ 僧官くらいどうにかできなきゃ 俺はオオアカ屋じゃないね |
[ティーダ] | |
Sorry. It was our fault they locked you up. |
ごめんな 俺たちに関わったせいだろ |
[オオアカ屋] | |
No problem ! Anything for a customer, uh? You know.... I had a sister. Wantz's older sister, you see. A summoner, she was. Went on pilgrimage at a young age. And that was it. Me and Wantz, well, neither of us, were fighters enough to be guardians. I think about it every day, I do. If I can do is try to help another summoner, I figure. and Lady Yuna, she looks so much like.... |
いいってことよ お得意様だからな まあなんだ−− 俺には妹がいたんだ ワンツにとっちゃ姉貴だな 召喚士でなあ まだ若かったのに旅に出て−− それっきりだ 俺もワンツも腕っ節はダメで ガードにはなれなかった 毎日思い出すんだ 何も手助けしてやれなかったって−− だからよ せめて他の召喚士様を助けたくてな それにユウナ様 やけに妹に−− |
[ティーダ] | |
Eh? | あ? |
[オオアカ屋] | |
It's nothing. | 何でもねえ |
[ティーダ] | |
Say, thanks. | ありがとな |
[オオアカ屋] | |
Wantz has got all the good stuff. O'aka XXIII's retiring ! |
めぼしい品はワンツが持ってる 23世は店じまいだ |
[メイチェン] | |
There is a legend, you know. Just before the horrible Sin appeared... a terrible war raged between Bevelle and Zanarkand. When the armies of Bevelle attacked Mount Gagazet, they heard a song echoing across the snowy slopes. "'Tis a song from an otherworld," they said. The soldiers panicked and ran. And then, as if to pursue the retreating armies, Sin appeared! Some time later, scouts from Bevelle braved the mountain. On the other side, they witnessed the ruins that had been Zanarkand. The city destroyed. Not a single soul left standing. Gone! In its place, a multitude of the fayth had gathered on Gagazet. They were singing a song. It's the song we now call the "Hymn of the Fayth." And that, as they say, is that. Well...maybe not all of it. |
こんな古い言い伝えがありましてな 「シン」が出現する少し前−− ザナルカンドとベベルが激しく争っておった時のこと ガガゼトを攻め上ったベベル軍は 雪山に響く歌を聴いたんですわ この世のものとも思われぬ歌声に 兵死は肝をつぶして逃げたとか そして退却する軍を追う様に 「シン」が現われたんですな やがて ベベルの偵察隊がガガゼトを登り−− ザナルカンドの滅亡を その目で確かめたのです 都市は破壊され尽くし 住民は一人残らず消失 その代わりガガゼトに おびただしいフェイス様がいて−− 歌っておったのですよ そう今では祈りの歌と呼ばれている歌ですな ま こんなところですかな? |
Rumors flew in Bevelle about Sin's sudden appearance. They said that the people of Zanarkand became the fayth, that they had called Sin. And that the man responsible.. was none other than the summoner Yevon, ruler of Zanarkand! Yes, the lord father of Lady Yunalesca. On the eve of Zanarkand's destruction, Lady Yunalesca.. had fled to safety with her husband, Zaon. Later, the two used the Final Summoning to defeat Sin. Yet the people of Bevelle still feared Yu Yevon. It was to quell his wrath that they revered him, and first spread his teachings. And so were born the temples of Yevon. I suppose it's possible Yunalesca had planned it that way from the start! A fair trade, she defeats Sin in exchange for her lord father's honor. Of course, there's no proof. No, the facts are lost in the mists of time. And who'd admit Yevon was an enemy of Bevelle? You can bet the temples had a hand in covering that one up! And that, as they say, is that. |
突如現われた「シン」をめぐり ベベルの民は噂しました ザナルカンドの民はフェイスとなって 「シン」を生んだのではないか その術を行ったものこそ−− ザナルカンドを支配していた 召喚士エボンではないかと そう ユウナレスカ様の父君ですな ザナルカンドが滅びた時 ユウナレスカ様は−− 夫のゼイオン様と逃げて無事だったのです その後お二人は究極召喚で 「シン」を倒しました ところがベベルの民は まだ召喚士エボンを恐れた そこでエボンの怒りを静めようと エボンを称える教えを広めたのです これがエボン寺院の始まりですわ もしやユウナレスカ様は それを狙っておったかもしれませんな 自分が「シン」を倒す代わりに 父エボンの名が残るようにと もちろん証拠も何もなく 全ては歴史の闇の中ですわ エボンがベベルの敵だったと公表できる筈もない ですから寺院は この歴史をひた隠しにしとるのです ま こんなところですわ |
Like to have more, would you? Let me tell you about the Hymn of the Fayth. It was once a Zanarkand song sung in defiance of Bevelle! Of course, the Yevon clergy of Bevelle forbade it. Then, as these things often go, those who disliked Yevon began to sing it. The Al Bhed, for instance. The Hymn of the Fayth became the symbol of defiance against Yevon. Yevon could do nothing but capitulate. They lifted the ban on the song and spread a new story. They said the hymn was a song sung to soothe the souls of the dead. And so saying, they took the song and made it scripture. That's why today, the hymn is sung all over Spira. You could say that, though Zanarkand is gone from this world, it lives on in the song. Aaaah, but look at the time. I've rambled on again. I do love stories, you see. Well, I owe you my gratitude for hearing this old scholar out. |
さらに語ってもいいですかな? では祈りの歌について語るとしましょう あれはもともとベベルにはむかった ザナルカンドの歌 当然エボン寺院は歌うことを禁じました すると寺院に従わないものたちが 好んで歌うようになったんですわ 例えばアルベドですな 祈りの歌は寺院への抵抗を表す 歌となったのです 手を焼いた寺院は方針を変えました 歌の禁止を取りやめ その由来を捻じ曲げて−− 死者の魂を鎮める歌という事にしたんですわ そうやってあの歌を 寺院の教えのなかに取り入れた と おかげで今や祈りの歌は スピラ中に広まっとります つまり地上から消えたザナルカンドは 歌の中だけに生き残ったんですな おお こりゃずいぶんと長話になってしもうた 語れるのがうれしくてつい−− いやいや いろいろ語らせてもらって 感謝しとりますわ |
[ドナ] | |
Why, it's you again. | あら、またあなたたち? |
[ティーダ] | |
You still on the road? | まだ旅してるのか? |
[ドナ] | |
Yes, but we're not going to Zanrkand. | ええ、でも目的地はザナルカンドじゃないけれど |
[ティーダ] | |
Uh? | え? |
[ドナ] | |
I've decided to go to Barthello's homeland. We are going to let the other summoners deal with Sin. I'm .... I'm scared. |
バルテロの故郷に行く事にしたの 「シン」を倒すのは 他の召喚士に任せるわ 恐く−−なったのよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey, don't worry about it ! We'll put Sin in his place no time. |
そのことなら気にするなよ 俺たちが「シン」をやっちゃうからさ |
[ドナ] | |
You mean... the Final Summoning? | それって−−究極召喚? |
[ティーダ] | |
No, we found another way where no one has to die... |
いや 誰も死なない方法を見つけたんだ |
[ドナ] | |
Well, whatever it is, good luck. | そう 何はともあれ幸運を |
[ティーダ] | |
Cross your fingers. | 祈っててくれ |
[ドナ] | |
Do your best, Barthello, time to go. | がんばってね 行くわよ バルテロ |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Welcome, Yuna. | よくきたな ユウナ |
[ユウナ] | |
What is this place? | ここは−− |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Remiem Temple. Once a great religious center in the Calm Lands, lost after the battle with Sin. |
レミアム寺院 かつてはナギ平原の中心だったが 「シン」との戦いの後 遺跡になった |
[ティーダ] | |
And this is your home? What? You got something against company? |
ここはあんたの家か? こんなところで−−人間嫌いなのか? |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
It's a long story. Easier perhaps to show you. | 長い話だ 見せるほうが早いだろう |
ベルゲミーネの体から幻光虫 | |
[ティーダ] | |
You're dead, too? | あんたも死者か−− |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Don't send me just yet. There is still one thing left for me to do here. With the help I can give, a young summoner might just be able to defeat Sin. Well, Yuna? I challenge you: if you cannot beat me, you'll never beat Sin. |
異界送りはまだしてくれるなよ ひとつだけ成さねばならぬことがある 私が手を貸せば 若い召喚士が「シン」を倒せるかもしれない さあ ユウナ 私の挑戦を受けるがいい 私を倒せないようでは「シン」は倒せないぞ |
[ユウナ] | |
I'll do my best. | やってみます |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Very well. Before we begin... Now, are you ready? |
よろしい その前に−− さあ始めるか |
全ての召喚獣を倒す | |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Stop. That's enough. You have made some progress, and for that I am glad. Take this. It may come in handy. |
そこまで もう十分だ 成長したな ユウナ 私もうれしいぞ とっておけ 役に立つだろう |
[ユウナ] | |
Thank you ! Perhaps you'll teach me again someday? |
ありがとうございます またよろしくお願いします |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
That's not possible. You have already surpassed your father. There is nothing more I can teach you. My work here on Spira is done. Time for me to go. |
それは不可能だな お前はブラスカを越えた 私が教えるべきことは何もない スピラに留まる理由がなくなった−− 行かなくてはな |
[アーロン] | |
Send her. | 送ってやれ |
[ユウナ] | |
Yes. | はい |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
It is in your hands, Yuna. Destroy Sin and save Spira. |
頼むぞユウナ 「シン」を倒し スピラを救ってくれ−− |
[ワッカ] | |
Whassup? Something here? | どした? なんかあるのかい? |
[ティーダ] | |
I almost got eaten by a fiend here. Payback time! |
ここで魔物に食われかけたんだ 仕返しだ! |
[ワッカ] | |
I get the picture. All right, let's go! | ナルホドな んでは行くかァ |
水中でジオスゲイノ戦 | |
遺跡 奥のフェイスの間
子ども時代のシーモアの映像と |
[ユウナ] | |
You are Maester Seymour's mother. | シーモア老師のお母様ですね |
[シーモアの母] | |
So you know. Yet still you seek my aid? My son... Do you not hate him? It is all right. He is the one who sowed the seeds of hatred. He is to blame. But I am at fault for letting him become what he was. |
知っていて私の力を求めるの? 息子を憎んでいるのに? −−いいわ あの子が憎しみの種をまいた 非難されても仕方がない あの子がああなったのは私のせいなの |
[シーモアの母] | |
He was always alone --half Guado, half man. I wanted to give him the strength to live by himself. And so I became a fayth. But... because I let him taste power, he began to thirst for more. He was not satisifed with my aeon. He wanted more. More power. |
グアドと人の間に生まれたあの子は いつも一人ぼっち だから私は彼に 独りで生きていける力をあげたかった だから私は「フェイス」になったの でも−− あの子は 力にとり付かれてしまった 私の力では 満足できなかった−− |
[ティーダ] | |
And he found Sin. | それで「シン」に目をつけて |
[シーモアの母] | |
Yes. Come, summoner. I will bestow you with my power: The Dark Aeon, Anima. Destroy Sin, and my son's obsession with it. Though it is small recompense for what I did to him. |
そうね 召喚士さん 私の力を上げましょう 闇の召喚獣 アニマ 「シン」とあの子の「シン」への執着も破戒して ホンの少しの償いにしか ならないけれど |
[トワメル] | |
Why are you in Guadosalam? What business have you here? |
このグアドサラムに 今更御用ですかな? |
[ティーダ] | |
You wanna start something? | やろうってのか! |
[トワメル] | |
If it would please you to harm a defenseless old man, then burn me, boil me, it matters not. |
この老いぼれを痛めつけて気が済むなら 煮るなり焼くなり ご勝手に |
[トワメル] | |
Lord Seymour is gone. No lord rises to take his place. The Guado merely wait for Sin to come and finish us off. Why should I care what you do to me? If it meant rejoining Lord Jyscal and Lord Seymour.... Then you taking off my head would be the greatest kindness. |
シーモア様亡き後 新たなリーダーもいない もはやグアドは「シン」に 滅ぼされるのを待つばかり もはや何をされてもかまわん ジスカル様とシーモア様のおそばに行けるなら−− 首を斬り落とされても 感謝するだろう |
[トワメル] | |
Come to kill the old man? I welcome it ! |
老いぼれを斬り捨てなさるのか 望むところよ |
[異界の門番] | |
We have no intention of fighting you, for we know that we cannot win. |
あなた方と戦う気はございません どうせ勝てませんからな |
[ルールー] | |
I'm still not the person I wanted to become, not yet. I'll come back to let you know how things went. I hope I'll bring back..... good news. |
私はまだ理想の私になっていません また報告に戻ってきますね 良い知らせを持ち帰れるといいんですけど−− |
[トワメル] | |
When Lord Jyscal was alive, the Guado knew prosperity and honor. But now, we Guado wither and crumble. I, myself, could have done more to stop this. Forgive me, Lord Jyscal ! |
ジスカル様のご生前は グアドには繁栄と誇りがありました しかし 今のグアドは衰え、もろくなっています 私はそれをどうすることもできません お許しください ジスカル様 |
[クラスコ] | |
Nice to see you again. | やあ久しぶり |
[ティーダ] | |
You ! You really quit the knights? | やっぱり騎兵はやめたのか? |
[クラスコ] | |
yeah. I did. Elma was upset with me, but Captain Lucil understood. Now, I'm working as a chocobo breeder on this ship. I really really love taking care of chocobos! Being with chocobo all the time.... I think I'm found calling ! And it's all thanks to you ! Thank you ! |
まあね エルマは怒ったけど ルチル隊長はわかってくれたよ 今はこの船でチョコボの飼育係をやってるんだ 俺は本当にチョコボを世話するのが好きなんだよ いつもチョコボと一緒でさ なんていうか天職だね 全部あんたのおかげだよ ありがとう |
[ティーダ] | |
Well, I'm happy for you. | まあ良かったんじゃない? |
[クラスコ] | |
Ah, I have to go now. It's time for lunch. |
ああ そろそろいかなくちゃ 食事の時間なんだ |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey, I want to talk to you some more. Can't your stomach wait? |
久しぶりなんだから メシくらい待てよ |
[クラスコ] | |
I meant I have to feed the chocobos. They get really upset if they're not fed ! See you ! |
チョコボの食事なんだよ あいつら腹がすいたら すぐ落ち込むんだ じゃあね |
[ティーダ] | |
What is this place? | なんだよ ここ? |
[ルールー] | |
Seven hundred years ago.. a monk who defied the teachings was sentenced here. |
700年くらい前 エボンの教えにそむいた僧官が処刑されたわ |
[ワッカ] | |
Oh, the traitor Omega, ya? | ああ 反逆者オメガかい? |
[ルールー] | |
Omega's loathing of Yevon has turned him into a fiend. |
オメガは寺院を恨み 魔物となってスピラをさまよう−− |
[ワッカ] | |
They say he liked it underground, out of the light. | 暗い地面の下が好きなんだわ |
[ティーダ] | |
So he's here? | それがここ? |
[アーロン] | |
Scared? | 恐いのか? |
[ティーダ] | |
Not a chance! | そんなわけないだろ! |
アルテマウェポン出現 | |
[ワッカ] | |
You're kidding me! | マジですかい!? |
アルテマウェポン戦 終了 | |
[アーロン] | |
That was not Omega. Just a shadow, born from Omega's wrath. |
今のはオメガではないな オメガが生み出した影のひとつにすぎまい |
[ワッカ] | |
What, so the main man's still around? | まだホンモノがいるってかい? |
[ティーダ] | |
Come on out, Omega! | オメガ出てこ〜い! |
[ユウナ] | |
When we meet, I will send it. | 会えたら−−異界に送ってあげようか |
遺跡の最深部 | |
[アーロン] | |
It seems we rate his personal attention, now. | どうやらホンモノのお出ましの様だな |
オメガウェポン戦 終了 | |
[アーロン] | |
Find your peace on the Farplane. Leave Spira to the living. |
異界で安らかに眠れ スピラは生者のものだ |
[アーロン] | |
I'd like to meet Jeckt before he fades away. When this is over, I will leave. I have played at life too long. Ten years ago.... I honored Jeckt's last words, and traveled to Zanarkand. I planned to stay there watching over you. But when Sin attacked Zanarkand that day, I changed my mind. Outside the dream world, life can be harsh--even cruel. But it is life. He wanted you to have a shot at life. I saw it in Sin's eyes. That's why I brought you here, to Spira. |
ジェクトの意識が消える前に 会いたいものだな これが終わったら俺は行く 生者のフリが長すぎた 10年前−− ジェクトの最後の言葉に従って ザナルカンドへ行き そこでお前を見守っているつもりだった しかし、「シン」がザナルカンドを襲ったあの日 俺は考えを変えた 夢の世界の外は 辛い−−残酷でさえある しかしそれが生きるということだ ジェクトはお前に真に生きてもらいたかった 俺は「シン」の目にそれを見た だからお前をここに連れてきた |
[キマリ] | |
The Ronso were singing, too. Kimahri ear never wrong. |
ロンソも歌っていた キマリの耳は聞き逃さない |
[キマリ] | |
Kimahri felt friendship from somewhere inside Sin. There's no need to fear. Kimahri will go with you. |
キマリは 「シン」のどこからか 友情を感じた 恐れることはない キマリがいつも一緒だ |
[ユウナ] | |
No matter what happens, I'll see that through to the end, I promise. We're almost done. |
何が起こっても 最後まで見届けるから もう少しだよね |
[ルールー] | |
You've proven yourself as a guardian. Maybe even as the best. You know, your meeting Yuna was really quite.... Can't say "Praise be to Yevon." anymore can we? |
あんたは自分でガードだってこと証明したわね たぶん最高のね あんたとユウナが出会ったのは−− もう「エボンに讃えあれ」って 言えないのか−− |
[ワッカ] | |
We been through a lot, ya? And hey, we're not finished yet ! All Spira's rooting for us ! let's let them down, ya? |
いろいろあったよな−− って まだ終わってないってか? スピラ中が期待してるからな がっかりさせられないっしょ |
[リュック] | |
Sometimes, when I got a lot on my mind, It just helps to go "Aaaaaaaaaaa!" |
頭の中がいっぱいになったら 叫ぶといいよ「あ‐−−−−−−!」 |
バトル中会話 | |
ビーカネル島 | |
[ティーダ] ズーとエンカウント | |
How can a bird grow big? | どうしたらこんなにでかくなるんだ? |
[ワッカ] | |
Traitors, coming through ! | 反逆者様のお通り! |
[ルールー] | |
That is a spirit ! | その意気! |
[ティーダ] | |
Pace yourself, Auron ! | アーロン 無理するなよ |
[アーロン] | |
Humph, worry about yourself ! | 自分の心配をしろ |
[リュック] | |
No problem, guys ! | 楽勝だね! |
[ワッカ] | |
Huh. That was just I was thinking ! |
は! 俺もそう思ってたんだわ |