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Final Fantasy X International イベント字幕  Part2



[ティーダ]  Rikku! 

[ティーダ] Blitzball! (ブリッツボール!)

[ワッカ] You okay ?  (だ〜いじょ〜ぶか〜)

[ティーダ] Heey!


[ワッカ] Whoa-ho!  

[ティーダ] Yo! Hiya!  (こんちは)

[ワッカ] You wanna try that one more time?  (もう一回やってくれないかい?)

Finally, things were starting to look up!
  ようやくいい感じになってきた !


[ワッカ] You're no amateur. Who you play for? 

[ティーダ] The Zanarkand Abes!  (ザナルカンド・エイブス!)


[ワッカ] What team you say again? (何 もう一回いいかい?)

[ティーダ] Uh, I mean... Forget that. (ええと、つまり、今のは忘れて)
       I got too...uh...close to Sin  (俺シンに近づきすぎて、
     and my head's all foggy-like   (頭ん中がボンヤリしちまって…)
     So I don't know where this place is. 
     Or ever where I came from. (ここがどことか、どこから来たとかわかんないんだ) 

[ワッカ] Sin's toxin got to you.  (シンの毒かい)
    But you still alive.  (でもお前生きてんだァ)
    Praise be to Yevon!   (エボンに称えあれ)

[ワッカ] All right, back to practice. (トレーニングしてれ〜)

    I'm Wakka, coach and captain of the Besaid Aurocks, brudde.


[ワッカ] What? You hungry?  (あれえ、腹減ってるのかい?)
        Okay, Back to the Village. (村へ戻るか) 
        I'll got you something!  (何か食べさせてやるから)


I felt like I could trust this Wakka,
so I just to ask. 

[ティーダ] It's true Zanarkand was destoroyed, right?
         A thousand years ago?  (ザナルカンドって破壊されたんだよな?千年前にさ)
         So it's just a big pile of rubbles now, isn't it? (今はただの遺跡なんだよな)

[ワッカ] Long time ago, there were a whole lot of cities in Spira.
          Big cities with machina--machines--to run'em.
          People played all day and let the machina do the work.

         And then, well, take a look
         Sin came, and destroyed the machina cities.
         And the Zanarkand along with'em.
    (そしたらーー見てみれ シンが来て町を壊しちまったんだァ

         Year, that was about a thousand years ago, just like you said.
         if you ask me, Sin's our punishment 
          for letting things get out of hand.

         What gets me, though...
        is we gotta suffer, 'cause of what
        some goofball did way back when!
        Cause, we must always repent for our sins!
       That's important!
       It's just that, It's hard to keep at it sometimes, you know?
     それはわかってる でも何かなァ)

It was just as Rikku said.
Wakka and Rikku couldn't both lying.
Why could they?

[ワッカ] But you from the Zanarkand Abes that was a good one!
         I'm not saying the team never existed, ye?
        But you gotta figure a team living in luzury like that'd be pretty soft, eh?


I appreciate the fact that Wakka was trying to cheer me up,
But at that time, all I could think about was...
everything that happened to me--all this--
started with Sin.

Maybe if I could find Sin.
once more time, I could go home!

For now, I'd just live life until that time come,
No more worrying about where or when, I was.
Sure it was hard not to think of home,
But I started to feel better already
A still better ...maybe.


   ここがどことか 今がいつとか
   考えないのは難しかったけど 少しは楽になった


[KEEPA] Hey, I'll admit it, We're not the best blitzers in Spira.
        " To do our best." That's our motto.
         Guess it's not enough, though.
         Here take this.
         And do your best, ye?

[BOTTA]I really want to make Cap'n Wakka  proud at this year tournament.
       Come practice with us one the toxin wears off, okay?
       Hope you get better soon brudde.
     あんた毒が抜けたら 練習に付き合ってくれよ

[DATTO] I gotta stop closing my eyes when the ball comes .
         You being a blitzball player probably 
         what saved you out there.
         The best players--they can hold their breath,
          like, forever!
          I wish I would do that! 
          We had an underwater race once, ya?
         To see how long we could go.
         Two laps and we were out, but Cap'n Wakka went five, no sweat!
     あんたがおぼれずにすんだのは ブリッツの選手だから…だろうな
     浜から沖まで息継ぎなしで何往復できるか 競争したことあるんだ
     オレたちゃ2往復が精一杯だったけど ワッカさんは5往復しても余裕だぜ
     シンの毒にやられてるんだろ 早いとこ休んだ方がいいって
     そうだ これをあげるよ シンの毒にも効くかもよ

[LETTY]  I can head the ball pretty good.
        Today's just a bad day, ya?
        This is really weired, ya?
        I could do five in a row yesterday.
        I'm nowhere near Cap'n Wakka,
        but I can hold my own underwater, ya?
        It's just that...
        I'm not so good wish the ball.
    (オレ、ヘディング得意なんだぜ きょうは調子よくないけど
     おっかしいなァ 昨日は5回連続できたのに

[JASSE]  What that was spectacular, brudda!
         Wish I could shoot like that
        Cap'n Wakka's waiting for you,
        You better get going, ye?
        There's a friends on this road, ya?
        Use this if you get in trouble.
    (あのシュートすごかったな〜 俺もあんなの撃ってみたいよ
     ワッカさん待ってるぞ 早く行った方が良くないか
     村までの道は魔物が出るぞ 危なくなったらこれを使いな



[ワッカ]     Hey! It's this way! (おーい、こっちだ)

[ティーダ]  Huh (何かあるのか)

[ティーダ]   What's the big idea? (何すんだよ!)

[ティーダ]   Lemme go!  (放せよ!)

[ワッカ]    Get a favor to ask ya. (頼みがあるんだ)

[ティーダ]  You want me on your team, right?  (あんたのチームに入れって?)


[ワッカ]    A major Blitz tournament's coming up.
       All the team in Spira'll be there.
      It's so huge, I'm sure someone there will recognize you!
      Then you can go back to your old team, right?
      It'll be fun!
   What do you say ,huh? Come on, come on!
     (でっかいトーナメントがあるんだわ スピラ中のチームが集まるんだなァ
     楽しいぞ なあ、どうよ?)

[ティーダ]  Sure thing.  (いいよ)

[ワッカ]  Dude!
    Our team is gonna roah, eh?
     (やったぜニイチャン これでオーラカも燃えるぜ)

 I thought that blitzball and 
 Sin were the only two thing that 
 Spira and Zanarkand had in common,
 I wasn't too far off, either.




[ワッカ] Besaid Village.  (ビサイド村だ)

[ティーダ] They got any food there? (食べ物あるのか?)

[ワッカ] We'll got you something over there later. (あとであの家でな、)
   Take a look around first. (そのへん見物してれ)
   Let see...
   The Crusaders Lodge is over yonder.  (あそこが討伐隊宿舎だ)
   Luzzu and Gatta are usually there.  (ルッツとガッタはたいていあそこだァ)

[ワッカ] Oh, right. (そうそう)
   Over here!  (こっちだ)

[ティーダ] What's up? (なんだよ)

[ワッカ]  You do remember the prayer, right? (ニイチャン、お祈りは覚えてるっしょ?)

[ティーダ] I don't remember.(忘れた)

I don't know it in the first place, 
to tell the truth. 
    最初から知らなかったんだ 本当はさ

[ワッカ]  Man, that's like the basic of the basics. (おいおい、基本中の基本だべ)
    I'll show you. (わかった見せてやる)
    Go ahead. You try.  (ほら、やってみれ)

[ワッカ] Hey not bad.  (いいんでないかい)
    Okay, now you go present yourself to the temple summoner.

 Any britzball player would know that prayer.
 It was the blitzball sign for victory.


[ガッタ] Hey, you! You were attacked by Sin, right?
            Recently was it?  (あんたシンに襲われたの、最近か?)

[ティーダ] I think so.  (たぶん)

[ガッタ] So, Sin can't be far, right?  (近くにシンがいるのか?)
         You're not hiding anything, are you?  (隠してないよな)

[ティーダ] Why would I?  (もちろん)

[ルッツ] If Sin's nearby, it'll attack the island for sure. (近くにシンがいるなら、島を襲いにくる筈だ)
             But it hasn't I wonder why?  (だけど来ない・・・理由は?)

[ティーダ] I'm sorry, I really don't know anything.  (悪いけど、俺には何もわからない)
             To tell the truth, I don't even Know what the Crusaders are.

[ガッタ] You're kidding, right?  (冗談だろ?)

[ルッツ] Sin! The toxin!   (「シン」…「シン」の毒か)
       Gatta, tell him who we are!  (ガッタ、聞かせてやれ)

[ガッタ] Yes, sir!  (はい先輩)
        The Crusaders are sword to battle Sin! (討伐隊はシンと戦う誓いを立てている)
        We have chapters throughout Spira, (スピラ中に支部があり、希望者は誰でも参加可能)
        accepting all who wish to join our struggle! 
       The hero Mi'ihen formed the Crusaders eight hundred years ago
       as the Crimson Brades. (英雄ミヘン様が800年前に「真紅の刃」として討伐隊を結成)
       Later, our ranks grew and we called ourselves the Crusaders, 
       We're been fighting Sin ever since! (後に組織は拡大され、以来われわれはシンと戦い続けているのだ)

[ティーダ] What? You've been fighting eight hundred years and still haven't beat it?
    (何だ? 800年も闘って倒せないのか?)

[ルッツ] Well, we're stared Sin away from towns many times!
       And that's all we can do. Nobody's ever been able to defeat it.
       Our mission as Crusaders is to protect the temples, towns, villages, and people of Spira.
       でもそれが限界だな 誰にもシンは倒せないさ

[ティーダ] So, then whose job is it to defeat Sin?

[ガッタ] Is Sin's toxin really this bad, sir? (シンの毒はこんなにヒドイんですか、先輩)

[ルッツ] It does seen rather bad...   (これはかなりひどいなーー)
       We could just tell you, but I think better for you to try and remember.
       Go pray at the temple.  Perhaps  Yevon will help you regain your memory.
    (寺院で祈りな  エボンが助けてくれるだろうよ)

[ガッタ] But soon, we may be able to finally defeat Sin.
       We'll get a plan--one that'll go down in Crusader history.
            すごい作戦があるんだ  討伐隊の歴史に残る作戦さ)
[ルッツ] We're been excommunicated from Yevon.
      We must go, now. Everything is riding our next...our last battle! 
            そろそろ戦地に出発だ  すべては次の−−最後の戦いにかかっている)


It is then, standing in that place,  
I began to realize how different  
this world was from my own.  

[寺院の僧]  Ten years have passed since Lord Braska become high summoner.
         And finally we receive a statue for our temple.

[ティーダ] What's high summoner?  (コウショウカンシってなんですか?)


[ティーダ] I... I got too close to Sin's, oh, toxin. (俺、シンの毒にやられちゃって)

It was funny hearing myself make the same excuse over and over.
Funny and a little sad,

[寺院の僧]  The summoners are practitioners of a sacred art,
           sworn to protect the people of Yevon.
          Only a chosen few become high summoners,
          who call forth entities of great power: the aeons.
          The aeons hear our prayer and come down to us.
          They are the blessing of Yevon. 

So what he means...
was that we should respect some kinda great men or something like that...
I figured.
  つまり えらい人を尊敬しなさいということだと思った


[ワッカ] Sorry man. No time for lunch yet. (悪いな 飯はまだなんだなァ)

[ワッカ] Take a nap! You look bashed.  (昼寝でもしてろよ 疲れてんじゃないかい?)

[ティーダ] Thanks.

[寺院の僧] You could at least go and how they are doing.

[ワッカ] We can't interfare. It's arule. (干渉しないのがキマリだァ)

[寺院の僧] But it's been nearly... (しかしもうそろそろ…)

    But it's been nearly...  (しかしもうそろそろ…)
    It's been nearly a day already.  (そろそろ丸1日だな)

[ティーダの母]  Perhaps you could go look for us.  (見に行ってもらえますか?)

    People are searching for him now.  (もうさがしに行ってるよ)

[ティーダの母] Thank you.  (ありがとうございます)

[子ども時代のティーダ] Who cares whether he comes back or not?  (あんな奴どうでもいいのに)

[ティーダの母] But he might die!  (でも死んでしまうかもしれないのよ!)

[子ども時代のティーダ] Fine, let him!  (それでもいいよ)

[ティーダの母] Do you... (あなたは…
   Do you hate him so?  (そんなにお父さんが嫌い?)
   If he dies,you'll never be able totell him how much you hate him.

[ティーダ] Wakka?  


[ティーダ] Is something wrong?  (何かあったのか?)

[ワッカ] The summoner hasn't returned from the trial. (召喚士が試練から戻らないんだわ)

[ティーダ] Eh? (え?)

[ワッカ] Well, apprentice summoner really.  (まだ見習い召喚士かーー)

[ティーダ] Ah? (あ?)

[ワッカ] There's a room in there called the Cloister of Trials.(奥に試練の間があるんだァ)
   Beyond is where apprentice summoner prays. (そのさらに奥で見習い召喚士は祈る)
   If the prayer is heard, the apprentice become a fully-fledged summoner, remember?

[ティーダ] Someone is in there somewhere and the haven't come back out. Right, I got.
    (誰かがどこかから戻ってこない それはわかった)

[ワッカ] A day already gone by. (もう一日たったんだわァ)

[ティーダ] Is it particularly dangerous in there? (そこは危険なのか?)

[ワッカ] Sometimes, yes. (たまになァ)

[ティーダ] Why don't you go in and help? (助けに行こう!)

[ワッカ] There's already guardians in there.  (ガードが一緒だ)
   Besides It's forbidden. (それに立ち入り禁止だし…)

[ティーダ] Hey, but what if something happens? (でも何か起こったら?)
   What if the summpner dies!?  (死んだらどうするんだ!)

[寺院の僧] The precepts must be obeyed! (掟を破ってはいけません)

[ティーダ] Like I care! (知らないって!)

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.  

[ワッカ] Hey! (おい)
What's gotten into you? (なにアツくなってたのさ)
Hey, it's okay.  (まァいいや)
Only summoners, apprentice summoners, and their guardians can enter here.

[ティーダ] So,what about you?  (あんたは入っていいのか?)

[ワッカ] Me? I'm a guardian.  (オレ?オレはガードだし)

[ティーダ] A guardian?  (ガードって?)

[ワッカ] Summoner go on a pilgrimage to pray at every temple in Spira.
         Guardians protect them.  (ガードはその護衛だな)
    The guardians in there now   (今奥にいるガードは)
    One of them's got a short fuse,  (一人は短気で−−
    and who knows what the other's thinking.  一人は何を考えてるんだかァ)
    Well, now that we've come that far--   (ここまで来たら−−
    might as well go all the way!      最後まで言ってもいいっしょ)

[ルールー] What are you doing here?   (何しにきたの?)
     Didn't think we'd be able to handle it?  (私たちの手には負えないとでも?) 

[ワッカ] No, it's's just...  (いや、その つい…)
     See, I told you she gets mad easy.  (ほら言ったとおりだァ)

[ティーダ] Is the summoner all right? (ショウカンシはだいじょうぶなのか?)

[ルールー] Who are you?  (誰−−なの?)

[ユウナ] I've done it. I have become a summoner! (私−−私、召喚士になれました!)


Man, was I surprised.  
And have I saw thinking   
Summoner were all old geezers.
 もう驚いたの何の  召喚士はじいさんだと思っていたからさ


[ワッカ] Hey, over here!  (こっちだー)

[ティーダ] What? Ow!  (なんだよ)

[ワッカ] Wait till you see this!  (これを見れぇ)

[ティーダ] I can't see anything.  (見えないよ)

[ワッカ] Ready!  (いいぞ)

[ユウナ] Okay!  (うん)



I had never seen anything like it in my life
Sure, it was a little scary
but still...
I could feel a strange kind of gentleness coming from it

I remember 
That night, we talked the first time
I didn't know it then, but after that night,
everything changed
For everyone
For me...
 あの夜 俺たちははじめて話したんだよな

−− 夜、村の広場 −−

[ワッカ] Let me introduce you to the team  (チームのみんなに紹介だァ)
    This guy here wants into the tournament so bad, (ぜひトーナメントに出たいってんで
    I let him on the team.   入れてやることにしたんだわ)
    His memory's a little fuzzy, so don't mind if he says anything odd!
     Come on , say hi! (ほら、挨拶)

[ティーダ] Uh...hi, guys.  (よろしくみんな)
    So what's our goal?  (それで目標は?)

[オーラカメンバー] To do our best!   (ベストをつくす!)

[ワッカ] Nope, we got a new goal now!  (俺たちには新しい目標ができた)
      Our new Victory!  (それはナント優勝だァ)
   To win every match,  (全部の敵を倒して
   defeat every opposing team!  全部の試合に勝つ)
   To bring the Clystal Cup back to our island! (クリスタルカップを島に持ち帰る)
   That's all we need to do to win! (そんだけのこった) 
   Easy, ya?  (優勝なんて簡単っしょ)

[オーラカメンバー] Victory... (優勝か…)
       Victory! Victory! Victory!  (優勝だ! 優勝だ! ・・・)

[村人] You heathen!  (掟破りめ)

[村人] Stay away from summoner!  (召喚士様から離れなさい)

[子ども] You're a bad man!   (ワルモノー)

[村人] Lady Yuna! Be careful!  (ユウナ様 気をつけて)

[ユウナ]  But it was really my fault to begin with.  (でも私が悪かったから)

[ユウナ] I'm Yuna.  (ユウナです)
        Thank you so much for you help earlier. (さっきは助けてくれてありがとう)

[ティーダ] I'm sorry about that. (あれ、悪かったな)
        Wasn't that...Wasn't I not supposed to... (余計なことしてさ)
        Guess I...kind of overreacted.  (なんていうか−−大げさだったよな)

[ユウナ]  Oh, no, I was...overconfident.  (ううん、私が甘かったから)

[ティーダ] Um, I saw that aeon thing. That's amazing!  (俺も召喚獣見たぞ すごかった)

[ユウナ]  Really? (本当?)
        Do you think I can become a high summoner?  (私高召喚士になれると思う?)

[子ども] Lady Yuna, come play with me some more!  (ユウナ様、もっと遊んでよ)

[ユウナ]  So, tomorrow, then. (また明日ね)

[ティーダ] Tomorrow? (明日?)

[ユウナ]  We're going on the same boat, aren't we?  (同じ船で行くんだよね)

[ティーダ] Oh, really?  (そうなの?)

[ユウナ]  We can talk more.  (もっと話せるよね)

[ユウナ]  You can tell me all about Zanarkand!  (ザナルカンドのこと話してくれる?)

[ワッカ]  She's cute, ya?  (かわいいっしょ)

[ティーダ] Year!  (うん)

[ワッカ] Don't get no ideas.  (変なこと考えるなよ)

[ティーダ] No promises there, big guy. (約束なんてできないな)
         Hey, but what if she like, comes on to me?  (ユウナが俺のこと好きになったらどうする?)

[ワッカ] That's not going to happen.  (それはないって)
          If you get tired, let me know. I had a bed made for you.(疲れたら言え 寝床の用意してやる)

[ワッカ] Hm, ready for bed?  (ん?休むか?)

[ティーダ] Year.  (うん)

[ワッカ] Good, sleep tight. (よく眠れよ)



[ティーダ] Where's that boat? (船はどこ?)

[ユウナ] Everyone will find us if it doesn't come soon. (早く来ないとみんなに気づかれるよ)

[ティーダ] You really sure this is okay?  (ほんとにいいのか?)

[ユウナ] Would you take me to Zanarkand?  (ザナルカンドに連れて行ってね)

[リュック] Hey! (おーい)
You said you'd go with me? (あたしとルカに行くって言ったよ)

[ティーダ] Oh, hey... I uh...  (あ・・ああ・・・あれは・・)

[リュック] I thought Wakka told you not to get any ideas?  (ワッカに変な考え起こすなって言われたはず)

[ユウナ] He did?  (そうだったの?)

[リュック] Year, so you're coming with me!  (そのとおり だからアタシと行くの)

[ジェクトの声] Hey! Stop dreaming!  (おーい夢は終わりだ)

[ジェクト] You, with a woman?   (お前が女と?)
    You can't even catch a ball!  (半人前のくせに)
    Oh, what's the matter?   (どうした)
    Gonna cry again? Cry, cry, (また泣くか、泣き泣きか)
    That's the only thing you're good for! (できるのはそれくらいだもんな) 

[ティーダ] I hate you. (大嫌い)

[ジェクト] Huh? What'd you say?  (聞こえねえなあ)

[ユウナ] You should to speak loudly. (もっと大きな声で)

[ティーダ] I hate you!  (大っ嫌いだ)

[ジェクトの声] Eh?  (あ?)

[リュック] That's the spirit! (その意気!)

[ユウナ] You can do it! (やればできるよ)

[ティーダ] I hate you!  (大っキライだ!)


[ルールー] He's dead, okay? Dead! (彼は死んだの わかる?)
     He does look a lot like Chappu. (アイツは本当にチャップにそっくり)
     I was surprised too...  (私も最初は驚いたわ)
     The first time I saw him. 
     But no matter what he looks like, he isn't Chappu.
     You shouldn't have brought him here in the first place!

[ワッカ] But...he needs our help!  (そうだけど、アイツには助けが必要だったァ)

[ルールー] Excuse again?  (まだ言い訳があるの?)

[ワッカ] Year, but... (だって−−)

[ルールー] That's it, No more, 
      Enough Wakka!  (もういい、うんざりよ、ワッカ!)


[ティーダ] Scary!  (こっわいなあ)
     So, who's Chappu?  (それでチャップって誰?)

[ワッカ] My little brother, Chappu. He looked like you.
      (俺の弟だ お前にそっくりだった)

[ティーダ] He's dead? (死んじゃったのか)

[ワッカ] He was with the Crusaders when they fought Sin last year.
     He didn't make it, I first heard on the day of the tournament.

[ティーダ] Oh, so that's why. (ああ、それでか)

[ワッカ] I became a guardian to fight Sin, ya?

[ティーダ] Revenge, then?  (敵討ちだな)

[ワッカ] That was idea.  (そのつもりだったさ)
    I'm more worried about a stupid game now than avenging my brother.
    Well, after the next tournament, I'll be a guardian full-time.
    I know it kinda looks like I'm using you, but I'm not.
     まあ 次のトーナメント終わったらガードに専念するつもりだけどなあ

[ティーダ] Don't worry. (気にすんなよ
    I mean I owe to you a lot. (俺はあんたにたくさん借りがある
    You really helped me out, you know?  (あんたには本当に世話になってるから
    What I mean is... thanks Wakka. (ええと つまり−−ありがとうワッカ)


[ワッカ] Stop, you're embarrassing me! (やめれ〜 照れるべさァ)



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