[ティーダのモノローグ] | |
We escaped with our skins intact, but Yuna lost something. I could already tell, her faith was shaken, Yevon had betrayed her.
I felt like I should do or say something--anything...
何とか逃げ切ったけど ユウナは何かをなくしたみたいだった 仕方ないよな ずっと信じてきたエボンは ユウナを裏切っていたし 何とかしたいと思ったけど−−
[ワッカ] | |
Well? | どうでした? |
[アーロン] | |
We're all clear. We will have to avoid Bevelle in the future. Yuna? |
追手はいない しかし今後ベベルは避けるべきだな ユウナは? |
[リュック] | |
She said she wanted to be alone. | 一人になりたいんだって |
[アーロン] | |
Of course. | だろうな |
[ワッカ] | |
Must be tough for Yuna. We leave at daybreak. If Yuna figures out where we're going that is. I feel kinda bad leaving everything up to her, you know? |
ユウナはきついんでないかい? 朝になったら出発だァ ユウナが行く先を決めたら出発だな ユウナに全部決めさせるなんて心苦しいけどな |
[リュック] | |
Wonder what Yunie'll do, huh? think she'll quit her pilgrimage? |
ユウナはどうするのかな 旅をやめちゃうのかな? |
[ティーダ] | |
That's what you want, right? | その方がいいんだろ? |
[リュック] | |
Well.... If Yunie really want to keep going, then... I guess I shoudn7t stop her, you know? That's what I think, anyway. |
うーん ユウナが本当に望んでいるなら−− 邪魔しちゃ ダメだって−− そう思ってもみたり |
[ルールー] | |
Yuna's off in the woods. Kimahri's with her, but you should go, too? I think it might help if you were there. |
ユウナは森の奥よ キマリが行ってるけど あんたも行ったら? あんたがいれば少しは助けになるかもね |
[アーロン] | |
Maybe you should talk her? I am ....tired. |
ユウナと話さんのか? −−疲れたな |
[ユウナ] | |
I always thought that this would be easier somehow. I thought that everyone would help me... with all my new friends together beside me. I've been trying so hard. |
簡単なことだと思ってたんだよね みんなが私のこと助けてくれて 仲間はいつも一緒で−− 頑張ってたんだよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Maybe you're trying too hard. They told me...everything. |
頑張りすぎたとか みんなから全部聞いたんだ |
[ユウナ] | |
Everything? | 全部? |
[ユウナ] | |
Well, so then... you know. | じゃあ 知ってるんだ |
[ティーダ] | |
I'm sorry. It's just, you know... all those things I said. Like "Let's go get Sin !" Or about Zanarkand... I didn't know what would happen to you, Yuna. I guess... I hope it didn't make you sad. Forgive me. |
ごめんな 俺いろんなこと言っちゃって 「シン」をブッ倒そうとか ザナルカンドのこととか−− ユウナがどうなるかも知らないでさ さびしがらせてなければいいけど−− ごめん |
[ユウナ] | |
I wasn't sad. I was happy. |
さびしくなんかなかった うれしかった |
[ティーダ] | |
Yuna. Just don't do it. |
ユウナ もうやめよう |
[ユウナ] | |
The pilgrimage? | 旅を? |
[ティーダ] | |
That's right. Forget all about Sin, about being a summoner. Forget all that. You know, live a normal life. Come on now, Yuna, what do you say? |
それそれ 「シン」とか召喚士とか 全部忘れて−− つまり普通の人生を送るっての どうよ? |
[ユウナ] | |
Maybe I will. Wouldn't everyone be surprised? |
いいかもね みんな驚くよね |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah. Except Rikku. She'd be with you. Lulu and Wakka wouldn't hold out long. |
うん でもリュックは賛成してくれるし ルールーとワッカもどうにかなるって |
[ユウナ] | |
Kimahri would say yes, too, I know. But Sir Auron... |
キマリはきっと賛成してくれるけど アーロンさんは−− |
[ティーダ] | |
I'll make him understand, Yuna. It's the least I can do for you. |
俺が何とかする それくらいはできる |
[ユウナ] | |
No, I should tell him. He deserves it. What'll I do if I give up my pilgrimage? |
私が言うよ 特にアーロンさんにはね 旅をやめたら何しようかな |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey ! Zanarkand! Let's go to Zanarkand ! Not the one in Spira, the one I'm from. Yeah, we can all fly there. Everyone can go! Then we'll have a big party at my place! |
ザナルカンド! ザナルカンドへ行こう! スピラのじゃなくて 俺のほう 俺たち飛んでいくんだ みんな一緒でもいいな それで俺んちで 盛大にパーティーだ! |
[ユウナ] | |
And then we could see Blitzball! | それならブリッツ見られるね |
[ティーダ] | |
That's right ! | もちろん |
[ユウナ] | |
Your Zanaraknd Abes would play! | 君のエイブスの試合だよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah ! | うん |
[ユウナ] | |
We could all watch you play, in the stadium all lit up at night! I'd cheer and cheer till I couldn't cheer anymore ! |
夜でも明るいスタジアムで 君の活躍を見るの! へとへとになるまでずっと応援するよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Right on! | 頼むよ−− |
[ユウナ] | |
Well, what about after the game? | 試合が終わったらどうするの? |
[ティーダ] | |
We'd go out and have fun ! | 出かけて遊びまくり! |
[ユウナ] | |
In the middle of the night? | 真夜中なのに? |
[ティーダ] | |
No problem ! Zanarkand never sleeps ! Let's go to the sea, before the sunrise. The city lights go out one by one. The stars fade... Then the horizon glows, almost like it's on fire. It's kinda rose-colored, right? First in the sea, then it spreads to the sky, then to the whole city. It gets brighter and brighter, till everything glows. It's really...pretty. I know you'd like it. |
関係ないよ ザナルカンドは眠らないんだ 夜明け前に海へ行こう 街の灯りがひとつずつ消えて 星も消えて そして水平線が輝いて−− まるで燃えるみたいにさ バラ色って言うのかな−− 海が、空が 街が染まって 朝がくる ホントに−−素敵なんだ ユウナも気に入るよ |
[ユウナ] | |
I'd like to see it, someday. | いつか−−見たいな |
[ティーダ] | |
Well you can, Yuna. We can both go! | だいじょうぶだって 一緒に行こう |
[ティーダ] | |
Yuna? | ユウナ? |
[ユウナ] | |
I can't. I just can't! I can't go! |
できないよ−− ダメだよ 行けないよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Yuna. | ユウナ |
ティーダとユウナのキス |
後刻 | |
[ユウナ] | |
I'll continue. I must. | 旅を続けなくちゃ |
[ユウナ] | |
If I give up now.. I could do anything I wanted to, and yet... Even if I was with you, I could never forget. |
今やめたらね したいことは何でもできるけど−− 君と一緒でも旅をやめたことを思い出す |
[ティーダ] | |
I'll go with you. I'm your guardian. Unless I'm...fired? |
俺もいっしょに行く 俺はガードだからな クビになってなければの話 |
[ユウナ] | |
Stay with me until the end. Please. | 最後まで 一緒にいてね |
[ティーダ] | |
Not until the end... Always. |
最後までじゃなくて−− ずっと |
[ユウナ] | |
Always, then. | じゃあ ずっと−− |
[ユウナ] | |
Maybe you should head back to camp first | 先にみんなのところへ戻ってる? |
[ティーダ] | |
Roger! | 了解 |
[ユウナ] | |
Wait. I'll go with you. | 待って 一緒に行く |
[ユウナ] | |
Sir Auron? Wakka? Lulu? Kimahri? Rikku? Everyone, we leave at dawn. And... I'm sorry for putting you through all of this. And...um.. |
アーロンさん ワッカさん ルールー キマリ リュック 夜が明けたら出発です それから いろいろと巻き込んでしまってごめんなさい それから−− |
[アーロン] | |
Enough. You need your rest. | もういい 休んでおけ |
[ユウナ] | |
Yes. Good night. |
はい お休みなさい |
[ルールー] | |
The Calm Lands. Long ago, the high summoners fought Sin here. The road ends here. Beyond, there's no towns, no villages. Only endless plains. |
ナギ平原 ここで歴代の召喚士が「シン」と戦ったの 路はここで終わり この先には街も村もなく平原が続くだけ |
[アーロン] | |
Many summoners stray from their path and lose their way here. |
召喚士たちが自分を見失い 迷う場所でもある |
[ユウナ] | |
I've always known where to go. | 私は迷ったりしない |
[ティーダ] | |
I... I won't let you die. I'll find a way, somehow. |
俺−− ユウナを死なせない 何とかするから |
[ユウナ] | |
Let's go. | 行こう |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
I told Yuna I would find a way. I guess I wanted to believe that words could make it come true. |
何とかするからって言った 言葉にすれば本当になるって 信じたかった |
[メイチェン先生] | |
Perhaps you would like to know a bit about these plains? | この平原のことを知りたいのですな? |
ナギ平原について | |
As you know, these plains were once a battlefield. A great battle between Bevelle and Zanarkand, a melee of machina! That war left this place a barren, lifeless land. Then, time passed. The summoners took note of this uninhabited land. Great battles could be fought here, with no harm to the common folk. Perfect for a final battle with Sin, as it were. Summoners wait here, ready to perform the Final Summoning. Ah, to know what they must feel ! In any case, when Sin is defeated here, the Calm will visit Spira once more. That's why this place is now known as the Calm Lands. Exactly who dubbed it so is unknown. And that, as they say, is that. |
ご存知のとおり この平原はかつて戦場でした ベベルとザナルカンドが争った マキナの戦争です 戦のせいで ただの野原になったのですわ やがて時は流れ−− 召喚士たちが この無人の地に目をつけました ここならば激しく戦っても 周囲に被害を及ぼしません 「シン」との決戦にドンぴしゃりの場所です 究極召喚を手に入れた召喚士は ここで「シン」を待ったそうです いったいどんな気持ちだったのでしょうか ともあれ「シン」はこの地に倒れ スピラにナギ節が訪れるので砂 ですからここはナギ平原 誰が呼ぶともなくついた名ですわ だいたい−− これぐらいですかな |
Oh dear, I almost forgot to tell you something. There's a chasm, a great rend in the earth, in these parts. A scar left from High Summoner Gandof's bitter battle with Sin, four hundred years past. |
おお 忘れるところでした この平原には激しく深い大地の裂け目があるのです 400年前高召喚士ガンドフ様が 「シン」と戦った時のあとです |
Rin's traveling Agency, at your service ! We offer fine wares at reasonable price. Please consider making a purchase before crossing these vast plains. Have a safe and pleasant crossing. |
こちらはリンの旅行公司です。 旅を助ける品を販売しております この広い平原に乗り出す前に ぜひともご利用ください それでは旅のご無事をお祈りいたします |
[ルールー] | |
Father Zuke ! | ズーク様! |
[ズーク] | |
Long time no see. You are Yuna? Hmm... You certainly don't look like Maester Kinoc's murderer. |
久しぶりだね ユウナだね? フム−− キノック老師殺人犯には見えないな |
[ワッカ] | |
What'd you say? | 何ですと!? |
[ユウナ] | |
Please, tell us what has happened ! | 何があったんですか? |
[ズーク] | |
Maester Mika just issued a personal order, you know. It said that you and your guardians murdered Maester Kinoc and fled. We are to kill you on sight, or so it says. |
マイカ大老師じきじきの指令が出た 君たちがキノック老師を暗殺したとね われわれは発見次第 君たちを殺さねばならない |
[アーロン] | |
What of Bevelle? | ベベルの様子は? |
[ズーク] | |
Things are calm on the surface, but the depths are turbulent. After the death of Maester Kinoc, Kelk Ronso left Yevon. |
表面上は静かだが 内部は騒がしいようだな キノック老師が死んだあとに ケルク・ロンソ老師が去っていった |
[アーロン] | |
Convenient. Getting around will be easier with Yevon in disarray. |
好都合だな エボンが混乱すれば 俺たちは動きやすくなる |
[ズーク] | |
But be careful, my friends. You have been branded enemies of Yevon. You should avoid temples for the time being. |
だが用心したまえ 君たちはエボンの敵というらく印を押されたんだ 寺院に近づかない方がいいだろうね |
[ユウナ] | |
Thank you, Father Zuke, for your warning. | ズーク様 ご忠告ありがとうございます |
[ルールー] | |
Father, you came all the way here just to tell us this? | それを伝えるために来てくださったのですか? |
[ズーク] | |
To tell the truth, I was a little curious to see.. this summoner you are guarding. I hope her pilgrimage goes well. For your sake, too. |
なーに 君たちがガードしている召喚士に 興味があったのでね 旅がうまくいくことを願っているよ なにより 君自身のために |
[ルールー] | |
Thank you, Father. | ありがとうございます |
[ズーク] | |
I must be off. I shall pray for all of you. |
ではこれで失礼する 無事を祈るよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Who was that? | 今の誰? |
[ルールー] | |
Until half a year ago, he was a summoner. Wakka and I were his guardians. |
半年前まで召喚士だったの ワッカとわたしがガードした人 |
[ワッカ] | |
It was kind of a short pilgrimage. | 短い旅だったさ |
[ルールー] | |
He gave up halfway. Here, on this plain. Now, he is a monk at the Bevelle temple. This is my third pilgrimage as a guardian. Father Zuke was my second. And my first, well... It ended here, too. I've never been to the lands beyond Mt. Gagazet towers to the north, and Zanarkand lies beyond that. |
ズーク様はこの平原で旅をやめたのよ 今はベベル寺院で僧官をしていらっしゃるわ 私のガードの旅はこれが3度目 ズーク様が2度目 最初の旅は−− それもここで終わったわ わたし、この平原を越えたことがないの 北にそびえるのがガガゼト山 ザナルカンドはその先 |
[ユウナ] | |
So, we are officially traitors, then. | わたしたち公式に反逆者だね |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey, let them say what they want. | 言いたいやつには言わせとけよ |
[ユウナ] | |
It's okay, I'm not worried. Well, maybe just a little. It's so hard not to be. |
だいじょうぶだよ 気にしてないから でも だいじょうぶじゃないかも |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey, it's okay to worry. And if it gets too rough, just yell ! |
気にしてもいいんじゃない? そしてキツくなったら叫べばいい |
[ユウナ] | |
Yell? Hmm.. Okay, I might just do that. |
叫ぶの? そうだね そうするかも |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah ! | うん |
[ユウナ] | |
I wonder if my father got lost here, too? | 父さんもここで迷ったのかな? |
[ティーダ] | |
Maybe, with my old man helping him ! | そうかもな 俺の親父と一緒にさ |
[ユウナ] | |
Maybe I'll ask Sir Auron. | アーロンさんに聞いてみようかな |
[ティーダ] | |
Auron? That grouch never tells me anything. | あのおっさん 何も話してくれないって |
[ユウナ] | |
That is none of your business ! | おまえに関係ない って? |
[ティーダ] | |
Not that he keeps out of other people's business, you know what I mean? |
そのくせ 他人を巻き込むんだよな |
[アーロン] | |
Messy. | 荒れるぞ |
[ティーダ] | |
What is? | なにが? |
[アーロン] | |
Yevon. Mika and Seymour are not of one mind. Remember what Seymour said last we met. I do not think Mika will concur. If Yevon founders, so will Spira. |
マイカとシーモアの考えは一致していない 最後にあったシーモアの言葉を思い出せ マイカが認めるとは思えない エボンが倒れればスピラも−− |
[リュック] | |
She's not stopping, is she? | ユウナは旅をやめるつもりはないよね |
[ティーダ] | |
Yuna...she's made her decision. | 決めちゃってるからな |
[リュック] | |
But, I can't just let her go. | でもこのままじゃ−− |
[ティーダ] | |
We won't have to. We'll save Yuna even if she calls the Final Aeon. |
このままにはしない 究極召喚を使ってもユウナが無事なようにする |
[リュック] | |
But how? | でもどうやるの? |
[ティーダ] | |
I'll think of a way. | それを考えるんだ |
[リュック] | |
But what if you can't? | 思いつかなかったら? |
[ティーダ] | |
I'm tired of talking to you. It's always "but" this, "but" that. |
もうリュックとは話さないぞ でも−−でも−−ばかりだ |
[リュック] | |
But... | でもさ! |
[ティーダ] | |
Let's think together ! | 一緒に考えよう! |
[リュック] | |
Okay. | うん |
[ティーダ] | |
And, if we can't think of something... we find another way! |
何も考え付かなかったら それでも何とかしよう! |
[リュック] | |
Okay! | うん |
[リュック] | |
Ugh.... This is toughie. | ムズかしいねえ |
[ワッカ] | |
When I was guarding Zuke.. I already told you this, ya? 'Bout when I was too into the game to be a good guardian? So when Father Zuke said he wanted out... Tell you the truth, I was kinda glad. |
ズーク様と旅した時は ほら、いつか話したしょ? ブリッツのことが気になって ガードに集中できなかった だから 旅をやめるって言った時は ホントはうれしかったんだわ |
[キマリ] | |
Gagazet is Ronso land. Kimahri home. | ガガゼトはロンゾの地 キマリの故郷だ |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey! We might meet your family. | 家族に会えるかもな |
[キマリ] | |
Kimahri has no family. | キマリに家族はいない |
[ティーダ] | |
Oh, sorry. | ごめん |
[キマリ] | |
But Kimahri not alone. Sacred mountain Gagazeto. Not change for one thousand years. |
でもキマリは一人ではない 霊峰ガガゼト 1000年変わっていない |
[アルベド族] | |
I have a message from Cid. He says We're gone to repair the airship. We'll come get you when we're done. Until then, keep Yuna safe, or you'll be sorry, kid. |
シド族長からの伝言だ 飛空挺は修理中 修理が済んだら迎えにいく それまで きちっとユウナを守れ しくじったらカンベンしねえ |
ナギ平原 バトル中会話 | |
[ティーダ] | |
Let's get them, guys ! | ブッとばしてやろうぜ! |
[ティーダ] | |
We'll get through this ! | 最後まできり抜けるぞ! |
[ユウナ] | |
My will is strong. | 私は迷わない |
[アーロン] | |
Yuna, can you fight? | ユウナ、戦えるのか |
[ユウナ] | |
Yes, I think so. | はいだいじょうぶです |
[リュック] | |
What should I do? | どうしたらいいんだろ |
[ルールー] | |
I will not fail this time. | もう失敗しない |
[ワッカ] | |
No turning back, ya? | もう引き返せないっしょ |
[ワッカ] | |
The only way to go is forward. | 進むしかないべさ |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Oh, you again. You're quite the notorious traitor these days. |
やあ、おまえたちか いまや完全な反逆者だな |
[ティーダ] | |
What's it to you? | 関係ないだろ |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Ah, you shouldn't take what the maesters say too seriously. For summoners, destroying Sin is everything. We are no tools of Yevon, understand? |
まあ 老師たちの言うことなど適当に聞き流せば良い 召喚士にとって 「シン」を倒すことがすべて われわれは寺院の道具ではない−− わかるな |
[ユウナ] | |
Yes. | はい |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
So, are you up to the task? | 「シン」を倒す準備は出来たか? |
[ユウナ] | |
I do not know. But I will do my best. |
わかりません でも最善を尽くします |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
You've got spirit, but you'll need more to beat
Sin. An duel ! Show me what you've made of. |
よい覚悟だが それだけでは「シン」は倒せん おまえの力を見せてくれ 召喚獣で勝負だ |
[ユウナ] | |
Fight. | 戦います |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Excellent. But before we begin... I've just healed your aeons for you. Let us begin !. |
よろしい では始める前に おまえの召喚獣は治しておいた かかってきなさい |
ベルゲミーネ シヴァ召喚 | |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Choose your aeon well, summoner ! | 好きな召喚獣を呼ぶがいい |
ユウナ 勝利 | |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
Stop. That's enough. Impressive. Remarkable talent. Traitor or no, you may have what it takes to beat Sin. Take this. You earned it. |
そこまで もう十分だ さすがだな すばらしい才能だ 反逆者になっても「シン」を倒そうとするだけはある これをあげよう |
[ユウナ] | |
Thank you. | ありがとうございます |
[ベルゲミーネ] | |
I think you will do just fine. But, if you ever feel like you want more training, Seek the hidden temple of Remiem. I'll be waiting there. Farewell. |
お前ならきっとやれるだろう だがまだ力が足りないと感じる時は 秘められたる寺院レミアムを探しなさい 私はそこで待っている ではな |
[訓練所 オヤジさん] | |
This is training arena that Lord Mi'ihen constructed for the Crusaders. You can hone your battle skills here by fighting fiends gathered from all over Spira ! But... the fiends all got away because I, uh, screwed up. I'm too old to gather fiends now, so I'm in quite a fix.... So that's where you came in, sonny ! Can I ask you to round up all the fiends for me? |
ここは昔日の英雄 ミヘン様が 討伐隊のために設立した訓練場じゃよ スピラ中から集めた魔物とバトルして 腕を磨くことができるんじゃ! じゃが−− ワシがヘマしたせいで 魔物がみんな逃げてしまったんじゃ ワシにはもう魔物を集める力はない 困り果てておってのう−− そこでじゃ 少年! ひとつワシの代わりに魔物をあつめてはくれんかのう |
This gorge is called Scar. They say that when the high summoner cornered Sin, Sin tore the earth here asunder with the last of its strength. The high summoner and Sin struck each other down at the gorge's bottom. Lord Gandoff's sacrifice brought us the Calm. In the Calm Lands, we bury our dead in this gorge. We cannot send them because few summoners ever make it this far. I've heard that the dead that don't receive a proper sending roam the bottom of the gorge as fiends. |
この谷は−−「シン」の爪あとです 高召喚士様に追い詰められた「シン」が 最後の力で大地を裂いたという言い伝えです 傷ついた高召喚士様と「シン」は 谷底で相打ちとなり ガンドフ様の犠牲のおかげで ナギ節が訪れたのです ナギ平原では死者のなきがらをこの谷に葬ります きちんと異界送りしてやりたくても 召喚士はめったに来ませんから−− 弔われなかった死者が魔物となり 谷底をさまよっているそうですよ |