[ティーダのモノローグ] | |
Where am I? I forgive you, this time. Be good for a while, okay?
ここ どこだ? 今回はカンベンしてやるよ しばらくおとなしくしていろよ
ズーとバトル 終了後、ルールー、アーロンと出会う | |
[ルールー] | |
Are you all right? | だいじょうぶ? |
[ティーダ] | |
We rock! | 問題なし |
[アーロン] | |
Let's go! | さあ 行くか |
[ティーダ] | |
The others? | みんなは? |
[ルールー] | |
Haven't found them yet. We're supposed to stay in one place if we get split up. |
まだ見つからない こんな時は最初の場所を動かないのが鉄則なのに |
先に立って歩き出すアーロン | |
[ティーダ] | |
Wait here if you want. (アーロンを目で追って) He's not. |
そうしたいの? ほら できないって |
ワッカと合流 | |
[ティーダ] | |
Wakka ! You alone? |
ワッカ! ひとりか? |
[ワッカ] | |
Where's Yuna? | ユウナは? |
[ワッカ] | |
Dammit! First I lose Yuna, then I'm ambused by machina! Great day I'm having. |
くそっ! ユウナは見失うし、マキナには襲われるし 楽しい一日でないかい? |
キマリを発見 | |
[キマリ] | |
Yuna...gone. | ユウナが いない |
[ティーダ] | |
It's not your fault, Kimahri ! | キマリのせいじゃないって |
リュックを発見 | |
[リュック] | |
Oh ! Hey, guys ! Where's Yunie? |
あ! みんな! ユウナは? |
[ティーダ] | |
Gone. | いない |
[ルールー] | |
Gone... Some guardian I am. | いない−− ガード失格ね |
[リュック] | |
Umm.. There's something I wanna tell you, but promise not to say anything. |
ええと−− 話したいことがあるんだけど 何もいわずに聞いてくれるかな? |
[リュック] | |
No glaring either ! I know where we are. We're on Bikanel Island. There's a place us Al Bhed call Home near here. Yunie's there, I'm sure of it ! Other Al Bhed must've come and rescued her ! |
にらむのも禁止だよ ここはビーカネルって島なんだ そしてこの近くにアタシたちのホームがある ユウナはたぶんそこにいるよ あたしたちより先に仲間が助けたんだ |
[ワッカ] | |
Rescued? You mean kidnapped ! | 助けた? さらったんでないのかい? |
[ティーダ] | |
What does it matter as long as she's safe? | ユウナが無事ならどっちでもいいだろ? |
[リュック] | |
That's right ! Anyway, I will take you there if you promise... that you won't tell anyone about it. Especially not Yevonites, okay? You know they don't like us Al Bhed. Who knows what they'll do if they knew? |
でしょ というわけでホームのことを 内緒にしてくれたら−− 特にエボンの連中にはね! アイツらはアルベドを嫌ってるから 何されるかわからないし |
[ワッカ] | |
Gimme a break. What are you accusing Yevon of this time? |
何言ってるのさ エボンが何かするってかい? |
[リュック] | |
Yevon did something really bad to us before. | 昔エボン寺院にはヒドイ目にあわされたんだよ |
[ワッカ] | |
Well, you Al Bhed must've deserved it. | アルベドが悪かったんだべさ |
[ティーダ] | |
Can't you guys... talk about this later? | そういうのは後にしろよ! |
[リュック] | |
Just promise you won't tell anyone about this island. Promise? | この島のことは誰にも言わないって約束する? |
[ティーダ] | |
Wakka, come on ! | ワッカ 頼むって |
[ワッカ] | |
All right, I promise ! Lead the way. | わかったよ 約束するから 案内すれ |
[リュック] | |
You got it. | まかせなさい |
バトル | |
[リュック] | |
Let me handle the machina ! I can't take them apart piece by piece ! |
マキナはあたしに任せて バラバラにしちゃうよ! |
[リュック] | |
Over here! | こっちこっち |
[リュック] | |
Aaaaaaa ! | あああああああ |
攻撃され、炎をあげているホーム | |
[ティーダ] | |
Rikku ! | リュック! |
[ワッカ] | |
What? Yuna's down there? | ユウナはあそこにいるってかい!? |
[ルールー] | |
Of all the places... Let's go ! | 行くわよ! |
ホームに入る | |
[ワッカ] | |
Where's Yuna? | ユウナはどこだ? |
[リュック] | |
Keyakku! | ケヤック! |
[リュック] | |
Who? Who's attacking us? Who did this to you? |
誰が攻撃しているの! 誰の仕業? |
[ケヤック] | |
Yevon... Guado.. | エボン・・・グアド・・・ |
[リュック] | |
Keyakku? Keyakku | ケヤック? ケヤック! |
[ルールー] | |
A war? Between Yevon and the Al Bhed? | エボンとアルベドの戦争? |
[シド] | |
That is wrong! Guado go for the summoner. |
そうじゃねえ グアドが召喚士を狙ったんだ |
[リュック] | |
Father... | オヤジ・・・ |
[シド] | |
You Rikku's friends? Well, just don't stand there, come on! |
リュックのダチか? だったらこっち来い |
[ティーダ] | |
Who...? | 誰? |
[リュック] | |
Cid. Leader of the Al Bhed... He's my dad. |
シド アルベド族のリーダーで アタシのオヤジ |
[ティーダ] | |
Let's go. | 行こう! |
[リュック] | |
Yeah. We have to save Yunie. | ユウナを助けなくちゃ |
[ティーダ] | |
Not only Yuna. Right? | ユウナだけじゃないって |
[リュック] | |
Right! | うん |
[ワッカ] | |
Yuna! Where are you? | ユウナ どこさ? |
[ワッカ] | |
What in Yevon's name are those Guado thinking? | グアドの奴ら、何てことするんだぁ |
[リュック] | |
This is terrible! | ヒドイよ−− |
シドの声が、聞こえてくる | |
[シド] | |
This bites! Rikku! You read me? You go under, too! I am leveling Home! And the fiend with it! |
くそう! リュック! 聞こえるか? 地下へ行け ホームを爆破する マモノごとふっ飛ばす! |
[リュック] | |
Oh, no! | ほんとに |
[ワッカ] | |
What'd he say!? | なんだって? |
[リュック] | |
We have to get underground! | 地下に避難しなくちゃ! |
[アーロン] | |
Where's Yuna? | ユウナはどこだ |
[リュック] | |
The Summoner's Sanctum! This way! | 「召喚士の間」 |
[リュック] | |
Over here! | こっち! |
[ティーダ] | |
Let's find Yuna, quick ! | 早くユウナを見つけなくちゃ |
[ティーダ] | |
You ! Why did you do this ! | なんでこんなことを |
[ワッカ] | |
Yuna.... Where are you? | ユウナ、どこさ |
[ワッカ] | |
This place done for. | ここはもう使えないっしょ |
[リュック] | |
You're right. You're right, Wakka. We Al Bhed, we... we weren't always like this. Sin destroyed the island where we all used to live. After that, we were scattered to every corner of Spira. But then, my dad brought the Al Bhed together again. If we put our minds to it and worked together, then we could make a new home. Everyone worked hard, we had our Home back again... But now... Why did things have to turn out this way? |
そうだね そうだねワッカ アルベド族は最初からこうだったわけじゃないんだ 「シン」に住んでいた島を壊されちゃって 一族はスピラ中に散って行ったんだ でもオヤジが一族を呼び寄せたんだ 力を合わせて 新しいホームをつくろうって それで仁和がんばって新しいホームができたんだ でも−−どうしてこんなになっちゃうんだろう |
[ワッカ] | |
Rikku... | リュック−− |
[ワッカ] | |
Damn those Guado! What are they thinking? | グアド野郎ども 何考えてやがる |
[ルールー] | |
Rikku, what is the Summoners' Sanctum? | リュック 召喚士の間って何? |
[リュック] | |
The Summoners' Sanctum is where we keep the
summoners. We keep them safe there. |
アタシたちが 召喚士を保護する部屋だよ |
[ワッカ] | |
You kidnapped them. | 召喚士をさらったのはおまえたちかい? |
[リュック] | |
I know it's against the teachings and all that... | ルールに反してるのはわかっているけどね |
[ワッカ] | |
I get why you did it, but... | なるほどね−− |
[ティーダ] | |
Well, I sure don't get it, Wakka. They might get hurt on their pilgrimage so you kidnap them? I mean, if the summoners don't do their job, then who will beat Sin? You want to protect them, I know. But guardians are there for that. If guardians do their job well, summoners will be safe! Right? Right!? |
俺にはわからないな ワッカ 旅でケガとかするから誘拐するって? 召喚士が旅しなかったら 「シン」は倒せないだろ 守るのは ガードの仕事だよな ガードがしっかりしてれば召喚士は安全だ なあ? なあ? |
[キマリ] | |
It's quiet. Kimahri goes now. | 静かになった キマリは行く |
[リュック] | |
Yuna, please be here! | ユウナ ここにいて! |
[キマリ] | |
Yuna! | ユウナ! |
[ドナ] | |
She's not here. Hello again. Wait there until we have performed the sending. |
ここにはいないわよ また会ったわね 異界送りが終わるまで待っててちょうだい |
[イサール] | |
They died...protecting us. It's not much, but the least we can do is give them a proper sending. |
彼らは私たちを守って死んだ せめて私たちの手で 送ってあげないと−− |
[パッセ] | |
Hey, what's "sacrificed"? The Al Bhed said summoners were being sacrificed. That summoners shouldn't have to do a pilgrimage... |
イケニエってなんだ? 召喚士はイケニエだってアルベド族が言ったんだよな 召喚士は旅をやめなきゃダメだってさ |
[ティーダ] | |
Why couldn't they trust guardians to protect
summoners... The Al Bhed had no right stopping their pilgrimage! |
もっとガードを信じろよ 旅を止める権利なんてアルベド族にはないって |
[リュック] | |
The pilgrimages have to stop! If they don't, and they get to Zanaraknd.. They might defeat Sin. Yunie could...but then she... Yunie will die, you know? You know, don't you? Summoners journey to get the Final Aeon. Yuna told you, didn't she? With the Final Aeon, she can beat Sin...but then.. If she calls it, then the Final Aeon's gonna kill her. Even if she defeats Sin, it will kill Yunie too, you know? |
旅はやめなきゃダメなの! このまま旅を続けてザナルカンドに着いたら 「シン」を倒せるかもしれない でもその時 ユウナは ユウナは死んじゃうんだよ! アンタ 知ってるでしょう? 召喚士の旅は究極召喚を手に入れるためだって ユウナから聞いたでしょ? 究極召喚なら「シン」を倒せるけど でも でも−− 究極召喚はユウナも殺しちゃうんだよ 「シン」を倒したら ユウナも死んじゃうんだよ! |
[ティーダ] | |
Was I the only one who didn't know? Tell me why! Why were hiding it? Why didn't I know? |
知らなかったのは俺だけなのか? どうして俺に隠してたんだよ! どうして言ってくれなかったんだ? |
[ワッカ] | |
We weren't hiding it... | 隠してないんだわ |
[ルールー] | |
It was just...too hard to say. | うまく言えなくてね |
[ティーダ] | |
Lulu! How could you? How could you? Isn't she like a sister to you? I thought you were family! Why don't you do something, Wakka? |
ルールー ユウナのことを妹みたいに思ってるんだろ? 家族も同然なんだろ? ワッカもどうして何もしないんだよ! |
[ルールー] | |
Don't you think we tried to stop her? She follows...her heart. |
止めなかったと思うの? ユウナが決めたのよ |
[ワッカ] | |
Yuna, she knew what she was doing when she chose to become a summoner. To face Sin, ya? Yuna knew! |
ユウナは全部知ったうえで 召喚士の道を選んだんだわ 「シン」と戦う道だぁ! |
[リュック] | |
But, Wakka, that's just totally wrong ! Summoners shouldn't have to sacrifice themselves.. just so the rest of Spira can be happy, right? |
でもワッカ それっておかしいよ 召喚士が自分を犠牲にするなんてさ いくらスピラのためでもおかしいよ |
[イサール] | |
But that is our choice... | しかし私たちが望んだことだ |
[ドナ] | |
We all live in fear of Sin. You know that. | 私たちは「シン」の恐怖のなかで生きている |
[イサール] | |
A world without Sin.. That is the dream of all Yevon's children. And we will use that power, even if it means our lives! |
「シン」のいない世界 それがすべてのエボンの民の夢だ たとえ命と引き換えでもその力を使いたいのさ |
[ティーダ] | |
And I've been telling Yuna "Let's go to Zanaraknd together!" I told her all the things...we could...we could... And all along, the whole time, I didn't know anything ! But Yuna, she'd... just smile. |
俺−−ユウナに言ったんだ 「シン」を倒したら一緒にザナルカンドへ行こうってさ 倒した後に あれやろう これやろうって 俺何も知らないくせにさ でもユウナは−− 笑ってた |
回想 ルカ出発時のシーン
[ユウナ] | |
Hey, watch! | 見て! |
指笛を吹いてみせるユウナ | |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey, you got pretty good. | なかなかいいな |
[ユウナ] | |
You sound sad. | さびしそうだね |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah, maybe. | そうかも |
[ユウナ] | |
Wanna scream? | 叫びたい? |
[ティーダ] | |
I really don't think that's gonna help this time. | 今日は違うみたい |
[ユウナ] | |
You know what? It's embarasing to say this myself... But summoners and their guardians are kind of like Spira's ray of light. A lot of people in Spira depend on us. I learned to practice smiling when I'm feeling sad, you know? I know it's hard. |
あのね 自分で言うと恥ずかしいけど 召喚士とガードはスピラの光なんだよね たくさんの人たちが私たちを頼りにしてるの だからさびしいときにも微笑んでいることを覚えたんだ 難しいけどね |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah... I undestand. I think. | 分かる気がする |
[ユウナ] | |
Right, now let's see what you can do.
[ユウナ] | |
I want my journey to be full of laughter. | 笑いながら 旅をしたいの |
回想終了 | |
[ティーダ] | |
I can't let her die! I'll find her! |
俺 ユウナを死なせない! 助けるんだ! |