[リュック] | |
Oh, no. We're here. |
・・・ 来ちゃったよ・・・ |
雷鳴とリュックの悲鳴 | |
[ティーダ] | |
How we suppose to cross that? | どうやって進むんだ? |
[ルールー] | |
See the lightning towers? The lightning is down to them...hopefully. |
避雷塔よ 雷はそれらに引かれていく−−はず |
[ワッカ] | |
We head north, not too near and not too far from the towers, ya? |
避雷塔から離れすぎず 近づきすぎず北へ進めってな |
[ルールー] | |
Meaning we should wide, open areas. | 何もない広い場所は避けろということね |
[リュック] | |
I think I forgot something in Guadosalam. | グアドサラムに何か忘れたような気がする |
[アーロン] | |
Nice knowing you. | これでお別れだな |
[リュック] | |
Okay, okay ! I'll go ! | わかった 行くよ! |
[メイチェン先生] | |
Well, hello there. Would you like to hear about this place? |
やあこんにちは この場所について聞きたいですか |
雷平原についての講義 | |
Very well, let me tell you about the Crossing. A long time ago, this place was a traveler's nightmare. "Plains of lightning, plains of thunder, those who cross are torn asunder." Or... so they used to say. Then a man by name of Bilghen appeared. using machina, he build towers that served as lightning rods across the plains. Finally, travelers were able to cross in safety. Bilghen was building that tower over there... When he was struck and killed by lightning. Bilghen was an Al Bhed. Our history books never mention him. |
よろしい この街道について語らせてもらいましょうか 昔 この場所は旅人にとって悪夢の場所でした 稲妻の平野 雷鳴の平野 渡る者はばらばらに引き裂かれ −−とまあこのように歌われたようです そこへビリガンなる男が現われましてな マキナをあやつり平原中に 避雷塔を立てて回ったのですわ そして旅人は安全に渡れるようになりました ビリガンはあの避雷塔を建てているときに−− 雷に打たれて死にました ビリガンはアルベド族 歴史には残らん名前ですわ |
雷平原南部 シェリンダがいる
[シェリンダ] | |
Oh, good day ! | こんにちは |
[ティーダ] | |
Hi, there. | やあ |
[シェリンダ] | |
Is it true? I heard that Maester Seymour and Lady Yuna are to be wed ! It's such a great news ! I have to tell everyone ! |
本当なんですか? シーモア老師とユウナ様が ご結婚すると聞きました すごいニュースだから 皆に知らせなくちゃ |
[ティーダ] | |
Where'd you hear that? | どこで聞いた? |
[シェリンダ] | |
From the Guado. They were all excited ! |
グアドサラムです みんなとても興奮していました |
[ティーダ] | |
I'm afraid you heard a little wrong. Yuna's gonna turn him down. |
それちょっと違うな ユウナはことわるつもりだから |
[シェリンダ] | |
Oh.... really?
I see... |
そうなんですか |
雷光・雷鳴がとどろき、リュックの悲鳴 | |
[ワッカ] | |
Whoa ! That was a close one ! |
おー 近い近い! |
[ルールー] | |
Stop kidding around. | ふざけないでよ |
[ワッカ] | |
Yes, ma'am. | はいはい |
[リュック] | |
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.... | へへへへ・・・・ |
[ワッカ] | |
Hmm? What's wrong? | どうしたのさ |
[リュック] | |
Heh heh heh heh hehh heh.... | へへへへ・・・ |
[ティーダ] | |
"Heh heh heh...." You're givin' me the creeps ! |
へへへ・・・って 気持ち悪いな |
リュック雷にすくみうずくまり、ティーダの足にしがみつく |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey ! | おい |
[リュック] | |
I wanna go home ! I hate thunder ! Let's go rest over there ! Please? |
うちへ帰りたい! 稲妻は嫌い 雷はキライだ そこで休んでいこう−− |
[アーロン] | |
This storm never stops. Better to cross quickly. |
この雷はやむことはない 急いで抜けたほうがいい |
[リュック] | |
I know, but.... Just for a little while? |
わかってるけど−− ほんのちょっとだけ ね? |
[ティーダ] | |
Heh, well? What now? | どうする? |
[リュック] | |
Pretty please? Just a few minutes? I'm scared of lightning ! Let's rest, please? Pretty please? I'm too young to die ! You're mean...cruel ! Your moms would be able to ashamed of you ! Are you having fun doing this to me? |
お願い、 ほんの数分だけ 稲妻こわいよー! 休もう? ね お願い! まだ死ぬには若すぎるよ ヒドイー ザンコクだ みんなのお母さんたち恥ずかしがってるよ アタシで楽しんでるの? |
[アーロン] | |
Fine, we rest. She's worse than the storm. |
休むぞ 嵐よりコイツのほうがうるさい |
[ユウナ] | |
I'm...a little tired. Do you have a room available? |
少し 疲れました お部屋はありますか? |
[公司 フロント] | |
Ah Lady Summoner. Yes, just over that way. |
召喚士様ですね どうぞあちらを使ってください |
[ユウナ] | |
Thank you. | ありがとう |
[ワッカ] | |
Uh... yuna? | ユウナ? |
[ルールー] | |
It's not like her. | ユウナらしくないわね |
[キマリ] | |
Yuna resting. Go away. | ユウナは休んでいる あっちへ行け |
[アーロン] | |
It's not easy being a guardian to a summoner so young. | 召喚士が若い娘だと ガードするのもたいへんだな |
[ティーダ] | |
Are you that scared? | そんなにこわいのか? |
[リュック] | |
When I was a little a fiend attacked me While I was swimming at the beach. My brother tried to beat it back with a spell. |
小さいころ浜辺で泳いでたら 魔物に襲われたんだよ 一緒にいたアニキが魔法で倒そうとしたんだ |
−雷鳴 リュックの悲鳴− | |
[リュック] | |
But he missed and hit me instead. It was Thender spell....bzzzzzzzzzzzz ! |
アニキったらあたしに魔法をぶつけてさあ サンダーの魔法でブズズズズ! |
[ティーダ] | |
Ouch ! | イタイ! |
[リュック] | |
I've been scared of lightning ever since. | あの時から雷だめなんだよ |
[ルールー] | |
But... it can be effective. Magic is effective against marine fiends. |
でもそれは有効よ 海の魔物に対しては魔法は有効なの |
[リュック] | |
My brother said that, too. | アニキもそういってた |
[ルールー] | |
You should learn some spells, too. | あんたたちも覚えたら? |
また雷鳴とリュックの悲鳴 | |
[ルールー] | |
Hmm.... Maybe later. | 今は無理みたいね |
[ワッカ] | |
I wonder what's wrong with her. | ユウナはどうしたんだ |
[リン] | |
Nice to see you again. Welcome to the Rin Travel Agency. Oh.. |
これはまた皆さん リン旅行公司へようこそ おや−− |
[リュック] | |
Shh... | シー |
[リン] | |
Hm. How goes your study of our language? |
フム アルベド語の勉強はいかがですか? |
[ティーダ] | |
Okay. | まあまあ |
[リン] | |
That is good to hear. Allow me to present you with this book for your study. |
それは素晴らしい では今後の勉強のためにこの本をどうぞ |
[リン] | |
I wonder... Would that be Sir Auron, by any chance? |
ところで−− あの方−−もしやアーロンさんでは? |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah, that's him. | そうだよ |
[リン] | |
Ah, as I thought. I've been wondering since I saw him at the Mi'ihen Highroad branch. Sir Auron ! I wonder if you remember me? Ten years ago? As the beginning of Lord Braska's Calm? |
やはりそうでした ミヘン街道店でおみかけして以来 気になっていたのですよ アーロンさん ご記憶にないでしょうか あれは10年前 ブラスカ様のナギ節の始めです |
[アーロン] | |
Yes, I should thank you. | 世話になったな |
[リン] | |
Not at all. I could not leave a wounded man to die. However, I was surprised when I saw you gone the next morning. An ordinary man would not have been able to walk. |
いえいえとんでもない 重傷を負われた方を放っては置けません それにしても翌朝あなたの姿が消えていたときは 驚かされました 常人ならば歩けないほどの傷でしたのに |
[アーロン] | |
I'd rather ....drop that subject Rin. | その話題はやめて欲しい−−リン |
[リン] | |
As you wish. | かしこまりました |
旅行公司廊下 ユウナの部屋からの声で立ち止まり、覗こうとするティーダ
[ティーダ] | |
Wha....? | あれ? |
ティーダ 部屋に転げ入る | |
[ティーダ] | |
Whoa! | うわ! |
[ユウナ] | |
Y...You? | な なに? |
[ティーダ] | |
I...will...It's nothing, really. I...I just, uh... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come in. |
その−−なんでもないんだ ただその−− ごめん まずかったよな |
慌ててスフィア映像を消すユウナ | |
[ティーダ] | |
H...Hey Wasn't that that Jyscal Guado? |
今の あのジスカル・グアドだよな |
[ユウナ] | |
The sphere is his wish. It says, "Take care of my son." |
うん 遺言なの「息子をよろしく」って |
[ティーダ] | |
His son...? Seymour? Well, I know one way to take care of him? |
息子って? シーモア? よろしくなんていわれてもなー− |
[ユウナ] | |
I'm sorry. | ごめんね |
ユウナ、部屋を出て行く ティーダ やってきたワッカに掴まれる |
[ワッカ] | |
What do you think you're up to? | 何をしてるんだ? |
[ティーダ] | |
Yuna....Yuna was acting funny, s-so.... | ユウナが ほら−− |
[ワッカ] | |
Yeah, yeah ! She'll tell us when she's ready, hold your chocobos till then, ya? |
それはわかってる そのうち自分から言い出すって それまで待ってやるべ |
[ティーダ] | |
All right ! All right ! All right ! | わかった わかった 待つから 痛いって! |
[リュック] | |
It's not stopping, is it? | 雷止まらないね−− |
[アーロン] | |
Don't tell me you were hoping it would. | 期待していたわけでもあるまい |
また雷鳴 リュックの悲鳴 | |
[アーロン] | |
Fine. stay here. | よし、ずっとここにいろ |
[リュック] | |
All right, already. But ! You didn't have to say it like that, you know? You could be more comforting or something ! You know, try to me cheer up? You just don't get me at all, do you? Hey ! Are you listening? I'm not scared ! I'm not scared, you hear? |
わかったよ−− でも! そんな言い方しなくてもいいでしょ もっと優しくとか アタシを励まそうとしてよ ぜんぜんわかってないんだから 聞いてるの? 怖くないぞー!ふぬぬぬぬ 怖くないよ!聞こえる? |
雷平原北部 突然足を止めるユウナ
[ユウナ] | |
Everyone.....wait.... | みんな−−待って |
[ワッカ] | |
What's up? | どうしたい? |
[ユウナ] | |
I have something to tell you. | 話があるの |
[ルールー] | |
Here? | ここで? |
[ユウナ] | |
We're almost out of here ! Let's go ! | もうすぐ終点でしょ 行っちゃおうよ |
[ユウナ] | |
I have to say it now. | 今話したいの |
[アーロン] | |
Over there. | あそこで聞こう |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
Somehow, my bad feelings always come true.
[ユウナ] | |
I've decided to marry. | 私、結婚する |
[ルールー] | |
I thought so. | やっぱり |
[ワッカ] | |
B-But why? Why'd you change your mind? |
どうして? 好きになったのか? |
[ユウナ] | |
For Spira's future... And Yevon's unity. I thought it would be the best thing to do. |
スピラのために−− エボンのために−− そうするのが一番いいと思ったの |
[アーロン] | |
That's not good enough. | それだけか? |
[ルールー] | |
Wait, is it? Is it because of Lord Jyscal? |
それは−− ジスカル様のことが関係しているの? |
[ティーダ] | |
Hey ! That sphere ! | あのスフィアだ! |
[アーロン] | |
Show me. | 見せろ |
[ユウナ] | |
I can't I must speak to Maester Seymour first. I truly am sorry, But this is... It is a personal matter. |
できません まずシーモア老師と話さなければなりません 本当に申し訳ないのですが これは−− 個人的な問題です |
[ワッカ] | |
You're kidding, ya? | ウソだろ? |
[アーロン] | |
As you wish. | 好きにしろ |
[ユウナ] | |
I'm sorry. | すみません |
[アーロン] | |
Just one thing. | だが一つだけ |
[ユウナ] | |
I won't quit my pilgrimage. | 旅はやめません |
[アーロン] | |
Then it is ....fine. | ならば よかろう |
[ティーダ] | |
Wait a minutes, Auron ! You don't care? I mean you're not going to stop her? |
待てよ アーロン! いいのか 止めないのか? |
[アーロン] | |
No, I'm not. As long as she is willing to face Sin... All else is her concern. That is a summoner's privilege. As song as she journeys. |
そのつもりだ 「シン」に立ち向かう覚悟をしている限りはな 他はユウナ自身の問題だ それは召喚士の権利だ 旅を続ける限りはな |
[ティーダ] | |
But that's ... | でも それって−− |
[ワッカ] | |
Yuna, just one question. Can't you just talk to Maester Seymour? You've got to marry him? |
ゆうな、いっこだけいいかい? シーモア老師と話すだけじゃだめかい? 結婚しないとダメかい? |
[ワッカ] | |
I don't know. But I think it is the right things to do. |
わからない でも正しいことだと思うんだ |
[ワッカ] | |
Okay, I guess. | そうか |
[リュック] | |
Yunie... | ユウナ−− |
雷鳴 | |
[リュック] | |
(空に向かって)Quiet ! I wish we could help somehow, some way ! |
静かに! 力になってあげられればと思うけど |
[ユウナ] | |
It's okay. I'll be fine. | いいの−−だいじょうぶ |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
She says "I'm sorry." He says "It's fine." She's "willing" to face Sin. She's "privileged." I didn't understand. But somehow, I felt like I didn't belong. but if I didn't belong with them, I'd be stuck in Spira, alone. And being alone in that place, well, I didn't want to think about it.
ユウナは「すみません」 アーロンは「よかろう」 「覚悟」で「シン」に立ち向かい 「権利」がある 俺にはわからなかった なんだか もう仲間ではないような気がした でも仲間じゃないとなると 俺はスピラで一人だ 一人きり−− 考えたくなかった
[アーロン] | |
Next, we're going to Macalania Temple. Yuna can talk with Seymour there. We guardians will wait until they're done, and plan our next move. |
次はマカラーニャ寺院を目指す ユウナはシーモアと話せるだろう 俺たちガードはその結論を待ち 以降の旅の計画を考える いいな |
[アーロン] | |
You're worried about Yuna. | ユウナのことが気になる |
[ティーダ] | |
'Course I'm worried about her. What is she thinking? |
当たり前だ 何考えているのかな |
[アーロン] | |
The simplest answer would be... in exchange for agreeing to marry him... She hopes negotiate with Seymour. |
単純に考えれば 結婚と引き換えに シーモアと交渉するつもりなんだろうな |
[ティーダ] | |
Negotiate what? | 何の交渉? |
[アーロン] | |
I wonder. | さあな |
[ティーダ] | |
What? All be herself? | 全部一人でやるって? |
[アーロン] | |
She's strong, but Seymour is the better negotiator. | ユウナは強いが、シーモアのほうが上手だな |
[ティーダ] | |
Well then, why don't we do something about it? | わかってるなら 何とかしない? |
[アーロン] | |
Yuna wants it this way. | ユウナは一人でやりたがっている |
[ティーダ] | |
Argh ! I just don't get it ! Doesn't she trust us? |
あああ それもわからないんだよな 俺たち信用ないのか? |
[アーロン] | |
On a contrary.... She doesn't want us caught up in whatever it is she's plannings. |
逆だな 皆を巻き込まないようにしている |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah, that's what I thought. But that makes we worry even more. She could just tell us. |
そんな感じだ そっちのほうが心配なんだよな 話してくれるだけでいいのに |
[アーロン] | |
That's the way she is. She's naive, serious to a fault, and doesn't ask for help. |
それがユウナだ 純真−−生真面目 他人の助けは求めない |
[ティーダ] | |
You're probably right. | それ多分あたってるな |
[アーロン] | |
Yuna's easy to read. | ユウナはわかりやすい |
[ティーダ] | |
Yes, she is. | 確かに |
[アーロン] | |
But hard to guard. Stand by her, always. |
しかし守るのは難しい いつもそばにいてやれ |
[リュック] | |
Slowpokes ! | おそーい! |
[ティーダ] | |
Sorry ! | ごめん |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
It's funny how calm I was. Maybe it was because I'd realized that Yuna wasn't marrying Seymour for love not really. It was just her duty--something she had to do before returning to the pilgrimage. That's what I kept telling myself anyway. And well, maybe... I realized that Yuna and I'd never... you know...
不思議と落ち着いていた ユウナの結婚は愛ゆえに−−ではない 旅を続けるために必要な 何かだとわかったから まあとにかく 自分にそう言い聞かせていた そして多分−− 気づいたんだと思う 俺とユウナは決して−−
[ティーダ] | |
Yuna, let's go. | 行こう |
[ルチル] | |
Lady Yuna it is good to see you made it through safely. Congratulations on your betrothal. |
ユウナ様 無事のご到着何よりです それからご婚約おめでとうございます |
[エルマ] | |
Maester Seymour's people are expecting you. | シーモア老師の使いが迎えに来ているようです |
[ルチル] | |
Take that road to go to Macalania Temple. | マカラーニャ寺院へはあちらの道をお進み下さい |
[ルチル] | |
We've recieved several reports of summoner's disappearing these last few days. Please be careful, my lady. |
最近召喚士が行方不明になる事件の 報告を受けております くれぐれもお気をつけて |
[バルテロ] | |
Hey ! You, have you seen Dona? |
おーい ドナを見かけなかったか? |
[ティーダ] | |
Dona? Can't way I have. | ドナ?見てないよ |
[ワッカ] | |
What's up? | どうしたんだい? |
[バルテロ] | |
We got separated on the way here. Damn it all ! I've got to find her ! |
森の途中ではぐれちまって くそ! 見つけなくちゃ |
[アーロン] | |
Calm down. | 落ち着け |
[バルテロ] | |
But if anything happened to her... | でも ドナにもしものことがあったら−− |
[アーロン] | |
Running around in a panic is not going to help. Right now, you have to keep cool, and search. |
取り乱して走り回ってもどうにもならん 落ち着いてからさがすことだな |
[バルテロ] | |
But.-- | でも−− |
[アーロン] | |
Guard your emotion, then guard your summoner. | 召喚士を守る前に、まずお前の精神状態を守れ |
[バルテロ] | |
You're right. | そうですね |
[アーロン] | |
Shall we search? | われわれも手伝おうか? |
[バルテロ] | |
No, I've taken up enough of your time. Thank you, Sir Auron. |
いいえ もう十分助けてもらいました ありがとうございます アーロンさん |
リュック、去っていくバルテロを追うようなそぶり | |
[ワッカ] | |
What's up? | どうした? |
[リュック] | |
Oh, I just wanted to wish him good luck. | 幸運をって言いたかっただけ |
[竪琴を持った案内人] | |
A butterfly with rainbow wings will lead the way to secred things. |
虹の如く色を変える蝶が あなたを秘密へといざなう−− |