[トワメル] | |
We have been expecting you Lady Yuna. Welcome to Guadosalam. This way, my lady, this way. |
お待ちしておりました ユウナ様 ようこそグアドサラムへ ユウナ様 こちらへどうぞ |
[ユウナ] | |
Me? | え、わたし? |
[ワッカ] | |
Whoa, whoa, whoa ! | あんた何者さ? |
[トワメル] | |
Oh, I beg your pardon. I am called Tromell Guado. I am in the direct service of our leader, the great Seymour Guado. Lord Seymour has very important business with Lady Yuna. |
失礼しました 私はトワメル=グアドという者です 私は我らのリーダーにして偉大なる シーモア=グアドに仕える者です シーモア様は ユウナ様に 大切なお話があるそうです |
[ユウナ] | |
Business with me? Whatever could it be? |
わたしにですか? どんなお話ですか? |
[トワメル] | |
Please come inside the manor. All will be explained. Of course, your friends are also welcome. |
どうぞお屋敷におこしください お話はそこで もちろんお友達も歓迎いたします |
[リュック] | |
Twist our arms, why don't you? Ah, I almost forgot ! |
なーんか強引だよね〜 忘れてた! |
ー改造 の解説ー | |
What would you do without me? | アタシがいないとダメってことだね |
グアドサラム 宿屋 シェリンダ・メイチェン先生に会う
[シェリンダ] | |
Oh, how for you, Sir Guardians? It seems that Maester Seymour has returned to Guadosalam. he's young, but he deserves our respect. |
ごくろうさまです ガードさん シーモア老師はグアドサラムに お戻りのようですね お若いのに尊敬すべきお方ですね |
[メイチェン先生] | |
Care to hear about the Farplane or the pyreflies? | 異界あるいは幻光虫について聞きたいかな? |
[メイチェン先生] 異界について | |
Ahem ! The Farplane's the place where pyreflies born from a sending gather. They appear in the shape of people who've died and gone to the Farplane. Quite the phenomenon: how I wish I understood it more fully ! The Al Bhed have a theory, you know. They say the pyreflies are just reacting to visitor's thoughts and dreams. But only the dead appear on the Farplane. No image of the living has ever been seen. It's a great mystery ! But maybe... Maybe the dead leave a bit of themselves in the hearts of the living. And that little bit borrows the pyreflies' power for their paranormal performance. Or maybe not, who knows? And that, as they say, is that. |
オッホン 異界とは 異界送りで生まれた 幻光虫があつまり−− 死者が生きていたころの姿をとって 現われる場所でしてな なんともすごい現象ですから もっと完全に理解したいものですな アルベドの理論では−− 「異界を訪れた生者の想いに 幻光虫が反応しているだけだ」と しかし 異界に現われるのは死者のみ 生者の姿は出てこないのです これは大きな謎です しかし多分−− 死者は何かを生きている者の心に 残すのでしょう そしてその何かが幻光虫の力を借りて 超常的な映像を可能にするのでしょう 違うかもしれませんが誰にもわかりません これくらいですな |
[メイチェン先生] 幻光虫について | |
Ahem ! They may be called "pyreflies" bent they aren't really "flies" you see. They're those light you see whenever a fiend dies. The little follows are responsible for a few fantastic phenomenon. Vision of the past, sphere, fiends-- those are all the pyreflies' doing. In fact, pyreflies have something to do with aeons, too. The dreams of the fayth reach through the spirit of the summoner... And that with is unreal becomes real for all to see ! Or maybe not, who knows? And that, as they say, is that. |
オッホン 幻光虫と言っても 虫ではありません それは魔物を倒すといつも見える あの光ですわ 幻光虫はいろいろと 不思議な現象を見せてくれます 過去の幻影 スフィア、魔物−− すべて幻光虫の仕業ですわ そうそう 召喚獣にも 幻光虫が大きく関係しとるようです フェイスの夢が召喚士の祈りを通じて届き 非現実のものが現実のものとなって 見えるようになるのです 違うかもしれませんが誰にもわかりません これくらいですな |
[キマリ] | |
Kimahri not like Maester Seymour. | キマリはシーモア老師が気に入らない |
[ユウナ] | |
Aa ! Shhhh ! | シーッ! |
[ユウナ] | |
Why does he want to see me? | どんなお話かな |
[リュック] | |
I wonder what smells so nice ! | いいにおいがするね |
[アーロン] | |
Stay close to Yuna. | ユウナのそばにいろよ |
[ワッカ] | |
I don't like the smell of this one, eh? | この雰囲気は好きになれないなァ |
[ルールー] | |
Those are the past readers of the Guado. | 歴代のグアドのリーダーたちよ |
[ティーダ] | |
They all look the same ! | 同じ顔だな |
[ワッカ] | |
Maester Seymour doesn't look like them, though. | シーモア老師だけ違わないか? |
[ルールー] | |
Don't you know? The last leader ... Maester Jyscal wed a human woman. She was Seymour's mother. |
知らないの? 最後のリーダー ジスカル老師は人間の女性と結婚したの それがシーモア老師のお母さんよ |
[トワメル] | |
This way, please. | どうぞこちらへ |
[トワメル] | |
I will go inform Lord Seymour. Please wait here. |
シーモア様をお呼びします ここでお待ちください |
[ルールー] | |
There no temple here in Guadosalam, see? Summoners usually just pass through on their way elsewhere. |
このグアドサラムには寺院がないでしょう 召喚士たちは普通は通り過ぎるだけなの |
[ティーダ] | |
へへへ・・・ | |
[ルールー] | |
What? | 何? |
[ティーダ] | |
I didn't even ask a question and you're explaining things. | いや、何も聞かなくても説明してくれたからさ |
[ルールー] | |
You'd rather I say nothing, then? | 黙ってろってこと? |
[ティーダ] | |
No, no! maybe you finally believe I don't know anything about Spira. And maybe that means you believe me about Zanarkand, too? |
違うよ 俺がスピラのこと何も知らないって やっと信じてくれたなってね もしかしたら俺のザナルカンドのことも 信じてくれたのかと思ったんだ |
[ルールー] | |
Well... There are many things I do not know. Your Zanarkand is one of those things. I suppose I can't say what I think either way. Still, be careful. You shouldn't tell other people. |
まあね 私が知らないことはたくさんある あんたのザナルカンドも同じ うまく説明できないけど まあそういう感じね でも気をつけて 私たち以外には言わないほうがいいわ |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah, I know. | うん わかった |
[アーロン] | |
Stay on your guard. | 警戒を怠るなよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Why? This guy's just a priest, right? |
どうして? シーモアはただの僧なんだろ? |
[アーロン] | |
Those with power use that power. Maester have power. |
力あるものは力を行使する 老師は力を持っている |
[ティーダ] | |
Wait... You sure you don't have something against Yevon? |
待てよ あんたホントは エボンが嫌いなんじゃないのか? |
[アーロン] | |
I lived a long time in Zanarkand-- | ザナルカンド暮らしが長くてな |
[キマリ] | |
Kimahri speak no more. | キマリはもう何もいわない |
[リュック] | |
Mmmmm ! this is good ! | おいしいよ これ |
[ユウナ] | |
What could it be? | なんだろうね |
[ワッカ] | |
I get a feeling he called us up here for more than just dinner. Nothing 'gainst the maester, but I hope we get this over with quick. |
メシ食わせるために 呼んだんじゃないよな 老師には悪いけど さっさと終わってくれって感じだァ |
[トワメル] | |
Truly, it is good have guests again. Since Lord Jyscal passed away, these halls have been too quiet. |
お客人を迎えるのは本当に良いですな ジスカルさまが無くなってから ここはずっと静かでした |
[ユウナ] | |
The death of Lord Jyscal was a great lose for all of Spira. |
ジスカル老師の死はスピラにとって 大きな損失でした |
[ティーダ] | |
Was the Maester Jyscal really such a great guy? | ジスカル老師ってそんなにスゴイのか? |
[ワッカ] | |
He brought the teaching of Yevon to the Guado. He was truly a great man. |
グアド族にエボンの教えを広めたんだわ 本当に偉大な方だったァ |
[トワメル] | |
Truly, a loss for all. But now a new leader, Lord Seymour, has come before us. Lord Seymour is the child of Guado and a human. He will be a tie that binds our two races together. But that is not all, I think Lord Seymour... He will surely become the shining star that lights the way for all the people of Spira. |
その通りです しかし我らには新たなるリーダー シーモア様がいらっしゃいます シーモア様はグアドと人の間に生まれたのです 二つの種族の絆となるお方です それだけではありません シーモア様は スピラ中の人々の道を照らす 輝く星となることでしょう |
[シーモア] | |
That's enough, Toromel. must I always endure such praise? |
もういい トワメル あまり持ち上げられると居心地が悪い |
[シーモア] | |
Welcome ! | ようこそ |
[ユウナ] | |
You...wanted to see me? | 私にどんな用なのですか? |
[シーモア] | |
Please, make yourselves at home. There's no rush. |
どうか急がずに くつろいでください |
[アーロン] | |
Please keep this short. Yuna must rush. |
早くしてくれ ユウナは先を急いでいる |
[シーモア] | |
Pardon me. It has been a long time since I has guests. Lady Yuna, this way. |
失礼しました お客を迎えるのは久しぶりなので−− ユウナさん こちらへ |
ユウナがシーモアのほうに歩み寄る |
[シーモア] | |
This sphere is a reconstruction created from the thoughts of the dead that wander the Farplane. |
このスフィア映像は 異界に漂う死者の念から再現したものです |
[ティーダ] | |
Zanarkand ! | ザナルカンド! |
[シーモア] | |
Correct, Zanarkand.. as it looked one thousand years ago. The great and wonderous machina city, Zanrkand. She once lived in this metropolis. |
その通り ザナルカンド 1,000年前の様子です 大いなる そして驚くべきマキナの街 ザナルカンド 彼女はこの街で暮らしました |
[ユウナ] | |
She, who? | 誰のことですか? |
映像が切り替わる 室内にいる女性が見える |
[ユウナ] | |
Lady Yunalesca ! | ユウナレスカ様! |
[シーモア] | |
She was the first person to defeat Sin and save the world from its ravages. And you have inherites her name. |
始めてシンを倒したお方です あなたはその名前を受け継いでいる |
[ユウナ] | |
It is my father who named me. | 父がつけてくれた名前です |
[シーモア] | |
Lord Braska was entrusting you will a great task. He wanted you to face Sin, as Lady Yunalesca did. |
ブラスカ様はあなたに願いを託した ユウナレスカ様のように シンに立ち向かえと |
[シーモア] | |
However, Lady Yunalesca did not save the world alone. To defeat the undefeatable Sin... it took an unbreakable bond of love-- of the kind binds two hearts for eternity. |
しかし ユウナレスカ様は一人で 世界を救ったわけではありません 無敵のシンを倒したのは 二つの心を永遠に結んだ愛の絆です |
シーモアがユウナの耳元でささやく 映像が消える |
[リュック] | |
Wow, your face is beet red ! | 顔が真っ赤になってるよ |
[ティーダ] | |
You okay? | だいじょうぶか? |
[ユウナ] | |
I....I... He...he asked me to marry him ! |
私・・・あ・・・ 結婚して欲しいって |
[ティーダ] | |
You serious? Hey ! |
ホンキかよ おい! |
[アーロン] | |
You know what Yuna must do. | ユウナの使命を知っているな |
[シーモア] | |
Of course. Lady Yuna--no, all summoners--are charged with bringing peace to Spira. But this means more than just defeating Sin. She must ease the suffering of all Spira. She must be a leader for the people. I proposed to Lady Yuna as a maester of Yevon. |
もちろん ユウナさんの−いえ召喚士の使命は スピラに平和をもたらすことです しかしこれは「シン」を倒すことだけではありますまい ユウナさんはスピラ中の苦しみを癒さなくてはなりません 民衆のリーダーでなくてはならないのです 私はエボンの老師として ユウナさんに結婚を申し込みました |
[アーロン] | |
Spira is no playhouse. A moment's diversion may amused an audience, but it changes nothing. |
スピラは劇場ではない ひと時の夢で観客を酔わせても 現実は変わらん |
[シーモア] | |
Even so, the actors must play their parts. There's no need to answer right away. Please, think it over. |
それでも役者は演じ続けるのです 返事を急ぐ必要はありません どうか良く考えてください |
[アーロン] | |
We will do so, then. We leave. |
そうしよう 行くぞ |
[シーモア] | |
Lady Yuna. I await your favorable reply. |
ユウナさん 良いお返事をお待ちしていますよ |
[シーモア] | |
(アーロンに向かって) Why are you still here, sir? | なぜスピラにとどまっているのです? |
[シーモア] | |
I beg your pardon. We guado are keen to the scent of the Farplane. |
これは失礼 我々グアド族は異界の匂いに敏感なのです |
[ルールー] | |
Yuna, the high summoner's daughter. Seymour, the leader of the Guado. Married in the name of Yevon, overcoming the barriers of race. It would give Spira something cheery to talk about, for a chance. |
高召喚士の娘ユウナと グアド族のリーダーシーモア 二人がエボンの名のもと 種族の壁を越えて結婚する たしかにスピラにとって 明るい話題よね |
[ワッカ] | |
Sounds just like a passin' daydream. Like Auron says. |
すぐ終わる夢みたいなもんだァ アーロンさんが言ったみたいにな |
[ティーダ] | |
Come on, let's just get on with the pilgrimage ! I mean, marriage? |
旅を続けようよ 結婚なんてばかばかしい |
[リュック] | |
Mmmm, Jealous? | やきもち? |
[ティーダ] | |
What? No way ! We gotta defeat Sin. Romance can wait ! |
何言ってるんだよ! 俺たちは「シン」を倒すんだ そういうのは後でもいいんだろ |
[ワッカ] | |
He sure picked a fine time to lay this one on us. | シーモア老師もこんな時に言い出さなくてもなあ |
[ユウナ] | |
Maybe it is a fine time? | こんな時でよかったのかもね |
[ティーダ] | |
You serious? | ホンキかよ |
[ユウナ] | |
If I getting married would help Spira... If I would make people happy... If I could do that for people... maybe I should do what I can. I never imagine doing anything like that. But, I won't answer till I know what's right. |
私の結婚がスピラを助けるとしたら みんなを明るい気持ちにできるなら みんなのためにできることがあるなら それをすべきなのかもしれない こんなこと考えたこと無かったんだ どうするのが正しいのかわかるまで 返事はしないつもり |
[ティーダ] | |
Serious? | ホンキかよ |
[リュック] | |
You could always quit your pilgrimage and get married. |
いつでも旅をやめて 結婚してもいいんだよ |
[ユウナ] | |
I will... go on. I'm sure that Lord Seymour will understand. |
旅は続けるつもり シーモア老師もわかってくれるよ |
[リュック] | |
Umm, I guess so... | うん−−そうだね |
[ユウナ] | |
I am a summoner. I must fight and defeat Sin. |
私召喚士だから 「シン」を倒さなくちゃ |
[アーロン] | |
Like Braska before you. | ブラスカと同じようにな |
[ティーダ] | |
I had to stop myself from shouting. What's there to think about? |
叫びたかった 何も考えること無いだろって |
[ユウナ] | |
I'm going to the Farplane. I'm going to see my father and think on this. |
私 異界 に行ってくる 父さんに会って 考えてみるね |
[ルールー] | |
Go on, we'll be right behind you. | そうね 私たちもついてくから |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
I wondered why none of the others ever asked Yuna. Do you love Seymour?
誰もユウナに聞かないのが 不思議だった シーモアをアイしているのか
[入り口のガード] | |
Remember, the Farplane is sacrosanct. Proper conduct, peace. |
異界は聖なる霊場ゆえ 無用の騒ぎは禁物ですぞ |
[ティーダ] | |
Question ! About this Farplane-- When somebody dies, a summoner sends them to the Farplane, right? So their souls, or whatever they are, they go to the Farplane, right? But that's the Farplane, we're going to, right? And Yuna's old man's there, too? Do dead people live there or something? |
質問 異界のことなんだけど−− 人が死ぬと 召喚士が異界送りするんだよな それで魂だかなんだかは 異界に行くんだろ? これから行くのがその異界なのか? そこはユウナの親父さんがいるのか? 要するに 死んじゃった人が住んでるのか? |
[ワッカ] | |
You're thinking those funny thoughts again, ya? | また ヘンなこと考えてるんだろ |
[ワッカ] | |
You'll see once we get there. | ま 行けばわかるさ |
[ティーダ] | |
Aren't you coming? | どうして行かないんだ? |
[アーロン] | |
I do not belong there. | 場違いだからな |
[ティーダ] | |
You're scared ! | 怖いんだな |
[アーロン] | |
Searching the past to find the future... This is all that is there, I need it not. You'd better be going. |
未来を見つけるために過去をさがす 異界とはそんなところだ 俺には必要ない さっさと行け |
[リュック] | |
You're not really going to see the dead. More like your memories of them. People think of their relatives, and the pyreflies react to them. They take on the form of the dead person --an illusion, nothing else. |
ホントは 死人じゃなくて 思い出に会いに行くところなんだよ 誰かが誰かのことを考えると 幻光虫がそれに反応するんだ そして死者のカタチになるの ただの幻だよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Hmm... | ふーん |
[リュック] | |
Well, have fun ! | 楽しんできてね |
[ティーダ] | |
What, you're not going either, Rikku? | お前も行かないのか |
[リュック] | |
I keep my memories inside. | 思い出は心の中に−− |
[ティーダ] | |
Hmm? | え? |
[リュック] | |
Memories are nice but that's all they are. | 思い出はすてきだけど それだけなの |
[ティーダ] | |
What the...? | なんだ? |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
The Farplane was cool, but I couldn't stop thinking about Yuna. Her parents -- they looked so happy together. But it get me worried
異界はカッコよかったけど ユウナのことばかり考えていた ユウナの両親は幸せそうで その姿を見たら
[ワッカ] | |
Yo, Chappu ! Haven't to come see you earlier, ya? Sorry. I know you won't hold is against me. I gave up the game. I'm a guardian from here on, you know? This guy -- looks a lot like you-- showed up. Traveling with him, I thought maybe... You were still alive somewhere, ya? But then again, here you are on the Farplane. Guess your place is here. So, how you been? Oh, that guy I just told you 'bout I gave him your sword. He likes it. |
よう チャップ! すぐに来るつもりだったんだァ ごめんな これからシャキッとするからかんべんしてくれ 試合も出ないし ちゃんとガードになった お前とスゲエ似てる奴に会ったんだ そいつと旅して思ったんだわ お前もどこかで生きてるかもってなァ でも お前は異界にいる お前の場所はここなんだな なあ どうしてる? さっき言った奴にな お前の剣をやったんだわ 気に入ったみたいだァ |
[ルールー] | |
He's dead and I am still alive. Coming here really makes that clear. I should focus more on what I have to do now. |
彼は死に 私は生きている ここに来るとはっきりするわね 私も成すべきことに集中しないとだめね |
[ティーダ] | |
What? | 何? |
[ルールー] | |
I'm not even sure what I'm saying. | 自分で言ってる事がわからなくて |
[ティーダ] | |
Don't you mean that you should leave Chappu behind. I'm sure he was a great guy, but there'll be others. |
チャップのことはもうこだわらないって意味じゃないの? いい奴だったかもしれないけど、 他にもたくさんいるしさ |
[ルールー] | |
Hmm... That's a possibility. | なるほどね |
[ティーダ] | |
How about... Wakka? | ワッカはどう? |
[ルールー] | |
What, me? Wakka? |
私が? ワッカと? |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah, you two get along together ! | 仲がいいしさ |
[ルールー] | |
Getting along isn't enough, not even close. | 仲がいいだけじゃだめなの |
[ティーダ] | |
Oh, sorry. My mistake. | ごめん 間違いか |
[ルールー] | |
You'd do well to remember that. Knowing a bit about women might come in handy some day. |
それよく覚えておくのね 女性の事をすこしは知っていればいつか役に立つわよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Yeah, I remember. | 覚えておく |
[ルールー] | |
I won't be forgetting either. Good bye Chappu. You always said I looked grumpy. But those were the happiest days of my life. |
私も忘れないようにするわ さよならチャップ あんたは私がいつも不機嫌そうって言ってたけど 人生で一番幸せな日々だったよ |
[ティーダ] | |
So, Yuna? | ユウナ、どう? |
[ユウナ] | |
I've decided. | 決めたよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Oh, really? That's good. | ホント? 良かった |
[ユウナ] | |
I remember, when I was only seven years old, in Bevelle that day. My father defeated Sin, and the whole town was out in the streets. Everyone was laughing. They all seemed so happy. If I defeat Sin, that would make everyone happy...wouldn't it? I must do what everyone wants, not just what I want. |
7歳の時のことを思い出したの あの日私はベベルにいたんだ お父さんが「シン」を倒して 街全体がにぎわっていたんだ みんな笑っていて 幸せそうで−− 私が「シン」を倒せば みんなは幸せになれるよね みんなが望むことをしなくちゃね 私がしたいことじゃなくて |
[ティーダ] | |
Let's go back. You go to tell Seymour. |
戻ろうか シーモアに返事しなくちゃ |
[ユウナ] | |
Before that... Call sir Jeckt. Give it a try ! |
その前に−− ジェクトさん 呼んでみて |
[ユウナ] | |
Don't worry. He won't come. | だいじょうぶ ジェクトさんはこないから |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
Trying not to think about may old man, made me think about him, of course.
オヤジのことを考えないようにするのは もちろん考えることになるわけで−−
[ユウナ] | |
See, told you ! | 言ったとおりでしょ! |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
He isn't here because he's
not dead. He's Sin.
アイツは死んではいないからここにはいない アイツは「シン」なんだ
[ユウナ] | |
That means he's alive, you know? | ジェクトさんは生きているってことだよね |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
What if my old man really is Sin? What would I say to Yuna.... heck, to everyone in Spira? Wait, why shouldn't I have to apologize for him, anyway?
本当にオヤジが「シン」だったら? 俺はユウナや スピラの人たちに なんて言えば いや どうして俺があやまるんだ?
[ティーダ] | |
I'd rather never see him again. | 俺はもう会いたくないんだ |
[ユウナ] | |
What makes you hate him so? | どうしてそんなに憎むの? |
[ティーダ] | |
Everything he does just makes me mad. It was his fault that me and my mother ... |
とにかく腹が立つんだ 俺と母さんは アイツのせいで−− |
[ティーダ] | |
Mom? It's her ! |
母さん? 母さん−− |
[ユウナ] | |
She's very pretty. | きれいな人 |
[ティーダ] | |
Wait ...No one ever perform the sending for her. | あれ 誰も母さんを異界送りしなかったのに |
[ユウナ] | |
She must've accepted death while she was still alive. |
生きている時から 死ぬことを受け入れていたんだよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Whoa, there, that's my mother you'll talking about. | それ 俺の母さんのこと? |
[ユウナ] | |
Oh, sorry. | ごめんなさい! |
[ティーダ] | |
It's okay. I think I just figured something out. |
いいんだ 俺、分かった気がする |
[ユウナ] | |
What? | 何を? |
[ティーダ] | |
Why I hate my old man. | 親父が嫌いな理由 |
[ジェクト] | |
See? So I told him what I thought of him, right there ! | だから俺は奴のことをどう思ってるか言ってやったんだ |
[ティーダの母] | |
Really? | ほんとに? |
[ジェクト] | |
' Course ! | もちろん |
[ティーダの母] | |
I suppose, but... | そうだろうけど−− |
[幼いティーダ] | |
Mommy... | 母さん |
[ティーダの母] | |
Just a sec, dear. | ちょっと待っててね |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
Whenever my old man was around, my mother wouldn't even look at me. maybe that's when I started to resent him, even hate him. When he left us... Mom lost her energy...
オヤジがいると 母さんは俺を見てくれなかったんだ 俺はオヤジを嫌いになったんだ オヤジがいなくなってから 母さんは元気がなくなってさ
[アーロン] | |
Is she all right? | 具合はどうだ? |
[幼いティーダ] | |
Why shouldn't you care? | あんたには関係ないだろ! |
[アーロン] | |
If she dies, I wouldn't know what to do. | あの人が死ぬと 俺も困るんだ−− |
[幼いティーダ] | |
Don't say Mom is gonna die ! | 母さんが死ぬって言うな! |
[アーロン] | |
I apologize. | 悪かった |
[ティーダのモノローグ] |
The old lady next door told me... When a lovebird dies, the one left behind... It just gives up living so it can join its mate. It was just like that. I hated my old man even more. But really, my old man....
近所のおばさんが言ってた つがいの鳥は片方が死ぬと−− 残されたほうは すぐ死んでしまうって−− 本当にそうなったんだ 俺はますますオヤジを憎んだ でも本当は オヤジは
[幼いティーダ] | |
Mommy... | 母さん |
[ティーダの母] | |
Just a sec, dear. | ちょっと待っててね |
[ジェクト] | |
Ah, go to him. He'll cry if you don't.. |
アイツんとこへ行けよ 泣き出すぞ |
[ティーダ] | |
Oh, man... | なんだかさー |
[ティーダ] | |
I must sound so stupid. | オレ、馬鹿みたいだな |
[ユウナ] | |
I don't think so. | そんなことないよ |
[ティーダ] | |
How embarrassing ! | 恥ずかしい! |
[ワッカ] | |
Well? Need some more time? | まだ時間がいるかい? |
[ユウナ] | |
No, I'm ready. | ううん もうだいじょうぶ |
[ルールー] | |
Did I miss something? | 何かあったの? |
[ユウナ] | |
Thanks for waiting ! I'll go give my answer to Maester Seymour. |
お待たせしました シーモア老師に返事をしに行きます |
周囲のグアド族 | |
Lord Jyscal ! | ジスカル様! |
[アーロン] | |
He does not belong here. | この世界の住人ではない |
[ユウナ] | |
Why? | どうして? |
[アーロン] | |
Yuna, send him. | ユウナ、 異界送りをしてやれ |
[ユウナ] | |
Lord Jyscal... | ジスカル様−− |
[ルールー] | |
He is Lord Jyscal no more. Send him now ! |
もうジスカル様ではないわ 送ってあげなさい |
[アーロン] | |
Talk later. We leave now. | とにかく ここを出るぞ |
[ワッカ] | |
Wha...what was that just now? That really Lord Jyscal? |
さっきのはどういうことだ? ほんとにジスカル様かい? |
[ユウナ] | |
I don't understand how a man like Lord Jyscal could die and not be send. |
ジスカル様が亡くなったのに 異界送りされてないなんてわからないよ |
[ルールー] | |
I would think that he was sent once... but he stayed on Spira. Something a powerful emotion could have bound him to this world. Such things happen.. |
一度は送られたのかもね それでもスピラにとどまった ジスカル様の強い感情が この世界に縛り付けた そういうこともあるみたいね |
[リュック] | |
That's against the rules, isn't it? | ルール違反だよね |
[アーロン] | |
It means he died an unclean death. | まともな死に方をしなかったということだな |
[入り口のガード] | |
I'll refrain from speaking of Lord Jyscal. We must unseemly rumors for the sake of Spira's harmony. |
ジスカル様の件はくれぐれもご内密に 不吉な噂が広まれば スピラの平和が乱れます |
[ユウナ] | |
I'll go... meeting with Maester Seymour. | シーモア様に会ってきますね |
[アーロン] | |
Yuna ! Jyscal is the Guado's problem, not yours. |
ユウナ! ジスカルのことはグアドの問題だ お前は関係ない |
[ティーダ] | |
Umm... | あのさ |
[ルールー] | |
What? | なに? |
[ティーダ] | |
So, Lulu, what do you think about Yuna getting married? | ユウナの結婚のことはどう思う? |
[ルールー] | |
As long as the pilgrimage continue, either way's fine. |
旅を続けるなら どっちでもいいわ |
[ティーダ] | |
That's it? What if she doesn't even like the guy? Is that okay? |
それだけ? ユウナがシーモアを好きか とかは? |
[ルールー] | |
People marry for many reasons. | 人はいろんな理由で結婚するからね |
[ティーダ] | |
What's that mean? | どういう意味? |
[ルールー] | |
Sometimes marriage doesn't require love, you know? Defeat Sin, and bring joy to the people of Spira. Get married, and bring joy to the people of Spira. For Yuna, they're just two ways down the same road. All you need is determination. If you have there that, you don't need love. |
時には愛は必要ない 「シン」を倒して平和をもたらす 結婚してスピラを幸せな気分にしたい 結局同じことよ 必要なのは覚悟だけね それがあれば愛はいらない |
[ティーダ] | |
I don't know... I just don't get it. |
そうかな よくわからないな |
[アーロン] | |
We leave as soon as Yuna returns, I trust you'll be ready. |
ユウナが戻り次第出発する 準備は整っていると思うが |
[ルールー] | |
Listen... If Yuna gets married, then I |
あのね 私だって ユウナが結婚するんなら |
[ティーダ] | |
What? That's again? | さっきの続き? |
[ルールー] | |
Yes. If she is to marry, I would want her to marry for love. |
そうかな ユウナが結婚するなら愛のためにして欲しいわよ |
[ティーダ] | |
See? | だろ! |
[ルールー] | |
But.. If Yuna said wanted to marry the one she loves, I would have to object. |
でも 好きな相手と結婚したいって言い出したら 私は反対するわね |
[ティーダ] | |
Huh? Uh... You're not making much sense. |
は? 言ってることがわからないよ |
[ルールー] | |
I know. | そうね |
[ティーダ] | |
Lulu... | ルールー |
[ルールー] | |
I've talked enough about that. | さっきの続きならもうやめて |
[ティーダ] | |
What? | なんで? |
[ルールー] | |
I'm sorry, just forget about it. | ごめん 忘れて |
[ティーダ] | |
Geez ! Grumpy ! | ずるいよ |
[ルールー] | |
You'll understand one of these days. I just don't want to give it words not yet. I shouldn't have to say this, but don't fall in love with Yuna. |
いつかわかると思う でも私はそれを言いたくない こんなことは言いたくないんだけど ユウナを好きになっちゃだめよ |
[ティーダ] | |
Too late. | もう遅いよ |
[ルールー] | |
I see. You must keep your feelings inside until the pilgrimage is over. |
そう−− でも旅が終わるまでは その気持ちは心の中にね |
[ワッカ] | |
For a while there, I was a little worried about what was gonna happen, ya? |
一時はどうなることかと思ったなァ |
[リュック] | |
When we leave here, we have to go through the Thunder Planes next, you know? |
ここを出たら次は 雷平原なんだよね |
[ルールー] | |
I'm a little worried about Lord Jyscal I wander if Maester Seymour heard. |
ジスカル様のこと気になるわね シーモア老師は知ってるのかしら |
[キマリ] | |
Guado potions good. Buy some before leaving. |
グアドのポーションは良く効く 出発の前に買っておくといい |
[シェリンダ] | |
My... Was the lady summoner not with you? |
あら 召喚士様はご一緒ではないんですか? |
[ティーダ] | |
No, she's at Seymour's place. | シーモアの家に言ってるんだ |
[シェリンダ] | |
That's "Maester Seymour." Or "Lord Seymour." | シーモア老師 または シーモア様 ですね |
[ティーダ] | |
Oh, I'll be careful. Sorry. | 気をつけます−−はい |
[シェリンダ] | |
That's all right. Maester Seymour left Guadosalam a short while ago. |
それでいいです シーモア老師は先ほどご出立されましたよ |
[ティーダ] | |
You serious? | ホント? |
[シェリンダ] | |
I believe he went to the temple in Macalania. Maester Seymour is also the high priest of that temple. |
マカラーニャ寺院へ向かわれたようです シーモア老師はあの寺院の僧官長でもありますから |
[ティーダ] | |
Whoa. I gotta tell the others ! | みんなに教えてやらなくちゃ |
[ユウナ] | |
Lord Jyscal please tell me what can I do to help? | ジスカル様 私にできることはありますか? |
[リュック] | |
Yuna, let's go ! | ユウナ 行こう! |
[ティーダ] | |
They say Seymour went to Macarena Temple. | シーモアはマカレナ寺院へ行ったらしいよ |
[ワッカ] | |
Macalania Temple. | マカラーニャ寺院だ |
[ティーダ] | |
Aye. | そうそう |
[ワッカ] | |
What I don't get is... Why would the lord maester head off without a peep to anyone? |
よくわからないけど 誰にも会わずに行ってしまうなんて アリかい? |
[リュック] | |
Maybe he wasn't expecting Yuna's answer so soon. | こんなに早く返事されるとは思ってなかったんだよ |
[ワッカ] | |
Ah, that's perhaps it. | そうだな きっと |
[アーロン] | |
Yuna, what is it? | ユウナ 何かあったのか |
[ユウナ] | |
Oh, nothing. | いいえ 何も |
[アーロン] | |
Hmm... You're a poor liar. |
ヘタなウソだな |
[ユウナ] | |
It's true, it's nothing. Come on, let's go ! |
本当です さあ 行こう! |