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    新日本軍手は従来の軍手の持つ機能や低価格を前提にデザインされ「作業手袋の世界から飛び出し、ファッション、生活の一部で活躍でき るように」と制作者の熱い思いが込められています。もちろんプリン ト部分はスベリ止め効果を持ちますがプリント部分を手の甲にするこ ともできます。軍手は1年を通し使え、車の整備、庭いじり、日曜大工、 応援グッズとして幅広い活躍の場面があります。新日本軍手、独特の デザインをお楽しみください。
日頃の皆さまの応援を得まして、2007年度グッドデザイン賞を受賞致しました。さら には名誉ある特別賞である「グッドデザイン賞中小企業庁長官特別賞」も同時に受賞 する事となりました。日本のグッドデザイン賞は大変名誉ある賞で世界的にも認知さ れており、皆さまもGのマークの付いた商品を見たことがあると思います。商品の人 気、信頼度等を約束してくれるマークです。また、新日本軍手は「新日本様式」100選 に選定されました。「新日本様式」100選は、特に「新日本様式」の方向性と広がりを 表した商品として「新日本様式」協議会によって選定されています。

We are a general design company operating out of Shizuoka in JAPAN. We are involved in designing new products, general company advertising, and advertising for events. In 2004 we designed wrapping paper for souvenirs in stores around Japan, which were very well received. In 2005 we concentrated on designing and producing gloves. We named our gloves "New Japan", and we were very particular about giving the gloves a unique Japanese feel to them. This is reflected in the fact that the gloves are 100% Japanese made. Our gloves are very multi-purpose, and we are marketing them as gloves that can be used while riding your bicycle or motorbike, repairing your car, while gardening, having barbeques, in winter, or as fashion accessories. The gloves unique design has never been seen before, and no matter what you are using them for, they have a fashionable edge to them. These rare gloves are of the highest quality, unisex, and are suitable for all ages. Our gloves have already made a big impact on the Japanese market, and are being sold at many leading outdoor, apparel, and home centre stores, such as Tokyu Hands and Tokyo’s Narita airport to name but a few. Last year our gloves also appeared in Europe's "Elle" magazine, as well as "Get on", and other leading design magazines. Our gloves also appeared in the newspaper and on T.V. in Japan. These gloves also appeared in a trade show last year, and the gloves were very popular among the foreign buyers. So popular in fact, that we were able to start selling them overseas. These gloves also won grand prize in JAGDA’S Graphic Design contest, and were also finalists in the excellent business enterprise awards. We have been amazed by the success of these gloves so far, and we are very excited about the prospect of breaking into new markets overseas and making these gloves a house hold name. If you are interested in becoming a part of these gloves success then we would really like to hear from you.